The Return of the Divine Phoenix: Princess, don't run away

Chapter 1408 Fear of the Great Demon King

Chapter 1408 Fear of the Great Demon King
Li Huan looked at the statue in front of him that was the same as himself: "Didn't you say..."

Yun Ling: "You are more beautiful! It would be better to sculpt your image!"

Li Huan: "Are you praising me?"

Yun Ling: "What do you think?"

Li Huan: "I'll take it for granted!"

Yun Ling hugged Li Huan: "It's you! The whole world is you! Ever since I met you, my life has become meaningful."

Li Huan blushed instantly!
She remembered not long ago that she had laughed at Yan Qing because of his blushing!

Good reincarnation!
It's your turn!
Yun Ling, this guy, even started to show no signs of flirting!

Li Huan: "Where did you learn this?"

Yun Ling: "Learn? You have no confidence in your husband? These are all words from the heart, and you can't learn them!"

Li Huan's face turned even redder!
This is too flirtatious, isn't it!
Coupled with a fairy-like face, it is simply uncontrollable!
Li Huan leaned in, approached Yun Ling, and tapped Yun Ling's fair cheek lightly.

Li Huan: "I like it!"

Yun Ling: "I like it too! After we get out, I'll pay you to find your grandfather, how about asking him to witness our marriage?"

Li Huan: "Good!"

The four eyes met, and the affection was deep and silent.

Yan Qing: Where am I, where is this!I am going blind!
Is this how they bully single dogs?
So bullying!

But Yan Qing's five-fingered paws couldn't cover her copper-bell-like eyes, and one of Yan Qing's exposed eyes stared intently at the flirting two people in front of her!
Kiss and kiss!

What's so delicious about saliva!

I really can't figure it out!
Yan Qing was indignant, and as a result, a burst of spiritual energy suddenly struck, Yan Qing couldn't dodge in time, the dragon horn was hit and almost broke!


Yan Qing let out a scream, and met a pair of terrifying eyes!

demon king!
Yan Qing shut up instantly, and slowly sank her body into the pool.

Can't see me, can't see me!
Li Huan: "Yan Qing's voice?"

Yun Ling supported Li Huan's little head that was about to turn around: "It's all right!"

Li Huan: "But I clearly heard Yan Qing's voice just now!"

Yun Ling: "It's an illusion! Look at him falling asleep!"

Li Huan turned his head and looked over, Yan Qing was already submerged in the water, motionless!

Li Huan: "Strange, why did you fall asleep in the water?"

Yun Ling: "Maybe that's what the Dragon Clan likes!"

Li Huan: "Really? It seems to be the same, we found him in the water before!"

Yan Qing: ...If I don't leave, I will drown and die!
I didn't sleep in the water!

But the big devil is looking at this side!

dare not move!
The baby is heartbroken!
Baby has nowhere to say!
Why is the baby so timid!
In Yan Qing's heart, there are 1000 million grass and mud horses running continuously.

Finally, the second Li Huan and Yun Ling left, she floated out of the water.

Yan Qing looked aggrieved at the two people in the distance: "I almost drowned!"

"Don't your dragons know how to swim?"

"Who! Who speaks!"

Yan Qing was so surprised that he searched around and finally saw a cat appearing in front of his eyes!

Yan Qing: "You are that unicorn!"

The little milk cat proudly slid down her body slowly and soaked in the Taiyi water.

The aura of Taiyi water slowly began to nourish the little milk cat's tired body.

Yan Qing: "Are you a unicorn? You really looked like..."

Little milk cat: "Were you not an egg when you were a child? Everyone is an egg, whoever laughs at whomever!"

Yan Qing: ...

Seems to be!
There is no rebuttal!

Yan Qing: "I'm not an egg anymore! I'm a dragon! I'm not the same as you!"

The little milk cat didn't even open its eyes, and said in contempt: "A loach also calls itself a dragon!"

Yan Qing: "How do you talk! I am a dragon! You are a loach! Your whole family is a loach!"

Little milk cat: "Just now I clearly saw that you were cowardly in front of Yunling! You even said that you are not a loach!"

Yan Qing shut up instantly!
The Great Demon King is indeed terrifying!

Yan Qing: "Aren't you afraid? Him?"

Little milk cat: "What's there to be afraid of!"

When the little milk cat said this, she couldn't help but look in the direction of the flower god tree!
After making sure no one came over, he became more and more bold: "It's just an ordinary human race, so there's nothing to be afraid of!"

Yan Qing looked at the expression of the little milk cat, and that arrogant look!
And when he was speaking, his confident appearance was simply admirable!
Yan Qing: "Then you are amazing! Can you tell me why you are not afraid?"

Little milk cat: "It's not easy, next time you see him, don't take him seriously!"

Yan Qing: "What should that be?"

The little milk cat thought for a while and said, "Air!"

Yan Qing: "I have been taught! You are still amazing! I admire you! I heard that your unicorns have been missing for many years! You must be the only one left in your family! Then how will you have children in the future?"

Little milk cat: ...

I'm still a baby, can the topic not jump so fast?

The little milk cat said with a proud face: "It's none of your business!"

Yan Qing: "Just asking casually, my mother said, I have a baby girl! When I grow up, I will go back and get married! I heard that she is a good-looking girl!"

Little milk cat: "You can't get married with a girl, you still want to marry a boy?"

The little milk cat looked at Yan Qing with disgust.

Yan Qing: "What nonsense are you talking about! I have a wife! Don't talk nonsense! Otherwise, my marriage will be messed up! You will never end with you!"

Little milk cat: "Who cares!"

The little milk cat ignored Yan Qing.

When Li Huan came out, he was pleasantly surprised to find the little milk cat beside Yan Qing!

Li Huan: "You finally woke up!"

Li Huan stepped forward and hugged the little milk cat.

The little milk cat proudly looked at Yan Qing who looked envious.

But in the next second, the little milk cat jumped down instantly!

Li Huan: "What's wrong? I'll hug you! I miss you so much!"

The little milk cat looked at Yun Ling who was walking behind Li Huan, and his whole body exploded!

The Great Demon King is also here!

Yun Ling looked at the little milk cat, and the little milk cat lowered its head, pretending that it didn't exist!

Li Huan: "What's the matter?"

Little milk cat: "I just woke up, so I don't want to hug anymore!"

Li Huan: "Is there something uncomfortable! Let me see!"

Li Huan stretched out his hand to check the little milk cat, but the little milk cat jumped up and took a few steps back in an instant.

Li Huan stepped forward, but the little milk cat backed away.

Yan Qing: ...

Li Huan hugged the little milk cat: "Where are you hiding! Let me see!"

Li Huan carefully inspected the little milk cat from top to bottom!
Li Huan: "Why are you trembling, is there any discomfort?"

Little milk cat: "Let go of me!"

Li Huan: "What's the matter!"

Little milk cat: "Let go of me!"

After Li Huan let go of the little milk cat, the little milk cat jumped down instantly.

Then run away!

Yan Qing only felt that she had been cheated!

It is said that it should be regarded as air!

Like this, you are more afraid than yourself!
(End of this chapter)

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