The Return of the Divine Phoenix: Princess, don't run away

Chapter 1409 Meeting Murong Xueying Again

Chapter 1409 Meeting Murong Xueying Again
Return the holy beast!
Simply shameful!
Yan Qing's sense of admiration for being forced to stand up by the little milk cat disappeared instantly.

Li Huan didn't know what happened to the little milk cat, and wanted to chase after it, but was held back by Yun Ling.

Yun Ling: "It's okay, maybe it's been a long time since I saw you, I'll be fine in a while!"

Li Huan: "But I'm still a little worried!"

Yun Ling: "Then I'll help you catch him?"

Li Huan: "Okay! Thank you for your hard work!"

Li Huan winked mischievously at Yun Ling.

Yun Ling pampered Li Huan's head: "Wait for me."

Yun Ling's figure instantly disappeared from Li Huan's eyes.

Li Huan looked at Yan Qing: "You dragons like to sleep in water?"

Yan Qing: "No!"

Who wants to sleep in water!
Li Huan: "I saw it before! What happened to your horn?"

Yan Qing: "It's okay!"

Nothing to blame, but dare not say!
I don't know when the Great Demon King will leave, and the days like gods are destined to be gone!
Curse the Great Demon King to disappear!
Yan Qing kept chanting silently in her heart.

But it didn't take long to discover something was wrong.

Yan Qing suddenly noticed that someone was staring at her.

Suddenly, by accident, I looked up!

A pair of watery eyes were looking at him.

Li Huan: "Great Demon King, huh?"

Yan Qing: "How do you know?"

As soon as Yan Qing said the words, he immediately regretted it!

I was careless just now!

The minds of the contract beast and the owner can be the same!
Yan Qing didn't hide it just now, she directly expressed her thoughts in her heart!
Of course Li Huan heard it.

Yan Qing: "Hush! Don't say it! It's not my fault, it's because he looks too scary."

Li Huan: "How terrifying?"

In Li Huan's impression, Yun Ling has never been terrified, and every time he has a look of begging for favor, cover, and acting like a baby.

Yan Qing: "He treats you differently, of course you don't know, but I think one look can make people terrified, more terrifying than the Great Demon King!"

Li Huan: ...

Li Huan had a look of disbelief, Yan Qing couldn't convince Li Huan no matter what.

When thinking of Yun Ling, Li Huan's mind is full of sticky people who haunt him.

After a while, Yunling came back with the little milk cat.

Li Huan looked at the little milk cat.

Little milk cat: "I'm fine, I need to rest, I'm going to sleep!"

Li Huan: "Don't go! Hey!"

The little milk cat left without looking back, returned to the little nest that Li Huan had prepared for him before, and fell asleep soundly.

Li Huan: "So fast?"

Yun Ling: "It takes a long time for the spirit to return to its original state."

Li Huan: "You too! Go to sleep!"

Yun Ling: ...

That was not what I meant!
But the arrogant Yun Ling was driven by Li Huan to under the Flower God Tree, until he covered the quilt and left, Yun Ling didn't say that he didn't want to sleep, even if he slept, he slept with you!
But Li Huan lost space in Yun Ling's resentful eyes.

After staying in the space for a while, only a short time has passed outside.

Li Huan has already got the statue of the God of Resentment.

All he has to do now is to find an opportunity to kill Li Fang!
It's just that they don't know why Murong Xueying came here.

After Li Huan arrived at the agreed place, he did not find Li Ming.

Li Huan secretly yelled that it was not good, Li Ming didn't know if it was dangerous after delaying for so long.

Li Huan sensed the movement of the City Lord's Mansion, looking for traces of Li Ming.

Li Huan went in the direction that Li Ming had gone before, but it didn't.

Li Huan walked all the way to the middle of the yard.

"Are you looking for him?"

Li Huan turned around and found Murong Xueying looking at him from above the courtyard.

Li Huan: "Where is he?"

Murong Xueying: "Who are you? Why did you trespass here?"

Li Huan didn't speak, Murong Xueying couldn't recognize her, but Li Huan knew her all along!
Murong Xueying: "If you don't say anything, your companion will die! You're still a baby!"

Li Huan: "Where is the person? Hand it over!"

Murong Xueying looked towards a certain place.

Li Huan followed her gaze, and Li Ming was tied up by Murong Xueying with a rope.

Seeing Li Huan, Li Ming was overjoyed, and wanted to come over, but couldn't move.

Murong Xueying: "There are people here! If you want someone, what will you give in exchange?"

Li Huan: "Your life!"

Li Fang: "Oh! What a bold tone. When you come to me, you still dare to speak in this tone. Who gave you the courage!"

Li Fang suddenly flew over from a distance, staring at Li Huan all the time: "It seems that you still don't give up! Where is the dragon! Hand it over!"

Li Fang looked at Li Ming who was not far away, and instantly understood that it was the people from before who were chasing him.

Li Huan: "You're not dead yet!"

Li Fang: "Oh! Arrogant! Today is your death day next year!"

Li Fang made an instant attack and started a fight with Li Huan.

Li Huan released Yan Qing, and Yan Qing turned into a small gecko, not attracting attention at all.

Murong Xueying: "Is there a dragon clan haunting the Dead Soul Mountain?"

Li Fang: "You don't want the method of rebirth! Kill him for me! Catch that dragon, and I'll tell you!"

Li Fang yelled at Murong Xueying.

Murong Xueying originally wanted to go to Liming to inquire about the Dragon Clan, but Li Fang's words successfully attracted Murong Xueying.

Murong Xueying's cultivation is not bad, it is amazing to be able to cultivate her mind power to this level in such a short period of time.

It was a bit difficult for Li Huan to deal with two of them by himself, but Li Fang was injured. Although Murong Xueying's promotion was fast, Li Huan's mental strength was not low!
Two-to-one is barely a tie.

At this time, if someone can help anyone, they can break the balance and win!

Li Huan looked at Yan Qing while fighting!

Murong Xueying didn't know what kind of rope she used, and Yan Qing couldn't untie it!

Li Ming: "Little Niqiu, can you hurry up! Didn't you see sister Huanhuan two-on-one, urgently need my help?"

Yan Qing: "What are you talking about, kid! Who is the little loach! I'm saving you now!"

Li Ming: "Got it, see if there is any restriction on this rope, you can untie the restriction first before you can untie the rope."

Murong Xueying: "Senior Li, the Dragon Clan is not so easy to catch! If I help you, do you still need to thank me!"

Murong Xueying didn't recognize Li Huan, but caught Li Ming who was investigating in the yard.

Therefore, after discovering the current situation, he immediately began to complain to Li Fang about the conditions.

Lifang needs help now, and Murong Xueying heard that Lifang has a way to rebirth, so she felt here.

Murong Xueying's body is already failing, if there is a way to be reborn directly without returning her soul, that would be her wish!
Li Fang was a little angry: "What do you mean now?"

Murong Xueying: "Naturally, I have negotiated terms with Senior Li! You said that if I don't intervene right now, will you be caught by this man's claws?"

(End of this chapter)

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