Chapter 1452

Ai Li grabbed Li Huan's hand and pulled her aside: "It's too dangerous here!"

Li Huan: "No problem."

As Li Huan said that, he wanted to take his hand back.

Unmoved, Ai Li grabbed Li Huan's hand: "It's too dangerous, let me do it! How many magic crystals do you need?"

Li Huan: "How do you know I lack magic crystals?"

Ai Li: "Guess!"

Li Huan looked at the person in front of him vigilantly. Even though he felt familiar, he still needed to be more vigilant when he was being followed.

Although he had no malice, Li Huan was still worried.

Li Huan's eyes made Ai Li's eyes feel a little lost, but he recovered immediately, so fast that Li Huan didn't even notice: "I'll help you!"

As Ai Li said, she prepared to go up, Li Huan: "No need!"

Ai Li: "You just reject people thousands of miles away? You won't even let me do this for you?"

Li Huan: ...

This is teasing... her?

Ai Li didn't give Li Huan any time to ask questions, so she dropped a space bag on the platform next to the ring and went up.

People who have already stood up in the ring can't go up, if they go up now, they will become Li Huan's challenger!
Li Huan stood under the stage and looked at the people on stage.

Ai Li has been looking at Li Huan and smiling, the eyes are full of satisfaction, but there is a forbearance that hesitates to speak.

Li Huan didn't know who Ai Li was, but this feeling was really weird.

There is an indescribable sense of familiarity, but nothing can be seen.

Li Huan was stunned for a while, but still said to the people on the stage, "Thank you!"

Ai Li: "I am willing to do anything for you, even if it takes my life!"

Li Huan was directly shocked by Ai Li's words, but looking again, Ai Li had already turned around, leaving only a lonely back for Li Huan.

It seemed that he hadn't said anything just now, it was all Li Huan's illusion.

Someone is coming soon!
It's the folks here. Before the competition starts, they have to count the number of magic crystals. Whether they win or lose, they have to give a certain percentage. Therefore, before the start, they must count the number!

The buddy saw that there were some magic crystals on the plate, which were placed here before Li Huan!

But after counting, I saw an unremarkable bag on it.

The guys will think it's just an ordinary money bag, pour out the contents, and prepare to count it together.


clap la la...

The sound of landing one after another was remembered in this noisy place. The magic crystal that fell out of the interspatial bag actually buried the legs of the guy who came to count!
This guy probably saw so many magic crystals for the first time, and his eyes were dumbfounded for a while!
The competition venue, which was still noisy just now, became completely silent in an instant, as if someone had used a mute sign, and the entire space could be heard.

Then came fiery eyes!

Even the people who were still in other arenas stopped the competition and stared at this side with wide-eyed eyes.

There are so many magic crystals, but I have never seen them in my life!

The well-informed person in charge hurried over and took back the magic crystal. The interspatial bag can be counted directly with mental power. If the buddy doesn't have that ability, he naturally doesn't know, and this scene happened.

Now everyone looked at Ai Li on the ring and became fanatical!

With so many magic crystals, if you get them, you will have no worries in this life!
Li Huan was also very surprised, who is this Ai Li!

The magic crystal in this hand is several times more than the countless minerals that Li Huan has dug with Li Ming these days!
Moreover, not all of the space bag was poured out.

The steward saw that the situation was not right, and the people at the scene were close to frenzy. If this continues, there might be accidents, and he can't control what happens after he goes out, but here, he can't let people mess up the situation.

The steward immediately reported the matter.

Ai Li: "Can we start?"

The steward: "It's ok! But I still want to ask, this young master, is he really going to use so many magic crystals as a bet? The challenger may not be able to come up with the same amount of magic crystals!"

Ai Li: "It's okay, as long as you hand in all the magic crystals on your body!"

The steward smiled awkwardly, with such a big tone, yes, since he can produce so many magic crystals, he must have some skills!

It's just that this matter must not be hidden. After a while, the rest of the big families will catch the wind and send people. These people are not sent. There are so many people who come to the competition this time, there may be some hidden masters.

This way of exposing wealth is really not advisable!

But the manager didn't talk too much, announced the start of the competition, and stood aside.

The news here goes like wildfire!

Soon, many families sent people to inquire about the news.

This is comparable to the countless people attracted by the arena of a casino!

The steward notified the higher-ups, and soon, the higher-ups of the casino sent several elders to sit in charge.

The first people in the casino had already come in, but they were all beaten down by Ai Li before finishing a move!
After searching all the magic crystals on his body, he threw them out.

If you lose the test, you have no right to speak.

The people who were originally excited turned off their fire in an instant when they saw such a scene.

But the person who heard the news has already arrived!

Most of the people were waiting and watching, and a few more courageous people also went up!

It's still the same as before, not a single trick has been passed!

Standing in the audience, Li Huan didn't know what to say!
On the way, they picked up a treasure, with Ai Li, Li Huan felt that this number one was already in their pocket, but Li Huan still had no idea who Ai Li was.

But Ai Li has no malice at all, Li Huan really can't think of who this person is!
Suddenly Li Huan had a flash of inspiration, could he also be a person who has practiced the disguise technique just like himself!

But after thinking about it, Li Huan found that among the people she knew, there was no one who needed to meet her and disguised herself.

Li Huan couldn't figure it out, so he put this matter aside for the time being, Ai Li has already killed a hundred people!

Some of these people are some of the best in the family.

But in the hands of Ai Li, there is still no move.

Gradually, those who were eager to try also turned off, and fewer and fewer people entered the ring!
Those who dare to go up now are also tempted by that bag of magic crystals!

With so many magic crystals, if you can get them, you will have no worries in this life!

Things are spreading quickly here!
Many other races who participated in the competition also came!

"You said, after playing for so long, doesn't he need to rest?"

"What are you talking about! They haven't started to make a move yet!"

"That's right! It doesn't even count as an appetizer!"

"Strange, when did such a great power appear in the demon race? There is no news at all."

"Yes, I heard that Alice is also here, and there are a few good teenagers from the Wu clan, but I haven't heard that they are so powerful."

(End of this chapter)

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