Chapter 154 Repentance
And ruined her daughter!

Lin Mumu held back his anger.

Li Ning must be brought back before the master returns home.

Ye Chengan also immediately shut up.

But now, the biggest problem is.

Where can I find Li Huan and give it back to him!

Before Lin Mumu sent someone to pick Li Ning up, Ye Chengan couldn't help asking for it again.

By the time Li Ning was taken back to Li Mansion, he was no longer in human form.

Lin Mumu saw her daughter being tortured like this.

For a moment, his liver and gallbladder burst with anger, but what followed immediately was disgust.

Seeing Li Ning like this, Lin Mumu knew that she had no destiny with the Da family in this life.

Raised for so many years in vain!
Lin Mumu only told the nuns to take care of her, but she didn't stay for a moment.

Ye Chengan didn't show up himself, so he sent someone.

He asked Lin Mumu for a large sum of money, saying it was a hush money.

Lin Mumu held a mouthful of old blood in her throat and almost suffocated!
You must catch that little bastard back!
But at this moment, Lin Mumu realized that all his belongings had disappeared!
The people sent by Ye Chengan kept urging and demanding a lot of money.

Lin Mumu had no choice but to sneak to the treasure building.

When Lin Mumu opened the treasure building, he really felt that the sky had fallen!
The entire treasure building is empty, there is nothing, not a single piece of silver can be seen.

Lin Mumu panicked now!
She hurriedly dismissed the people Ye Chengan brought, saying that she would return them in a few days.

When Li Ge returned home, he searched the entire treasure building up and down.

Nothing at all!


Li Ge's face turned blue, and he stood silently by the side without saying a word.

Lin Mumu: "Master, it must be that little bastard Li Huan, someone from the Ye family said she ran away.

Maybe with which wild man ran away.

Then Ye Chengan sent someone to ask for someone today.

If no one can be found, the betrothal gifts will have to be returned.

That little bitch had already asked for the dowry away, it must have been premeditated! "

Lin Mumu was determined to pin the crime on Li Huan.

He didn't notice his true face, which had been exposed in front of Li Ge.

Lin Mumu has always been a good wife and mother in front of Li Ge.

A good wife who is gentle and obedient, and a good mother who is gentle, respectful and thrifty.

But Lin Mumu was too anxious at this time.

Ye Chengan asked her for money.

All her own private money had disappeared.

Now even the entire Treasure Building is gone, and I won't be able to get any money at that time...

What if Ye Chengan reveals about Ning'er!
Someone must be making a fuss about the daughter's family's reputation in the mansion, and Jiao'er will be implicated!

There are so many people who want to marry the prince, they will definitely take the opportunity to play tricks.


Seeing that Jiaoer has won the Prince's attention.

Marrying into the Prince's Mansion is a matter of time.

If someone gets caught at this time!
No way!

All the dirty water must be poured on Li Huan.

Anyway, her reputation has always been bad, and it's not bad.

Li Ge looked at Lin Mumu, wondering what he was thinking.

Seeing that Li Ge didn't speak, Lin Mumu wanted to add fuel to the fire.

He continued: "My lord, why don't you go to the police and arrest her..."

Li Ge suddenly said at this moment: "Who did you betroth her to?"

Lin Mumu didn't expect Li Ge to ask such a question suddenly, before she only said it was a guard's family.

Lin Mumu didn't make it clear whose family it was.

Li Ge looked at the dowry list, it was indeed good, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, in his eyes, a married daughter is like water thrown out.

Li Huan's marriage to the prince fell through in the imperial capital, and there is no big family to marry.

If it's not a high marriage, he doesn't care too much.

But the dowry list was processed by Lin Mumu.

She added quite a few things to look good.

At this moment, seeing his wife's performance, Li Ge began to be puzzled.

It can only be said that Li Huan's well-behaved image left a deep impression on Li Ge.

Even when Li Huan talks sometimes, he doesn't like it very much.

But in Li Ge's eyes, this third daughter is not as domineering as Li An and Li Ning.

Seeing Lin Mumu who was trying to slander her, Li Ge had no choice but to doubt the marriage.

Lin Mumu didn't know how to answer.

However, facing Li Ge's aggressive gaze.

He could only bite the bullet and say, "Yes...he is the younger brother of the adjutant's family who guards the west of the city."

"Didn't it mean that the guard's family became an adjutant again?"

Li Ge's voice contained anger.

"It's not the adjutant... it's... the adjutant's younger brother."

The more Lin Mumu spoke, the lower her voice became.

Li Ge pushed her away and strode out.

Lin Mumu was unprepared for a moment, was pushed by Li Ge and fell to the ground.

Before he could cry out in pain, he hurriedly got up again and went after Li Ge.

When Lin Mumu caught up, Li Ge had already asked Butler Wang.

Lin Mumu looked at Li Ge who was silent, sitting on the ebony chair in front of the hall.

His face was clouded with the clouds before the storm.


Lin Mumu tentatively called out.


The armrest of the Taishi chair was crushed by a huge force and turned into powder.

Lin Mumu was taken aback by the sudden sound.

Li Ge looked up at her.

Lin Mumu was stared at by this gaze, as if being strangled by someone, and dared not say a word.

Li Ge was silent for a long time, and finally said: "This marriage, no matter what method you use, you must return it immediately!"

"Why? Master, this..."

Lin Mumu wanted to say something more, but was killed by Li Ge's eyes, and immediately shut up.

"Because there are not many people who know about it now, I don't care what method you use, if you still haven't resigned tomorrow, you can come and see her!"

Li Ge dropped these words and left without even looking at Lin Mumu.

Lin Mumu was startled and terrified.

Li Ge had never said such serious words to her.

Why, is it because she is Lin Yunshang's daughter!
Lin Mumu held her fingers tightly, her nails deeply embedded in her palm.

After all these years, could it be that I am no more than a dead person in your heart!
Li Ge has sent someone to find Li Huan.

In the evening, Lin Mumu came to Li Ge's study with a bowl of purple grass and deer blood soup.

"Master, I didn't eat much for dinner today, so let's drink some hot soup to warm up."

Lin Mumu changed her decadence in the afternoon.

The heavy makeup was removed, and only light makeup was put on.

Although there are some traces of age on the face, it is still charming and charming.

When Li Ge saw Lin Mumu approaching, his expression was not very good, but he didn't drive her away.

It would be impossible to get along for so many years without the love between husband and wife.

Seeing this, Lin Mumu knew it well.

She knows Li Ge best.

The hostess who has been able to stand in this mansion for so many years naturally has some means.

Lin Mumu slowed down his voice.

Said softly: "Master, I was thinking about it for a while.

This marriage will be canceled tomorrow morning.

Don't be mad at me. "

As Lin Mumu said, he handed the soup in his hand to Li Ge.

Li Ge was a little dissatisfied, but he didn't stop him.

He drank the bowl of purple grass and deer blood soup in one gulp.

Li Geyu said earnestly: "I know you have resentment in your heart.

But what you are doing in this marriage is not very authentic.

In the future, if the Empress Dowager and the Emperor are on a whim, just ask.

What should you do, don't lose the big because of the small. "

(End of this chapter)

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