Chapter 1475 Giant Clay Figure Beast

These fresh corpses are decomposing, and the muddy water can quickly decompose the corpses.

The beads on Li Huan's body can help Li Huan resist such an unknown force.

Not long after Li Huan walked, the front was suddenly blocked.

Li Huan thought it was the underwater hill or something, and planned to go around it.

As a result, the hill moved as soon as it got close!

He found that someone had come down!

That hill turned out to be a huge clay figurine.

The huge clay figurine saw Li Huan walking towards him, and slapped it with its huge palm.

Li Huan quickly stepped back.

The clay figurine stood up slowly, only then did Li Huan realize that this small hill was bigger than what he had seen before.

The clay figurine was squatting before, but now it has stood up.

The clay figurine came chasing Li Huan, and this little man dared to run away by himself!

Not long after Li Huan ran, he saw that there was not much road ahead, so he took out the Divine Phoenix Sword, and started to attack the clay figurine!

Li Huan slashed at the huge clay figurine with a sword, and that clay figurine broke off an arm in an instant!
But a surprising scene appeared, the broken arm of the clay figurine immediately grew back.

The muddy water in the water is the source of power of the clay figurines. After Li Huan cuts it off, it will immediately gain strength from the muddy water and grow new ones.

After Li Huan cut him in half, he still couldn't kill him.

But the power of the clay figurines is real power, and it really hurts when it hit Li Huan.

Li Huan tried to pass by, but the clay figurine Beast Jin could sense Li Huan's movement, and soon surrounded Li Huan.

Li Huan tried his best to kill the clay figurine.

After beating for a while, the clay figurine found that the person in front of it was still there, and it couldn't be flattened no matter what, so it immediately used the muddy water around it to try to confine Li Huan, but Li Huan was always able to avoid it.

The clay figurine became extremely irritable, like an annoying little grasshopper, annoying!

Ordinary people would not be able to see the movement around them clearly because of some kind of power in the water when they entered the water. In addition, the clay figurines and beasts were integrated with the muddy water, so they were almost invisible in the muddy water.

Therefore, when coming in normally, clay figurines have inherent advantages and can arrest people very quickly.

But not this time!
Li Huan looked at the bead in his arms, it looked like this bead was a kind of bug in the playing field, Li Huan could walk all the way smoothly with this bead.

But even though he can see the underwater situation right now, the clay figurine seems to have no consciousness. It seems that he can only think of other ways to pass here.

Li Huan searched in the space for a while, and found a piece of fairy rope.

Li Huan took out the rope, and after controlling it with his thoughts, the rope suddenly became very long. After winding around the clay figurine for a few times, he immediately tightened the rope.

The clay figurine was still rushing to beat Li Huan, but suddenly found that it couldn't move.

The clay figurine struggled, but the more it struggled, the tighter it was bound.

The muddy water on the clay figurine's body was continuously drawn out traces one by one.

Seeing that he couldn't move anymore, Li Huan ran away.

After Li Huan passed the clay figurine, the clay figurine also gave up struggling and stayed where it was, returning to its original appearance without changing anything.

Li Huan looked under the water, it seemed very small, but no matter how he walked, he couldn't reach the end.

And where did those clay figurines outside come from?
After Li Huan walked for a while, he found that he had gone back to where he was before.

Now Li Huan became restless.

Is it because I lost my way or is there something like a formation here like before.

Li Huan checked carefully, guessing that he walked into the formation, but Li Huan couldn't detect the formation.

It stands to reason that Li Huan's formation technique is not too bad, but here, there is no trace of the formation technique, but his intuition tells Li Huan that there is indeed something different!

Li Huan thought for a while and found the little milk cat.

The little milk cat was still sleeping, looking at Li Huan sleepily, with a confused look on his face.

Li Huan: "Look for it, is there any formation here?"

The little milk cat looked around, it really is here, how did you find such a place?
Li Huan: "What's wrong?"

Little milk cat: "This kind of place is not what people should come to! When you come down, you still have nothing to lose."

Li Huan: "Is there any problem?"

Little milk cat: "Didn't you notice that there is a rotten smell down here? Those clay figurines came out with such a corrupt force!"

Li Huan: "Li Ming was captured by them, I'm going to rescue them."

Little Milky Cat: "The formation is here, but it's not here, it's underground!"

Li Huan looked at his feet: "But I didn't see anything."

Little milk cat: "It's covered by this rotten breath, so you can't see it."

Li Huan: "Then how do we find the formation under our feet?"

Little milk cat: "Use fire!"

Li Huan: "Are you sure? In the water?"

Little milk cat: "Ordinary flames are definitely not good, but the flames in your hands are fine!"

Li Huan released the Nine Phantom Bone Fire, and the dark green flame fell to the ground, showing no signs of extinguishing, absorbing the decaying aura in the water, it became even more vigorous.

Li Huan: "It's really good!"

The Nine Phantoms bone fire continued to burn, and different patterns began to appear on the ground!

Li Huan: "Sure enough, it's a formation! Unexpectedly, this formation is hidden so deeply that I didn't even discover it."

Little milk cat: "Follow the direction of the flame, you can go out, I'm going to sleep, don't call me!"

Li Huan: "Okay! Little sleepy bug!"

The little milk cat gave Li Huan a supercilious look, and returned to the space!

After leaving the soul for such a long time, it will take a long time to fully recover, and for a beast of this level, the best way is to sleep!

The more sleep you get, the better your recovery will be!

Li Huan had no choice but to get the little milk cat out!

If it weren't for this, Li Ming wouldn't be found!
I hope Liming is okay.

After Li Huan followed Jiuyou Lingguhuo out, he saw a quagmire in front of him.

The quagmire is different from the muddy water, the thick mud in the quagmire is constantly bubbling.

A corrosive smell emerged from the mud.

After these bubbles come out, they continue to extend upwards. The bubbles seen on the water surface should look like this before.

Li Huan waited for a while, and a clay figurine crawled out of the mud pool!
The clay figurine came out of this pool!

So, this is where Li Huan was looking for!

Li Huan strengthened the aura shield on his body a little, then walked slowly into the pool.

Not long after Li Huan dived, she found Li Ming!
(End of this chapter)

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