Chapter 1420 Meridian City

It has to be said that Murong Xueying not only improved her cultivation extremely fast in this mountain of dead souls, but also her brain evolved.

It seems that Murong Xueying has suffered a lot here, and she has summed up her experience in actual combat!
But Li Huan has experienced more than Murong Xueying, this little disturbance will not make Li Huan speak at all.

Li Huan has been silent, not saying a word.

Murong Xueying: "I went to Liwang City before, are you from Liwangcheng!"

Li Huan remained silent, and Murong Xueying became more and more convinced that her guess was right!

It's just that all the people I met before were men, and this person is obviously a woman!
So, what is missing?
Even if Murong Xueying thought about it, she would never have guessed that before Li Huan was a woman disguised as a man, now she changed her identity in order to successfully sneak into the city lord's mansion in Furong City.

I don't know if Linglin found Li Ming or not. The two of them together should not attract other people's attention.

Seeing Li Huan's silence, Murong Xueying finally couldn't help it: "Then take off your mask and see, who are you!"

Murong Xueying stepped forward, wanting to remove Li Huan's scarf, but Li Huan's movements were faster, and she didn't give Murong Xueying a chance to get close at all.

Li Huan uses the Broken Cloud Step, the Broken Cloud Step, the more advanced the practice is, the more subtle the kung fu will be able to show.

Li Huan was obtained from the Taiyi Palace, so the Broken Cloud Step is most likely a skill from the God Realm!
Because Taiyi Palace is a temple!

Legend has it that only the God Realm has temples!
Li Huan's figure is like a ghost, Murong Xueying can't catch it at all!

Li Huan took the opportunity to run forward!
Murong Xueying looked ahead: "I want to escape! It seems that I can only notify the city lord first!"

Murong Xueying sent out a message, indicating that she needed support, and immediately chased after her.

Li Huan went all the way to the edge of the Dead Soul Mountain.

Murong Xueying was behind her without stopping.

There is a small city ahead, Li Huan wants to use this place to throw Murong Xueying away.

If you can't get rid of it here, you will arrive at the agreed meeting point not far ahead.

Li Huan entered the city without hesitation.

After Li Huan entered the city, the rune in his hand instantly lit up, and in an instant, Li Huan knew the situation in the city well.

This is a small border town, called Ziwu City.

After the runes flashed, Li Huan entered the city, rushing in with his fastest speed without hesitation!
The movement of the rune alarmed the city lord, who immediately rushed out and saw Murong Xueying chasing from a distance, who was about to enter the city.

Seeing such a beautiful woman, City Lord Ziwu walked over, and with the movement just now, he immediately stepped forward to block Murong Xueying's way: "See the envoy!"

Murong Xueying: "Get out of the way!"

The lord of Meridian City: "Damn the little one! I didn't know the envoy was coming, and if I missed it, I hope the envoy will forgive me!"

The city lord of Meridian City spoke in the most polite tone of his life, and he promised that this was the gentlest voice he had ever used in his life!
But the "beauty messenger" in front of him didn't appreciate it at all.

Murong Xueying: "I told you to get out of the way! Are you deaf!"

Murong Xueying was about to catch someone, but she was blocked by someone inexplicably, and she was so angry that she was about to explode!
But suddenly heard a familiar voice: "Yinger! It's you! Yinger!"

The sound of exclamation came from the city gate!

Murong Xueying looked at the man in front of her in disbelief!
Who else is it if it's not that heartless Han Yin Jiuye!

In order to cultivate the power of resentment, Yin Jiuye came to Dead Soul Mountain after Qiao Qingyun gave birth safely.

Unexpectedly, I saw my wife here!
Although this wife is no longer his own!
But it is absolutely impossible for Yin Jiuye to let Murong Xueying leave her again!

Yin Jiuye is the person who claims to be the most affectionate!

Yin Jiuye ran over in surprise and looked at the person in front of him: "Ying'er! Why are you here! You have been missing for such a long time, I can't sleep or eat! Seeing that you are fine, I finally feel relieved!"

Yin Jiuye looked deeply affectionate and reluctant to leave.

Murong Xueying looked at Yin Jiuye's appearance, more than 1000 years ago, it was this affectionate appearance that fascinated her deeply.

For this face, thousands of years of friendship have been paid, and now, looking at the affectionate eyes, I feel sick!
Seeing that Murong Xueying didn't speak, Yin Jiuye thought she was caught by his appearance, and was so surprised beyond words.

Yin Jiuye stepped forward to hold Murong Xueying's hand, but she cleverly avoided it!
Yin Jiuye knew that he was ashamed, so he naturally didn't care, and wanted to go forward again.

City Lord Ziwu: "Brother Yin, who is this?"

The city lord of Ziwu City looked at Murong Xueying, with icy muscles and bones, and skin like creamy fat, she was overwhelmed by the country!

It's a pity that Yin Jiuye's words extinguished the thoughts he had just ignited!
Yin Jiuye said to the Lord of Meridian City, "This is my wife."

The lord of Ziwu City was heartbroken, but immediately retorted: "As far as I know, the envoy is not married! Brother Yin, are you making a mistake!"


Yin Jiuye looked at Murong Xueying in surprise.

Murong Xueying: "I'm not an emissary, I'm here to chase someone! We in Furong City lost something, I'm here to catch the thief! Please, for the sake of my master, the city lord, don't stop me!"

After listening to Murong Xueying's words, the City Lord of Meridian City had an amazing expression on his face!

Hibiscus... city!

The lord of Meridian City: "Brother Yin's wife is from Furong City?"

Yin Jiuye didn't know much about the power of Dead Soul Mountain, but when Murong Xueying said this, he naturally couldn't refute it.

Yin Jiuye: "My wife and I have been separated for a long time, so I don't know the specific situation."

The city lord of Meridian City looked at Yin Jiuye sympathetically, and then looked at Murong Xueying's face, the look of anticipation and admiration just now was gone!

Yin Jiuye thought it was strange, but he didn't ask any more questions. He only asked Murong Xueying, "Ying'er, how did you come to the Dead Soul Mountain? I've been looking for you!"

Murong Xueying looked at Yin Jiuye's appearance, this face is really deceiving!
If it wasn't for knowing that Qiao Qingyun had given birth, most people would really be tempted to be tempted if they were so affectionate!


How desperate Murong Xueying was back then, how much she hates her now!
Murong Xueying: "Get out of the way!"

Murong Xueying scolded and was about to leave.

Yin Jiuye hurried forward to hold her back: "Ying'er, I was wrong about some things before, but can you give me a chance to explain!"

Murong Xueying thought for a while: "I want a chance to explain, okay! If you catch that little thief just now, I'll give you this chance!"

Yin Jiuye finally got Murong Xueying's reply, and instantly became excited: "Ying'er, wait here for me! I'll go back as soon as I go!"

After Yin Jiuye finished speaking, he ran away quickly!
The City Lord of Meridian City has seen clearly that this person is not a messenger!
Since he is not an emissary, there is no need to stay here anymore!

For women from Furong City, it's better not to provoke them!
He is still young, and he wants to live a few more years. He doesn't want to try such things as harvesting yang and nourishing yin!
Now that Yin Jiuye is considered a talent, I don't know if I should remind him.

The city lord of Meridian City thought about it, and waited here.

(End of this chapter)

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