Chapter 167 Elimination of Clan (Addition)
Li Ge was about to have an attack, but Lin Mumu's truth made him angry.

But compared to giving him a cuckold, it's still acceptable.

Li Huan saw it and kept silent.

Cheap dad is cheap dad, there is nothing to look forward to.

"What's the matter, mother? It's already cold today. If you kneel on the ground, you will catch the cold. Get up!"

As Li Jiao said, she walked towards Lin Mumu and helped her up.


Li Ge snorted coldly, but he didn't stop Li Jiao's movements.

Li Jiao: "Daddy, I already know what happened.

Even if I gave my mother a hundred guts, she would not dare to do anything that would harm the family.

For so many years, my mother has only you in her heart. No one in the whole house knows this.

This matter is because the mother is jealous, and it is wrong to do it.

But the third sister is not also fine.

It's better to make big things small, small things small, forget it.

There are two languages ​​in this family. "

What a big event turned into a small matter!

Li Huan sneered in his heart, obviously he was running to kill me.

But a word of 'jealousy' dismissed it.

This Li Jiao didn't see it, it was a deep secret, but it was right.

What kind of good person can be raised under Lin Mumu's hands.

Li Huan also made a silent note to Li Jiao in her heart.

This big sister usually looks high and cold, but her mind can be said to be vicious.

Li Huan: "Daddy, Aunt Lin just wants my life, and now she has admitted it herself!

Daddy won't ignore things! "

Before Li Ge could speak, Li Jiao spoke first: "Third Sister, there must be something wrong with Mother.

But if you open your mouth and shut up your auntie auntie, you don't intend to embarrass her.

The identity of the mother was approved by the father himself.

Don't you even pay attention to what your father said? "

She's so lijiao, a biting dog that doesn't show her teeth.

In just a few words, Lin Mumu's fault was wiped out.

He also put the name of disrespecting the elders on Li Huan's head.

By the way, he also alienates the relationship between Li Ge and Li Huan, saying that Li Huan doesn't take Li Ge's words seriously.

Although there is nothing to separate Li Huan and Li Geben.

But saying this is a different story.

Once implemented, it is unfilial!

Only then did Li Huan take a new look at this big sister who was usually as proud as a peacock.

I was mistaken before, this is the most difficult to deal with!

Compared to Li Jiao, a domineering young lady like Li An Li Ning is really nothing worth mentioning.

No wonder Lin Mumu wanted to kill herself and marry her into the East Palace.

This imperial city is a good place for Li Jiao, but I don't know if she can get out alive.

Li Huan also ignored Li Jiao, and asked Li Ge again: "Daddy, how should we deal with this matter?"

Li Ge: "Naturally, you will be punished! Use it as a warning to others!"

Li Huan: "Then I would like to thank my father, but how should I be punished?"

Li Jiao: "Father, His Royal Highness said that a family banquet will be held the day after tomorrow, and I will be invited to the banquet with my mother."

Li Huan didn't know what Li Jiao meant by saying such words suddenly.

But soon, Li Ge's performance told Li Huan.

Li Ge: "Let her pour you tea and apologize!"

Li Huan: "Father! Lin Mumu wants my life!"

Li Ge: "Huan'er, why are you aggressive, your mother is certainly wrong.

But you already know you are wrong, so don't hold on to it anymore! "

I am aggressive!

I can't let go!

Only then did Li Huan really refresh his understanding of this cheap father!
good good!
Li Ge, you are ruthless, I am ruthless!

Li Huan's original sympathy was shattered to pieces at this moment.

In the future, there is really no need to get involved in leaving the mansion.

"Let me pour tea for her and apologize! Why!"

Lin Mumu yelled dissatisfied.

Li Jiao glanced at her displeased, and tugged on her sleeve.

Although Lin Mumu was extremely reluctant, she always listened to Li Jiao's words.

Lin Mumu suppressed her resentment, took a cup of tea from the maid and handed it to Li Huan.

Reluctantly said: "Apologize!"

Li Huan: "Oh! This is pouring tea and apologizing! Today is an eye opener."


Li Ge also felt that he had lost face and snorted coldly.

Only then did Lin Mumu set the cup, and said in a voice like a mosquito, "I'm sorry!"

Li Huan did not pick up Lin Mumu's tea.

He said to Li Ge: "Father, if I drink this cup of tea today, I will settle with you in Lifu, what should you do!"

Li Ge: "You bastard, what are you talking about!

Your mother personally poured tea for you and apologized, what else do you want?
Are you willing to tear this family apart! "

"Okay, since that's the case, after drinking this cup of tea, I invite myself to leave the residence and leave the family tree!"

Lin Mumu was originally very reluctant.

But hearing what Li Huan said, I couldn't say how happy I was.

Looking at Li Huan helplessly, he wished he could pour this cup of tea directly into Li Huan's mouth.

Li Ge: "You unfilial daughter, do you insist on doing this?"

Unfilial girl!What a big hat!
Li Huan: "Yes, with me without her, with her without me!"

Originally, Li Ge was just a little angry and Li Huan.

But Li Huan's words directly put himself and Lin Mumu above life and death enemies.

Either keep Lin Mumu, or keep her.

Li Jiao: "Father, if you lose your parents, you will have to keep your filial piety for three years. After three years... I'm afraid the emperor will have his eldest grandson."

Li Jiao's words hit the nail on the head.

Rang Li Ge must keep Lin Mumu.

Otherwise, the position of crown princess will be gone!
Although Lan Shaohua hasn't made any substantive expressions yet.

But Li Ge, Li Jiao, Lin Mumu felt that this was a done deal.

No one knows where their confidence comes from.

Li Huan: "How?"

Right now Li Ge really hates this Li Huan.

But I never thought about expelling her from the mansion: "You insist on this?"

Li Huan: "Sure!"

Li Ge: "Since you are determined to do this, then as you wish, come here, please ask for the genealogy!"

Li Ge had planned it in his heart.

This Lin Yuxian has been dead for so many years, so there may be more of those favors left.

The Empress Dowager appreciates Li Huan, and that is counted as one time, and it cannot be counted.

But it seems that Li Huan has just started to practice, although he doesn't know why.

But no matter what, she couldn't compare to Jiaojiao, a sixth-rank warrior.

The corner of Li Huan's mouth raised slightly, but he didn't take Lin Mumu's tea.

I hope you will not regret it in the future!

Soon the butler brought the genealogy.

Li Ge held the wolf in his hand, hesitantly: "You think it through! If something happens outside in the future, don't blame me for not helping you!"

Li Huan: "I won't hesitate, please father remember what I said today!"

Li Ge was so pissed off by Li Huan that he immediately crossed Li Huan's name in the family tree.

Lin Mumu was so happy that he watched Li Ge write the pen.

If it didn't hinder the image, he would definitely laugh out loud at this moment.

Li Jiao glanced at Li Huan coldly.

This poor concubine didn't know how her mother was made into such a mess by her.

But what about some methods, she was kicked out of the house as soon as she made a move.

(End of this chapter)

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