Chapter 1492 First
The pictures of the tenth team are always intermittent, but it can't dampen the enthusiasm of the rest of the people to watch.

Now all of them know that the tenth team is also in the Warcraft Grassland, but when they came in, they were not attacked by the Warcraft!
"Could it be cheating?"

"Yeah, the monster grassland, once you step on it, you will be attacked by monsters, but you see, when they just came out, nothing happened!"

"It must be cheating! Request to disqualify ten teams!"

"Ten teams are disqualified! Fair competition!"

Many people began to be dissatisfied. After all, their previous sense of superiority came from Team Ten, but now Team Ten is so much stronger than they imagined. In this way, the only sense of superiority disappeared.

The cultivation base of the tenth team is obviously not the best, but they are at the forefront, and they still use the easiest way!
This makes people like them who can't even get in, how embarrassing!
What's more, there were many people who were locked out of the door because of the ceremony before, and couldn't get in!

"Disqualify ten teams!"

"Ten teams are not worthy of the competition!"

"Ask for fairness!"

But the system ignored them this time!

It's no use shouting!

"On the Demonic Beast Grassland, as long as the formation is not touched, there will be no magical beasts attacking, but most people don't know it!"

"What do you mean by fairness? Could it be that others have given up all the positions to you? It's all based on your ability! What can you do!"

"Before, I relied on other people to walk so far, and came here in this way. If I didn't go in, I might have died in it. I didn't let you go in. They are kind-hearted!"

When everyone heard the words, they turned their heads and saw a two-headed wolf standing right behind them with a haughty look on their faces!

"My God! Bruno! The mount of the High Priest!"

"How did it come here?"

"It seems that he is speaking for the tenth team! Then you say the tenth team?"

"Probably not. Not everyone can control it. After all, this competition is also composed of all major races in the demon world, and the demons alone have the final say!"

"So, is Team Ten really relying on their own abilities?"

"Maybe it is, you haven't seen, these things, we can't even think of them! But the tenth team can do it! What does this mean?"


"Represents Team Ten's brains! Such a captain, it's hard not to win!"

With Bruno's arrival and what he said to help the tenth team, the direction of discussion changed again for a while!

Bruno looked at the person in the picture, Li Huan still looked the same, but the little girl he knew had grown up a lot and was even more powerful than before.

Not to mention the improvement in cultivation base, even so the brain is even more powerful.

I don't know how much I have improved from when I met in Tomb Shou Village.

The firmness in Li Huan's eyes was also more obvious than before.

Bruno was very pleased, but because of the occasion, he couldn't protect Li Huan publicly, but how did she, a human race, know the secret of the competition venue?
The formation of Warcraft Grassland was arranged by Alice in the early years.

Bruno naturally knew that someone was destroying the formation, and rushed over to see the situation.

I didn't expect to meet an old acquaintance.

Bruno looked at the people in the picture, and suddenly found that there was an extra person beside Li Huan!
Why does that little boy look so familiar?

Bruno suddenly enlarged his eyes, it was...

Before Bruno recovered from the shock, he saw Ai Li behind Li Huan again!

that is not……

Bruno suddenly felt relieved!
With such a combination, it's hard not to get the first place!
Especially with the help of the people behind her, they will still have a chance to meet at the end.

With him here, there is no need to worry about her at all!
Bruno didn't look any further and just left!

And Li Huan and the others had already entered the blinding method and began to destroy the eyes of the array!
For the magic crystal, Li Huan and He Zhili would do anything!
Others were racking their brains to break through, but they ransacked the entire formation!
The place where the formation eye is located is very hidden, if it weren't for Li Huan's little milk cat.

The Warcraft Grassland is so big, it is really hard to find.

The eye of the formation was slashed several times by Li Huan with his sword, but there was no movement.

Zhili and Liming were also exhausted.

Ai Li: "Try that bead!"

Li Huan: "Do you know anything?"

Ai Li: "I don't know!"

Li Huan: "You must know! Otherwise, why do you seem to know everything!"

Ai Li: "I guess, you can try it if you don't believe me."

Li Huan: "How can anyone guess so accurately every time! You must know something!"

This time, Li Huan looked at Ai Li with certainty, and felt that there was something wrong with him, but he never asked. Now, taking this opportunity, he must find out who Ai Li is!
Li Huan: "If you don't say anything, I'll be rude!"

Ai Li: "How can you be impolite? I can do it!"

Ai Li's clear and affectionate eyes made Li Huan, who was about to question her, instantly speechless.

It's not scary to sneak into someone who doesn't know the details. What's scary is that this person is good-looking, but also good at flirting, and he can't hold it if he is not careful!

Li Huan quickly took out the beads to break the formation, and put aside the matter of Ai Li's identity, after all Li Huan could not feel Ai Li's hostility.

After Li Huan took out the bead, he put the bead directly on top of the formation, and the protective restriction of the formation eye was opened immediately!
Li Huan: ...opening the magic weapon?
Going out like this, Li Huan would be too embarrassed to say that she didn't cheat!
But this scene cannot be seen from the outside!
Because the moment Li Huan's beads were taken out, they were blocked again.

"What's the situation! Why is there always no picture!"

"Is the system deliberately protecting her!"

"What the hell is Team Ten doing! Even the system protects him!"

After Li Huan and the others entered the eyes of the Warcraft Grassland, they found that the inside was different from the outside, and there was still a wide area.

After Li Huan brought people in, he didn't see any magic crystals, nor anything containing spiritual energy, not a single piece of heaven, material and earth treasures!

Zhili: "What's the situation?"

Li Ming: "Sister Huanhuan, be careful, this place is a little different!"

Ai Li: "Don't get too far away from me!"

"call out!"

Just after finishing speaking, a dark arrow suddenly rushed out from a certain corner, almost hitting Li Huan.

Li Huan's reaction was extremely quick, and he caught the arrow in the back in an instant, and then found the place where he shot it firmly.

Li Huan: "There should be an agency. Let's find a way. This place should not be the real opening of the formation. The opening of the formation should be hidden."

Li Ming: "Sister, what you mean is, how many layers does this formation have?"

Li Huan: "It should be! Such a large formation, it is impossible to easily expose the formation, let's find it!"

(End of this chapter)

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