Chapter 156

Lin Mumu regretted it: "I should have added some poison to that soup before she got married!"

She obviously prepared the medicine, and Li Ning also gave it to her to drink.

Lin Mumu really couldn't figure it out.

How could she run away and cause so many things.

Although now Lin Mumu doesn't know who took the things lost in the mansion.

But subconsciously, she put this crime on Li Huan.

But when he was angry, Lin Mumu lost his mind for a while.

The pusher sent someone to check, but there was still no progress. These things seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Lin Mumu's teeth itched in anger, but there was nothing he could do.

She wanted to put the blame on Li Huan.

But right now, Li Huan is already 'married'.

In order to make sure that Li Huan got married, Li Ning was not involved.

Lin Mumu couldn't push Li Huan to blame Li Huan.

The members of the Ye family urged him a few more times, but Lin Mumu could only bite the bullet and say, "I'll walk with you."

Ye Chengan didn't quite fit in because of his temperament.

So, I live in the yard on the far side of Ye's house.

Lin Mumu came here, saw Ye Chengan, and was stunned for a while.

She only knew that she was a very ugly person, but she didn't expect to be so ugly!
Thinking of how her daughter Li Ning was spoiled all night by such a person.

Lin Mumu's hatred for Li Huan increased a bit.

This person is really strange, this Ye Chengan was chosen by herself.

This would make her feel sorry for her daughter.

If Li Huan didn't give her this way, would he deserve to be bullied?

After all, Lin Mumu is no longer a teenage girl.

He quickly concealed the nausea in his heart and said, "Master Ye, I'm here to retire today.

We don't want to end this marriage. "

Ye Chengan had always dreamed of the dream of 'buy one get one free'.

When this person came, he actually shattered his fantasy.

Ye Chengan's face suddenly turned ugly.

The already ugly face became even uglier.

"What does Madam Li mean?
Relying on the power of the general's mansion, he dared to go back on his word.

No one in the Ye family bullies me, right? "

Lin Mumu: "That's not what I meant, I was the one who decided the marriage before.

But after my master knew about it, he felt it was wrong.

Then let me retire.

In the future, it is better for us to take each side of the road facing the sky. "

Ye Chengan said mockingly: "What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Ye Chengan looked at Lin Mumu, he saw all the disgust in her eyes before, hum!
Lin Mumu was at a loss for words and couldn't answer.

He only said forcefully: "Young master Ye, will you give me the face of the general's mansion?

This marriage must be withdrawn today. "

Ye Chengan: "Alright then, return the dowry gift!"

Lin Mumu exploded when he heard it: "You still have the face to ask me for a bride price!

My daughter was ruined by you, and I haven't settled with you yet! "

Lin Mumu pointed at Ye Chengan with a look of anger.

Ye Chengan didn't reply, and suddenly made a move, grabbing Lin Mumu's hand and pointing at him.

With a sudden force, he pulled Lin Mumu to his chest.

Lin Mumu didn't check for a while, but was hugged tightly by Ye Chengan.

Ye Chengan: "Neither refunding the money nor returning the person, you can't leave home to take all the benefits.

In this case, I will fulfill you. "


Lin Mumu only felt a cold shoulder.

Then suddenly both feet lightened.

The whole person was picked up by Ye Chengan and thrown on the bed of the Eight Immortals.

Lin Mumu was frightened, but her clothes were disheveled.

Can't shout again.

Otherwise, where else would she put her old face.

Lin Mumu walked in a hurry, with a nanny at her side.

Lin Mumu didn't dare to let the nanny know about this.

Leaving her outside, only one person came in.

There is no one to help her now.

Lin Mumu was a warrior after all, so he quickly realized that he attacked Ye Chengan with a palm wind.

Lin Mumu is also a Tier [-] warrior, and Ye Chengan is also a Tier [-] warrior.

But Lin Mumu has been pampered and pampered for many years.

How could her Tier [-] warrior be able to beat Ye Chengan who was a thug.

Soon Lin Mumu was captured by him.

Ye Chengan also took advantage of the fight to tear off Lin Mumu's clothes.

Ye Chengan: "Unexpectedly, you are more attractive than your children."

While talking, Ye Chengan bullied Lin Mumu.

Unlike Li Ning, Lin Mumu is a stunner who still has charm.

Ripe and full.

Emanate even more irresistible desire.

She has been in Lifu for many years, and she has long raised her body to be delicate and tender.

Ye Chengan couldn't wait to enjoy it.

Lin Mumu couldn't resist, and closed her eyes resignedly.

Let that extremely ugly man act recklessly.

Until an hour later.

That Zhu Bajie on Lin Mumu was willing to let her go.

Lin Mumu looked at Ye Chengan with poisonous eyes: "Today's matter.

If you dare to say half a word.

Even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go! "

Ye Chengan sneered, watching Lin Mumu put on her clothes and leave.

With dark eyes, he looked at the leaving figure calculatedly.

He muttered in his mouth: "Huh! Dare to threaten you, I, I, just wait and see!"

Lin Mumu came out with disheveled clothes.

The nanny who followed her felt strange, but didn't ask.

Mammy is an old man, and she knows the rules of working in a big family.

If you shouldn't ask, you can't ask, just pretend you didn't see it.

Lin Mumu returned to Li Mansion and immediately ordered someone to prepare bath water.

For the first time, no one was allowed to wait for her to take a bath.

Lin Mumu looked at the marks on her body and was extremely disgusted.


Water splashes everywhere.

Lin Mumu clenched his fists and hit the tub.

It's disgusting!
The thought of being ridden by such a person just now...

Although Li Ge wasn't considered as talented and elegant, he was also personable.

Otherwise, Lin Mumu would not have been tempted by Li Ge back then.

Without telling Lin Yunshang, she secretly seduced him.

Comparing Ye Chengan and Li Ge, there is a stark difference.

Lin Mumu felt nauseous when she thought about it.

However, there is nowhere to say about this matter, so I have to hide it tightly.

At this time, Lin Mumu was really suffering and couldn't tell.

She finally realized why Li Ning wanted to commit suicide as soon as she woke up.

But she can't!

She must capture that little bastard Li Huan back!

broken!corpse!Ten thousand!part!
If she hadn't run away, how could she have suffered like this!
Lin Mumu blamed all today's events on Li Huan's escape.

I can't wait to peel her skin and cramps!
Lin Mumu didn't come out of the tub until the water was cold.

Immediately afterwards, he ordered someone to split the tub and send it to the kitchen as firewood.

The previous clothes were also sent to be burned!

Those who went out to look for Lining came back and reported that no one was found.

Do you want to continue to send people to look outside the imperial capital?

Lin Mumu squeezed the center of her eyebrows, now she regretted her bad attitude towards Li Ning before.

I ordered someone to continue looking.

All of them are worry-free!

Lin Mumu suddenly asked Nanny Li beside her, "Does Nanny Zhang still have a son?"

Nanny Li is the most capable person around Lin Mumu.

She happened to be away when Lin Mumu went to Ye's house today.

And that Nanny Zhang was the one who followed Lin Mumu.

Nanny Li didn't know why Lin Mumu asked such a question, so she could only answer truthfully: "Yes, there is a son."

Lin Mumu: "Go and find out about her son's situation!"

(End of this chapter)

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