Chapter 1474
But when Li Huan dug out the stone, the stone was not even the size of Li Huan's feet!

Li Huan looked at the ceremony.

Zhili: "Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! I said why are there no clay figurines around this stone!"

Li Huan is gone, the longer Li Ming is taken away, the more dangerous it will be.

Li Huan looked at Zhili: "If it's unreliable, it's your own time to waste!"

At this moment, Ai Li's voice came out: "There is something wrong here!"

Li Huan hurried over, only to see many clay figurines haunting the place that Ai Li pointed out!
It's just that there is no such thing as the big rock mentioned by Zhili. With the lessons learned from the past, Li Huan was more cautious this time and approached slowly.

It's here!

Li Huan's spiritual power continued to explore, but was absorbed!
There's something down here!

Li Huan began to dig up this area, some clay figurines found Li Huan and hurried over, but they were all scared away by Li Huan's ferocious appearance!

Li Huan and the others dug for a while, and finally saw a large rock that had been wrapped in soil exposed!
The thing that just absorbed my spiritual power is this!

Li Huan soon started, exploring with boundless spiritual power, but there was not even a splash.

Li Huan: "What's going on?"

Zhili: "You can't get in here!"

Li Huan: "No, we must rescue Li Ming!"

As far as Li Ming and Li Huan are concerned, they are their own family members, and it is impossible to abandon them!
Besides, this competition is also for Ban Liming to find a book of high-level demon skills, which is a good start for Li Ming to practice!
Li Huan: "Think of a way, one hundred magic crystals!"

When Zhili heard that Li Huan offered such a high salary, he was as excited as if he had been pumped!

Constantly gather spiritual power towards this stone.

Unfortunately, nothing was found!

The clay figurines that had just been scared away did not dare to appear.

Their ability is to hide in the soil and pull people down unexpectedly.

But as long as the opponent's cultivation base is higher, they can do nothing!

Ai Li checked it carefully, and then sent Li Huan to his side.

Li Huan: "What did you find?"

Ai Li: "Use your 'talisman'!"

Li Huan took out the beads given to him by the monster in the lake.

Ai Li took the bead, and then an unknown force came out from the bead.

A door appeared in the middle of the stone.

Li Huan was pleasantly surprised.

Ai Li returned the beads to Li Huan: "Follow me!"

Li Huan nodded.

Zhili hurried over and saw a door in the middle of the stone, he was very surprised: "There is really another universe!"

Seeing Li Huan and the others go in, Zhili quickly followed.

After entering, the door on the stone disappeared, and the stone dug out by Li Huan before gradually began to sink, and then disappeared into the mire.

Not long after, clay figurines appeared from around the stone again, and went to different places, looking for the next target.

After Li Huan came in, he found that it was all quagmire.

Bubbles will come out of this quagmire, and then the clay figurines will be seen coming out of it and disappearing by the wall.

Li Huan took out a boat and prepared to paddle through the muddy water to see if there was anything ahead.

Ai Li: "Put your beads on the bow of the boat so that no clay figurines will attack us in the water!"

Li Huan did what Ai Li said: "What is this bead?"

Li Huan turned to look at Ai Li.

Ai Li: "It's a talisman."

Li Huan didn't believe it, ordinary amulets were not like this, but looking at Ai Li's appearance, she obviously didn't want to talk about it.

Li Huan had no choice but to control the boat and move forward.

This quagmire is full of muddy water, and the underwater situation cannot be seen at all.

Li Huan walked for a certain distance, but found nothing, and quickly turned around here, but still found nothing, only a pool of water under the boat, and clay figurines that kept coming out of the water.

The beads on Li Huan's boat made the clay figurines never approach Li Huan's boat.

But Li Ming could not be found here.

Li Huan looked under the water.

She couldn't see anything clearly, but Li Huan's intuition told her that Li Ming was probably below here.

Li Huan took off the beads from the bow of the boat: "All of you prepare for it yourself."

After Li Huan finished speaking, she jumped into the pool.

Zhili: "What are you preparing! I haven't said anything clearly yet!"

It's a pity that Li Huan is gone.

Zhili soon knew what Li Huan was talking about.

Because Li Huan left, he took the beads with him, and the clay figurines that were not close to this side before suddenly came towards this side!

They climbed up from the edge of the boat, trying to board the boat to catch Zhili and Ai Li.

Zhili: "Fuck! This is too unreliable!"

Ai Li didn't say anything, just jumped lightly, stood in mid-air, and didn't get close to the boat.

There is no support in mid-air, and no connection to the water.

Therefore, the clay figurines couldn't cling to them at all, but there was one person on board, so they became the main target of their attack.

Zhili kept stepping down the clay figurines, but there were more and more clay figurines.

I don't know if it's because of the only gift here, so the clay figurines keep coming out of the water and climbing onto the boat.

The power attack is useless at all.

After the clay figurine was knocked off the boat, it climbed up again immediately.

Zhili soon couldn't hold it anymore.

Zhi Li looked at Ai Li in mid-air: "You should come down to help!"

Ai Li stood motionless in mid-air as if she didn't hear Zhi Li's words at all.

Zhili: "You can't do this! We are together!"

Ai Li: "You chose to come up!"

Gift: ...

If I could go up, I would have gone up a long time ago, and I don't need you to talk about it.

Zhili had no choice but to keep stepping down the clay figurines that climbed up, but he became tired like a dog.

Zhi Li looked at Ai Li, and it turned out that Ai Li was sitting cross-legged in mid-air, and had already started to practice.

Gift: ...

Zhili also tried it, wanted to fly into the air like Ai Li, but found that there was an unknown force imprisoned here, and he couldn't fly up at all!

How did the ice cube face get there?
Zhi Li wanted to ask Ai Li, but Ai Li didn't even open her eyes.

Zhili: "I still have to rely on myself, alas..."

After Li Huan entered the water, he wore beads on his body, so the clay figurines and beasts mixed in the water all regarded Li Huan as transparent, and didn't care whether there were people around him at all.

Li Huan dived all the way down and reached the underwater surface after a long time.

The underwater is also turbid, and the underwater situation that could not be seen clearly before can be clearly perceived after holding this bead.

Li Huan walked forward, there were not many clay figurines here, but there were many skeletons.

It seems that there should be many people dragged down by clay figurines.

Just why are people brought here?

Not long after Li Huan walked, he saw many fresh corpses.

It seems that many people who came to the competition this time were arrested.

I don't know what happened to Li Ming.

(End of this chapter)

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