Chapter 1491 Cannon Fodder
At this time, the people who were watching outside also became excited:
"Look, the first team is indeed the most powerful!"

"Yeah! So fast! It also left the second team behind by such a long distance."

"You said, where does Team Ten want to be?"

"Who knows! It's just cannon fodder, so there's nothing to see!"

"That's right, don't look at their strength, how can they compare with the first team!"

"Maybe the whole army has been wiped out!"

"It won't be so miserable! At least I can cross the lava river, otherwise, how could I get to the last level!"

"Hahaha! Believe it or not, maybe they are still in the lava river now!"

"Why don't we see where they are?"

"You are really flustered, I want to see you, I'm not going to see!"

"Curiosity! I have nothing to do, just have some fun!"

So everyone once again requested to play the pictures of the ten teams.

But the screen of the tenth team was blank, with nothing.

"What's the matter?"

"That's right! Team Ten! It's gone!"

"Are they all dead? The whole army is really wiped out!"

The system didn't know if it understood the mobilizing crowd's voice, but there was a picture of Li Huan and the others digging the mud, and it was disconnected from here before!
"Haha! It's still digging mud!"

"I told you that they have nothing to watch! Still don't believe it! A waste of time!"

"You can't say that. In comparison, doesn't this make the first team even more powerful!"

"Ten teams are just for foil!"

"No, do you see something different in the picture?"

"What's different?"

"Look at this time, this is before!"

After being yelled at loudly, everyone looked over and found that the time was different.

"What's going on here?"

"What's the situation, isn't it synchronous?"

"seems not!"

The voices of discussion began to attract all eyes to this side, and everyone saw the scene of how Li Huan and the others molded the mud into a boat, and then threw the boat directly into the lava river.

"Is it stupid?"

"The purpose of digging mud is to throw it into the magma river for boat building?"

"It seems that the captain of the tenth team is not very smart."

"Exactly! How did they get here?"

"I feel that I am much stronger than her. How can she go in while we are still outside?"

Many people began to be dissatisfied with Li Huan's behavior, thinking that they were at this level, and they could get on by themselves, but those who broke through the barriers were such people, not as good as them.

As a result, after waiting for a short time, a picture of the ship floating up again suddenly appeared on the screen!
"What! Look!"

"The mud boat from the poisonous swamp has come up!"

"They're on board!"

It took Li Huan and the others less than an hour to cross the lava river. Compared with the rest of the team, it was not too fast!
The rest of the team bypassed the magma river, but only Li Huan took the boat directly. Although there were unknown creatures in the magma river, the speed was too fast!

"So, the bronze is the king?"

"How did she know this way?"

"Look at the first team!"

"So, they're ahead of the first team?"

"But they are not in the picture! Where did they go?"

The first team has already arrived at the World of Warcraft Grassland, everyone went to check the screen of the first team to make sure that only the first team members were on the World of Warcraft Grassland!
The problem is that there is no system to remind that someone has already won!

"Did you die on the way?"

"There is indeed only one team in the Warcraft Grassland, and the Warcrafts are all coming here, and there is no possibility of gathering in other places."

"So, he died on the road!"

"But there is no danger in entering Yunshan, it just takes a long time."

"Then you said whether there is a shortcut to enter Yunshan?"

The scene at this moment has been played until Li Huan and the others have entered Ruyun Mountain!


Soon the onlookers saw that Li Huan and the others had deviated from the main route and approached the cave!
But already entered the cave, the screen disappeared!
"What's the matter?"

"Why is it suddenly gone?"

"Isn't there no shortcut to entering Yunshan?"

"So, what's in that cave?"

Everyone was attracted by Li Huan's actions, but the picture of entering the cave never appeared.

"It must be dead, stop here!"

"It shouldn't be. Otherwise, the screen should disappear. It's not like it is now. I can't see anything clearly."

"That's right! A team that has been completely wiped out will take back the playback screen."

When Li Huan and the others reappeared, they were already on the opposite side of Ruyun Mountain.

"what's the situation!"

"This cave is really a shortcut!"

"That's why Team Ten was the first to arrive at the Warcraft Grassland!"

"Look, Team Ten didn't enter the Warcraft Grassland, and went back again!"

"What are they doing? Why can't they understand?"

"The inside of the cave seems to be blocked, so I'm really curious!"

"Where are the ten teams now?"

The first team that had received the most attention was now completely taken away by the tenth team!

Because Li Huan's behavior is too novel, and he has never heard of it before, there is a shortcut to the competition!
In particular, half of it is hidden, which is even more curious.

The screen keeps disappearing!
Because Li Huan and the others are no longer within the formation at all!
The rebroadcast of the screen will only appear in the array.

But Li Huan and the others had never followed the right path, so when they re-entered the cave, the picture disappeared again!

Of course no one knew about the part of Li Huan and the others in the underground river!

When the screen reappeared, it was already time for Li Huan and the others to appear from the Warcraft Grassland!

"They came out of the middle!"

"Is there a passage underground in the Warcraft Grassland?"

"Is Team Ten cheating?"

"But the system didn't disqualify them!"

"Then why do the people in Team Ten know so many shortcuts?"

The shortcuts in Li Huan's hand all start from getting the beads in his hand.

Li Huan and the others appeared closer to the finish line than the first team.

"So, you say, Team Ten shouldn't be the final winner?"

"It doesn't seem impossible."

"I didn't expect Team Ten to hide it all this time!"

"That's right! I don't know who it is, but they applied to stop broadcasting Team Ten. In this way, those in the middle can't be seen!"

"Maybe it's self-righteousness! I think the captain of the tenth team seems to be much better than the first team!"

"So what if you can play tricks, at the end of the day, you still have to compete separately!"

"That's right! When the time comes, if you fight alone, you may not be as good as the people in the first team!"

(End of this chapter)

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