Chapter 1453 One-Trick Young Master

"Could it be the Shura clan? I heard that the Shura clan recently produced a young genius."

"It doesn't look like this, it doesn't look like this! I have never heard of such a good-looking person in the Shura clan!"

"That's right! Don't tell me, he looks really good! In our demon world, only the demons have such good-looking people."

"Look! Avali is here! He was in the top ten of the last competition!"

"Awali is a member of the Raksha clan. I didn't expect the Raksha clan to hear the news!"

"This is not nonsense! There are thousands of magic crystals in the bag!"

"Nonsense! There are tens of thousands! If I have that ability, I will try it too! This is a chance to get rich overnight!"

"It's a pity! We don't have the fate to get rich!"

"Awali is on stage! Still haven't resisted the temptation!"

"How many tricks do you think Avali can do?"

Before the discussion was over, a loud bang was heard, "Boom!"

Awali, who had been favored just now, was knocked down by the one on stage!
The crowd fell silent again!

Still can't find one move!
So Ai Li suddenly got a new title: "Young Master One Trick!"

The people in his hands couldn't make one move, so they were beaten down!

The reputation of the master of one move spread quickly!
Before dawn, except for the most famous people who did not show up, the rest of the famous people did not make a move at Ai Li's hands.

"It's so handsome!"

"Ah! I have a new crush!"

"Young master! Look here!"

Many women from the Demon Race who were watching kept shouting at Ai Li in the audience.

The demon women's expression of their admiration is undisguised, and some women even start to poke their heads at Ai Li on the stage, but unfortunately, Ai Li never looks the same!
Every time a person is beaten down, he will look in a fixed direction.

After being spotted by a few sharp-eyed people, they immediately ran to the direction where Ai Li looked.

Li Huan originally stood relatively close, but was suddenly squeezed to the back by a group of people who came to grab a seat!

Li Huan was not here, and Ai Li's eyes never came here again.

Those women were not reconciled and still shouted in the audience.

At dawn, Ai Li stepped off the stage and gave the space bag in her hand to Li Huan: "Your!"

Li Huan waved his hand: "It's not mine, it's yours!"

Ai Li stuffed the space bag in her hand to Li Huan: "It's not mine!"

After Ai Li finished speaking, he left, Li Huan could only put away the bag in his hand, and the two walked out under the watchful eyes of everyone.

"It turned out to be a broken sleeve!"

"Not necessarily, the one behind is a woman!"

"You also know!"

"When you see that man on stage, you can tell by the look in her eyes!"

"You can see that?"

"Having experienced many battles, practice makes perfect! The famous flower has a owner, and there is no hope!"

After Li Huan and Ai Li went out, Ai Li dragged Li Huan to the city.

Li Huan: "I want to go back and see my brother."

Ai Li: "Hush! There are people following us, if you don't want them to get involved, it's better to follow me!"

After Ai Li finished speaking, she held Li Huan's hand. Li Huan wanted to break free, but found that her strength was too weak to do it at all!

Ai Li: "Don't move, many people are watching! I have won so many magic crystals for you, don't you even help me with this?"

Li Huan didn't know what Ai Li meant, but immediately many women rushed out to surround Ai Li and Li Huan!

"Young master, where are you going?"

"We are free and would like to buy you a cup of tea, would you like to?"

"You are really amazing. I want to worship you as my teacher. As long as I can be an apprentice, I can do whatever you want!"

Ai Li took Li Huan's hand, and suddenly raised it high: "I already have someone I like! I can only apologize for your kindness!"

"Gee, we don't mind!"

"Yes, for someone as powerful as you, why do you need a few more people to serve you?"

"Sir, we won't bother you! Just let us follow you!"

Ai Li sighed: "I'm really sorry, I don't have any shortcomings, the biggest shortcoming is devotion! I only love her in my life! My heart is too small, I can't pretend to be other people!"

Li Huan was a little embarrassed and wanted to explain, but if this situation was made clear, wouldn't it push Ai Li into the fire pit.

It was someone who helped him, Li Huan refrained from saying anything, but he was prepared to tell Ai Li clearly that he already has someone in love when there is no one around for a while.

Those women still didn't give up, Ai Li couldn't do it, and immediately turned to Li Huan: "Brother, you see that you are really tired by yourself, or you can persuade us, we promise not to compete with you!"

"What son! This looks like a woman! You look at the way the master looks at her, it is obviously a love for the woman!"

"It turns out that they are all sisters! Sisters are the easiest to get along with! Just speak nice words for us!"

Li Huan: "Sorry, no!"

Li Huan directly refused!
Glancing at Ai Li, she felt that after she finished speaking, the people around her were obviously very excited.

Ai Li: "Let's go! You don't need to come again! I won't fall in love with others!"

As Ai Li said, she conveniently pushed Li Huan into her arms.

Li Huan was a little astonished and wanted to struggle, but Ai Li suddenly sent a voice to Li Huan with his thoughts: Someone is watching!I can't beat it.

Li Huan didn't know if what Ai Li said was true, but she probably wouldn't joke about such things.

Li Huan just stood in Ai Li's arms, and Ai Li hugged the person in his arms tightly, feeling that this was the whole world.

Li Huan approached Ai Li's chest, and heard Ai Li's heartbeat, it seemed that the person following him was indeed very powerful, even Ai Li's cultivation level was so frightened.

The group of women refused to let go, and walked away without making fun of themselves.

Li Huan came out of Ai Li's embrace, feeling that it took a long time.

Ai Li: "Thank you!"

Li Huan: "You're welcome, I have something I like..."

Li Huan wanted to explain, but Ai Li immediately interrupted Li Huan's words: "Let's go out through the front door, shake off the people behind us, and then go back!"

Li Huan nodded, maybe she was thinking too much, always felt that Ai Li had plans for her, but there was no malice.

What is wrong, Li Huanzhong felt that this familiar feeling was very strange.

Ai Li: "Let's go! Why are you still in a daze!"

Li Huan followed Ai Li, looked at his back, and felt that she was thinking too much!
At this time, Ai Li didn't hold Li Huan's hand any more, and all her actions returned to the previous state.

Maybe I thought too much.

After Li Huan and Ai Li went out of the city, they ran for another distance, made sure that there was no one behind them, and then circled back!
When he went back, he happened to see that Zhili was in trouble for Liming.

Zhili: "Your sister left you and ran away! When will you pay back the magic crystal you owe me!"

(End of this chapter)

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