Chapter 1454 greedy body


As soon as Zhili finished speaking, something suddenly made a red mark on his head.

Just as Zhili was about to lose his temper, he looked down and saw that it was a magic crystal that hit him!
The qi that had just risen from Zhili instantly disappeared like a balloon that had been wiped out.

Li Huan: "What's the matter, bullying my brother while I'm not around? Want to fight?"

Zhili put away the magic crystal in his hand, and immediately turned back into a smiling face: "No, no, just kidding, we are all teammates, how could we do something to cheat our teammates!"

Li Huan: "Remember what you said!"

After Li Huan finished speaking, he went to Li Ming's side, and Li Ming looked at Li Huan in surprise: "Sister Huanhuan, where have you been? I thought you were gone."

As Li Ming spoke, his eyes turned red.

Li Huan patted Li Ming's little head: "How come, my sister went to earn money for you! This is yours!"

Li Huan handed a space bag to Li Ming and told him to put it away.

Zhili has been waiting for the space bag to come over for a while, to see if there is any benefit that can be obtained.

But was stopped by Li Huan: "If you lose it, I will be the first to let you go!"

Zhili: "How did you talk! It's just curiosity, I just want to see it! Who cares!"

Li Huan: "Then what do you mean? I just lost a magic crystal, and I saw you pick it up with my own eyes."

Zhili: "How is it possible! I didn't see it! I don't even know what you said!"

Li Huan wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Zhili: "Let's go! We'll be entering the arena later."

Li Ming: "Sister, look at him like that!"

Li Huan: "Let's go! Naturally it has its uses."

Li Huan looked at Ai Li: "If there is a need, just speak up, I can do it, I won't stand by."

Ai Li: "Anything is fine?"

The confusion and anticipation in Ai Li's eyes made Li Huan a little at a loss, Li Huan immediately said: "I'm talking about what I can do."

Ai Li's expectant eyes instantly dimmed: "What I want, you can't give."

After Ai Li finished speaking, she followed suit.

Li Huan was left in a mess, what does this mean?
Li Ming: "Sister Huanhuan, I always feel that there is something wrong with Ai Li."

Li Huan: "What do you see?"

Li Ming shook his head: "I can't see it for the time being, but he is not hostile or greedy for money. What do you think he is following us for?"

Zhili walked back and just heard Li Ming's words, so he followed up: "Usually, a man is overly courteous to a woman for no reason, either for her body, or for her body."

Li Huan: ...

Li Ming: ...

Li Ming looked angrily at Zhili who was tidying up a piece of rag on the ground, which Zhili got from somewhere last night, it was placed on a pile of hay, and it was said to be a simple bed.

Zhili came back and just put this away: "This, maybe it will be used during the competition, after all, we have to stay in it for a few days, maybe we will sleep on the floor, with this, it will be different , at least like that, isn't it?"

Li Ming: "What do you mean by that!"

Zhili: "It means literally."

Li Ming was so angry that he wanted to rush up to beat Zhi Li, but Zhi Li immediately ran away like a rabbit, Li Ming chased after him, screaming to break Zhi Li's leg.

Li Huan was silent, Zhi Li's words were rough, but not impossible.

But who is this Aili?
Li Huan was sure that Ai Li must be someone he knew, but he hid it so well that he couldn't see any flaws.

Li Huan looked up, just in time to see Ai Li looking at her.

Li Huan: "Zhili is cheap, don't take it to heart."

Ai Li: "What if he told the truth?"

Li Huan: "Are you serious?"

Ai Li: "The world can learn from it."

Li Huan: "Sorry, I already have someone I like, so don't make such jokes anymore."

Ai Li: "Take it easy, let's treat it as a joke."

Li Huan: "It's not funny."

Li Huan looked at Ai Li apologetically, and walked forward.

Looking at Li Huan's back, Ai Li whispered bitterly, "I know I can't stay with you forever, but I still want to leave even a trace in your life."

It's a pity that Li Huan couldn't hear or see.

Ai Li adjusts her mentality and keeps up with Li Huan.

Being able to stand behind you like this, even if you don't have peripheral vision, is satisfying.

Ai Li followed Li Huan, and the four came to the competition venue together.

At this time, many people's eyes were focused on Ai Li. After Ai Li came, not long after, the entrance of the entire competition venue began to be noisy.

"That's him! That one-trick boy!"

"I didn't expect that I really came to participate in the competition!"

"So, the ranking of this competition is likely to change?"

"For sure! I beat Awali down with one move yesterday!"

"Really, it's so powerful! Why have I never heard of such a level before."

"Maybe it has only risen in recent years!"

"It seems that the Demon Race seems to have a lot of value this time. I saw Alice go in."

"I didn't expect such a powerful character to be killed halfway!"

"Go, go to the exit and wait for news."

This competition of the demons can be an individual or a team, and the person who advances will be calculated according to the person who can walk out of the exit.

The only requirement here is to get out of the exit alive, so more than half of the people can be eliminated here.

Of course, those who are truly powerful will directly look for the exit to go out, and will not waste time here when they go to the next level.

Only some people with fair strength but not full confidence will start looking for opponents to hunt and kill at the first level.

Li Huan and the others hung up the number plate and went in.

There is a large battlefield inside. It seems that there has been a big battle here before, but it has been abandoned for many years.

The resentment here is relatively heavy, but after staying in the Dead Soul Mountain, Li Huan has no feeling for this level of resentment.

Not to mention Li Ming, who has been imprisoned in the Mountain of Dead Souls for so many years, and is basically immune to any resentment.

As soon as Zhili came in, he became a little irritable, Li Huan used the meditation spell, and Zhili quickly got used to it.

Zhili: "Almost got caught, what are you, teach me!"

Li Huan: "Want to learn? I'll teach you a hundred magic crystals!"

Zhili: "Then don't learn!"

Li Ming: "Sister, don't teach this kind of person! You only have money in your eyes, and many people can't ask for such a meditation spell! Don't pay attention to someone who is ungrateful like him!"

Zhili: "What are you talking about! Little brat! Who said I won't learn anymore! I'm just too shy to get out the magic crystal right now!"

Zhili explained to Li Ming with righteous words, as if Li Ming's words were questioning his character, although his behavior was indeed not very good.

(End of this chapter)

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