Chapter 1419

The Lord of Furong City grabbed the Lord of Lieyan City by the throat, and strangled the person in his hand to death without hesitation.

After feeling that the person in his hand was not moving, City Lord Furong let go of his hand, then threw the person aside and left.

Li Huan has been escaping for a long time, but the people behind have been chasing after him.

At this time, Li Huan was wearing night clothes and a face scarf on his face, and the people behind him all dispatched as soon as they received the order to kill from the city lord.

Li Huan ran towards the edge of the Mountain of Dead Souls at his fastest speed, if he could get out before they caught him, everything would be fine.

Li Huan has already given Li Ming a secret signal, and Li Ming is waiting for him in the next city.

The most urgent task for Li Huan right now is to get rid of those difficult tails behind him.

Li Huan kept changing directions, and soon many people lost track of him.

"Senior Sister, the person in front can really run. We have been chasing him for so long, but we still haven't caught him."

Murong Xueying: "It's time for exhaustion! Tell the sisters to chase in different directions and search the nearby cities. He will definitely go to one of them. Once he finds someone, he will send out a signal to wait for support. If there is no one Before you come, don't act rashly."

Under Murong Xueying's arrangement, many people began to disperse. Murong Xueying guessed right, Li Huan was going to the city ahead to meet Li Ming.

However, there are several cities around Furong City, so when the personnel are scattered, not many can catch up with Li Huan in the end.

Coupled with Li Huan's method, many people were thrown away.

Li Huan saw that there were only two people behind him!

"Separation technique!"

Li Huan instantly separated a soul, and the two ran in different directions.

"Senior Sister! Look! There is one more person!"

Murong Xueying was also surprised, but immediately followed her: "Go over there!"

Murong Xueying separated from another person again, and now there is only one person following Li Huan!

The people who were separated by the clone technique disappeared after running for a while, and the people who were following them found out that they had been duped, and then turned back, and they could no longer find Li Huan and Murong Xueying!

It's not difficult for Murong Xueying to deal with it, but it's not far from Furong City right now, if Murong Xueying sends out a signal to attract the Lord of Furong City, with her speed, Li Huan is very likely to be arrested.

Li Huan ran forward desperately, Murong Xueying was chasing after her.

Li Huan: "This person is really hard to deal with! Yan Qing, put on this and run forward to deliver a letter to Li Ming, saying that I will wait for him at the exit."

Yan Qing: "Okay! Then I wish you good luck!"

Yan Qing wore an invisibility cloak given by Li Huan and went directly to the city where Li Ming was waiting.

Murong Xueying was chasing after him. If he went to Liming, he would be found out. Li Huan simply ran to the edge of the Dead Soul Mountain. When he reached the exit, he just had to find a way to get rid of Murong Xueying and go out directly. This guy is impossible Will go out and catch myself!

Murong Xueying didn't know where she got the method of rebirth from Lifang, if she didn't, it is impossible for her to go back in her current situation!

Therefore, as long as Li Huan left the Dead Soul Mountain, Murong Xueying would not be able to catch up with her.

Li Huan ran forward, Murong Xueying chased for a long time but still couldn't catch up, she became more and more unconvinced.

Murong Xueying suddenly took out a talisman: "Acceleration talisman!"

This is a reward from the city lord!
Murong Xueying worshiped the owner of Furong City as her teacher in Furong City, and added her own talents and means.

The City Lord of Furong likes Murong Xueying very much, and has already considered in his heart to train Murong Xueying as the next City Lord. Therefore, Murong Xueying's treatment in Furong City is better than other girls!

Murong Xueying had a lot of gifts from the Lord Furong, but Murong Xueying was reluctant to use them.

How embarrassed she was before, she has always kept in mind that she has come to Furong City not because of these rewards after going through all kinds of hardships. Murong Xueying has to cultivate her mind power to a high level before going back!

As long as this Mountain of Dead Souls can help her cultivate for a day, Murong Xueying will not leave!

As for higher realms, I heard that Nian Shi does not need to transform into a god, but he can also enter the God Realm in a special way!
Therefore, Murong Xueying wanted to keep these talismans for future use in the God Realm!
But right now, the little thief in front is so fast, he must be caught. After returning, maybe the city lord will reward him even more with the credit for catching the little thief!

It's just that the method of rebirth...

Murong Xueying gets a headache whenever she thinks about the method of rebirth given by Li Fang!
The fastest way for resentful souls to be reborn is to seize the divine beast!
The Dead Soul Mountain is not without beast souls, but...

In this way, even if he is reborn, he may not be able to be a human anymore!

Although divine beasts can transform into humans, Murong Xueying still wants to become a human race!
No matter how nice the words of the beast are, they are just beasts!
A young lady like Murong Xueying, who grew up with a lot of stars, has a kind of contempt for monsters and monsters from the bottom of her heart.

She doesn't want to be a beast!

Therefore, Murong Xueying could only shelve this method of Li Fang for the time being.

If you want to go back, you must have enough strength, so that you can use your mind to repair your aging body.

Murong Xueying wanted this mountain of dead souls to practice for a long time, so these precious talismans were a way to save her life!

This "accelerator" can save your life at critical moments!
But in order to catch the person in front, it was still used!

What a waste!

Murong Xueying was full of resentment towards the person running wildly in front!

But this person doesn't know what kind of skill he is practicing, and he has been chasing him for so long with the Accelerator Talisman!

The power of the rune was about to disappear, Murong Xueying flew up with a sword, blocking Li Huan's way.

Li Huan turned his head, rushed forward in an instant, and started fighting with Murong Xueying!
At this time, it is almost approaching the edge of the dead soul mountain!
The two have been chasing each other for three days and three nights without knowing it!

Murong Xueying: "Who are you! How dare you steal things from Furong City!"

Li Huan remained silent, she had talked to Murong Xueying before, and this opening would expose herself.

Li Huan doesn't want to be discovered by the Lord of Furong City. Li Huan only wants the Crystal Stone, and he doesn't want to have an enmity with the Lord of the City.

Murong Xueying: "I know you!"

Li Huan's heart skipped a beat when he heard Murong Xueying's words, but soon discovered that Murong Xueying still didn't know who it was!

Seeing that Li Huan was speechless, Murong Xueying began to eliminate one by one in her mind, but she didn't find anything unusual.

Murong Xueying: "You dare not speak, you must have spoken to me before!"

Li Huan remained silent.

Seeing Li Huan like this, Murong Xueying made a half-guess in her heart, looking at her figure, plus the way of attacking, the attacking methods looked familiar.

Murong Xueying: "You are not from Furong City, but I have met you before, I think, we must have met somewhere before, so you are silent because you are afraid that I will recognize you!"

(End of this chapter)

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