Chapter 155 Jumping the beam clown (plus more)
Lin Mumu didn't take it seriously when he heard Li Ge's words.

But it's rubbish.

The empress dowager has raised her a few times, and it is already a big face.

As long as Jiao'er can fulfill her wish and become the princess.

In the future, the prince will ascend the throne.

She is the mother of the serious queen of Yunlong Kingdom.

And what happened to her divorce.

But Lin Mumu opened his mouth and said: "Yes, the master taught me the lesson.

I also heard from the matchmaker before, and I think that one is not bad.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to come up with so much dowry to marry Huan'er.

It's also because I didn't handle things carefully. Recently, Jiaoer and the prince...

I put all my thoughts on her. "

When Li Ge heard Lin Mumu talk about his eldest daughter, he felt quite relieved.

The rest of these daughters are too talented.

It is rare for him to have a Li Ge who can rival the daughter of the Da clan.

It satisfies his great vanity.

Although Lin Mumu couldn't help her in her official career.

But he gave birth to a pair of good children.

Right now, the eldest daughter is really fighting for him.

Recently, the prince has been sending things here every now and then.

Although it was meant to send Li Ge away.

But among the gifts, there are always some things from my daughter's home.

It can be seen that the prince is very satisfied with Li Jiao.

Li Ge was very proud.

Thinking of this, Li Ge's eyes on Lin Mumu are no longer as cold as before.

Lin Mumu took the opportunity to lean forward.

The soft body leaned against Li Ge.

Li Ge only felt that his whole body was a little hot.

Lin Mumu saw that the medicine had worked.

Putting his hands on Li Ge's shoulders at the right time, "Master, let's rest early."

Hot and humid breath, with intoxicating powder.

Li Ge picked up Lin Mumu and walked to the resting room in the study.

Early the next morning, Lin Mumu went to the place where the dowry gifts were placed, only to find that the boxes containing the dowry gifts were all empty!
Lin Mumu was so angry that she almost fainted.

When the dowry gift came, it was obviously full!

how so!
But this matter can't be said yet, Li Ge had a hard time last night, please appease him.

Only now did Lin Mumu feel that there was one head and two big ones.

However, the maid over there came to report that Li Ning had already woken up and was making trouble in the yard.

Lin Mumu rushed over angrily.

With a knife in his hand, Li Ning was committing suicide despite the obstruction of the maids.

Lin Mumu rushed forward and grabbed the dagger.

He slapped Li Huan hard on the face.

Li Ning was like a puppet for a moment, standing there motionless.

Lin Mumu looked at her with eyes full of disdain: "I know it's causing trouble for me all day long!

Why don't you learn from your big sister!
It's annoying to watch!


It's clean to die! "

The mansion was stolen one after another, and Li Huan was nowhere to be found.

The Ye family was urging someone to ask for money, and Li Ge wanted her to withdraw immediately.

Now that the betrothal gift is gone, what will this relative do to get it back!

Lin Mumu poured all these grievances on Li Ning.

Li Ning looked at Lin Mumu in front of him.

She only felt that her mother had become extremely strange at this moment.

For so many years, despite the supply of fine clothes and fine food.

But in terms of caring, it is nothing compared to Lijiao.

Right now, I was dropped by someone for no reason, and I just came out of that hell.

Back home, unexpectedly...

Li Ning's heart was completely dead at this moment.

A pair of beautiful eyes dimmed.

She couldn't hear what Lin Mumu said any more.

She only hated that she didn't have the courage to die.

Seeing Li Ning like that, Lin Mumu seemed to have changed suddenly, looking lifeless.

The tone softened again: "Take care of it well, this big family has no destiny for you, I will help you arrange it in the future."

Lin Mumu still had a lot of things to deal with, seeing that Li Ning'an was silent, she left in a hurry.

At this moment, the concierge came to report again, saying that it was someone from the Ye family who came to urge him again.

Lin Mu Mu threw the cup and smashed the plate angrily.

Ask someone to drive away the people from the Ye family.

Right now, Lin Mumu can only go to Li Jiao to embezzle some money and deal with it first.

Li Jiao didn't care about family affairs.

Hearing that Lin Mumu came to ask for money, he felt unhappy immediately: "Mother, the family's foundation is not good.

My dowry is already small, if you take it away again.

Then if I marry in the future, won't I be laughed at to death. "

Before Lin Mumu could speak, she was blocked by Li Jiao's words.

My heart was suddenly blocked.

The daughter held in the palm of my hand, unexpectedly...

It turned out to be such an attitude, Lin Mumu's heart suddenly felt sore.

Her family background is not good, and she only wants her daughter to be able to stand out in the future and give her a good face.

All good things should be closely followed by Lijiao.

Lin Mumu said helplessly: "Forget it, I'll think of a way."

All Lin Mumu's hopes were placed on Li Jiao, and she only hoped that her daughter could show her face.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Mumu left again.

As a result, just as Lin Mumu returned to the front yard, Ye Chengan's men came again.

Lin Mumu went to Li Ning again.

As a result, before reaching the gate of the courtyard, a servant girl came to report that the young lady had disappeared.

Lin Mumu was furious in her heart, but after searching all over, she didn't see Li Ning.

Lin Mumu could only send someone to look for him in the mansion.

Not in the yard, nor in the mansion.

Finally, the porter said that he saw Miss Wu go out.

Lin Mumu dropped the teacup in his hand angrily: "What are you doing going out at a time like this! Just die outside and don't come back!"

Lin Mumu looked for Li Ning's yard and found that her money was also gone.

But the concierge said that Fifth Miss went out empty-handed.

Lin Mumu immediately thought of the successive thefts in the mansion.

Thinking about Li Ning's money and things, he had never seen it before.

Lin Mumu gritted her voice through her teeth: "Okay, Lihuan!"

Lin Mumu was angry at this time, her seven orifices were on fire, and she didn't care about Li Ge's orders.

Directly ordered someone to report the case to the pusher.

Lin Mumu sent someone to deliver a letter to Li An, asking her to come back with money for emergency.

In the end, they waited and waited, only waiting for the person who delivered the letter to say that Mrs. Zuo Er was already a member of the Zuo family.

All this money is accounted for, so I dare not borrow it casually.

Lin Mumu's eyes darkened when she heard this, and she almost fainted.

But she can't now.

The members of the Ye family are still outside. Although the Ye family is inconspicuous, its status is not as high as Lifu.

However, the deputy general had a very beautiful younger sister in the palace.

Although the favor is not as good as Lan Shaohua, she is still a noble person, and I heard that she is about to become a concubine.

People in the Ye family can't move casually.

Otherwise, Lin Mumu would send someone to kill Ye Chengan right now!
Lin Mumu also began to regret at this time.

But what she regretted was not for provoking street hooligans like Ye Chengan.

But he didn't abolish Li Huan's cultivation before getting married.

Lin Mumu is also the same as Li Ge.

He thought that Li Huan was just a first-order warrior who had just cultivated.

Even though I don't know where I learned some skills, Zuo Zuo is just a clown.

But this time, he didn't expect that he would fall in front of this clown.

I don't know how she did it.

(End of this chapter)

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