Chapter 1493 Hope
Li Huan led them into the formation.

But after the restriction was broken, the monsters outside seemed to have discovered something, but there was only one team of people on the grassland of monsters.

It must be something they did!
So the monsters all attacked the first team.

No. [-] of the first team: "Is this a little different?"

No. [-] of the first team: "I've never heard that monsters are so fierce!"

No. [-] of the first team: "If we don't quit and have a look again! It's too much to go on like this!"

As a result, the captain of the first team disagreed: "Withdrawing means that you will never be number one! You are already here, how can you give up! Don't talk anymore! It's the same for whoever comes! Come on, go through, it's the best! real!"

So after being reprimanded by the captain, the other members of the team still bit the bullet and used all their best cards!
But the effect is not good!
The people of the second team hurried over and found that the first team was ahead of them by a long distance, but now they are just like them!
It's still not far from the entrance of the Warcraft Grassland!

No. [-] of the second team: "It seems that we have a chance to be number one!"

No. [-] of the second team: "Maybe this is fate! We are the ones who are destined to take the first place!"

The captain of the second team looked at the first team, and thought of the place not far in front of him!

When they entered Yunshan, the distance was too far, they thought they had lost the qualification to compete for the first place, but they didn't expect to have a chance!

Then don't waste it!
The captain of the second team immediately ordered: "Let's go in! As long as we pass through here, we will be able to reach the finish line! Maybe this time the number one is really ours!"

No. [-] of the second team: "Looking at the arrogant appearance of the first team, they are going to be defeated by us!"

No. [-] of the second team: "The first team really doesn't cherish it! Such a good opportunity, is it still here, dawdling! It's like giving up the number one!"

The members of the second team entered the Warcraft Grassland full of confidence!

The monsters originally had no other targets, so they had been besieging the first team. Now that the second team came in, they soon discovered that there was a new target coming in!

Warcraft are all subject to the manipulation of the eyes of the array!
But Li Huan broke the restriction on suppressing the eyes of the formation, so the monsters started to act casually!
The original setting is that as soon as someone steps into the Warcraft Grassland, they will start attacking!
Therefore, a large number of monsters came to attack the second team.

The first team instantly relieved a lot of pressure!
But soon they stopped laughing!

Although many monsters left to attack the second team, the strength of the monsters is gradually getting stronger!
The prohibition of the formation eyes has always suppressed the cultivation of the monsters to avoid large-scale deaths.

After all, they are here to compete, and they don't want everyone to be annihilated!
Every time this place is opened, the cultivation base of the monsters will be controlled within the range they can bear!

But this time is different!
Li Huan shattered the restriction of the formation eyes!
The suppressed strength of the monsters will gradually recover!
After all, these monsters are not easy to mess with!

Like a runaway wild horse, wild and unruly.

The first team discovered that the walking Warcraft not only did not help them relieve their stress, but increased it instead!

The second team was even more unlucky!
Obviously just now full of confidence, but now, as if he lost his soul, he just wants to leave here immediately!

After the monsters came to besiege, they discovered that the strength of these monsters was much stronger than the strength of the legendary monster grassland!

And there is a growing trend!
But they have already boarded the pirate ship, and they can't get off at all!

Captain of the second team: "What's going on? Why are the monsters so much stronger!"

No. [-] of the second team: "Did No. [-] use some means to drive all the powerful monsters to our place!"

No. [-] of the second team: "It makes sense! They are just jealous of us!"

No. [-] of the second team: "Captain, the first team is really cunning!"

When the captain of the first team looked over, he happened to look at the captain of the second team!

Originally, the captain of the first team wanted to ask the second team to see if they knew what was going on.

But because he was far away, he was blocked by a monster again.

So what was said, the people in the second team couldn't hear it at all.

No. [-] of the second team: "Captain, what are they calling?"

No. [-] of the second team: "They are scolding us!"

No. [-] of the second team: "Why!"

Captain of the second team: "Don't talk nonsense, maybe there are other problems!"

No. [-] of the second team: "Captain, I have learned lip language before, and they are just scolding us! Look, they even despised their fingers at us!"

The people in the second team looked at the people in the first team, and they really stretched out their hands here.

No. [-] of the second team: "They are afraid that we will take the first place! Maybe it's jealousy! Let's ignore them!"

Little did they know that the members of the first team were also puzzled at this time!
The captain of the first team: "What do you mean by this gesture?"

No. [-] of the first team: "Someone taught me before that as long as the finger in the middle of the hand is raised up, it is to ask for help! He said that everyone understands!"

No. [-] of the first team: "Who taught you!"

No. [-] of the first team: "When you come in, listen to what others say!"

No. [-] of the first team: "Captain, people from the second team ignore us!"

No. [-] of the first team: "That's right, we are competitors now, so we naturally ignore it for our own sake."

The captain of the first team: "It's time now, if you don't cooperate, will you all die here!"

The monsters are getting more and more excited as if they have been injected with chicken blood!
It seems that I have been trapped for a long time, and I will be liberated soon!
But before liberation, these people still have to be eaten, let's celebrate!
Therefore, the attacks of the monsters are getting stronger and stronger!
The second team is now full of regrets!

When I came in before, I was still laughing at the first team, but now the present report is here!

I am also trapped in this group of monsters and can't go away!
Soon, the third team and the fourth team also came down from Ruyun Mountain!
They saw that the first team and the second team were still in the Warcraft Grassland, and they hadn't gone far!

What a pleasant surprise!

Maybe they can also get the first place!

After all, they have already arrived at the Warcraft Grassland!
Whoever passes first will be the first to reach the finish line. I thought I had no hope at first, but suddenly I saw hope coming again!
Just don't be too surprised.

The emotions of the third team and the fourth team are the same as when the second team just came down and saw the first team is still there!

(End of this chapter)

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