The Return of the Divine Phoenix: Princess, don't run away

Chapter 168 Blood and Bone Incompatibility

Chapter 168 Blood and Bone Incompatibility
Li Huan was expelled from the clan, so naturally there was no reason to stay in Li Mansion.

But before leaving, Li Huan asked, "Where are my grandfather and mother buried?"

Nanny Qin might know, but right now, there is no way to see her.

Li Huan asked when she was a child, but Nanny Qin never took Li Huan to worship.

After asking several times, Li Huan no longer mentioned it.

He lost his mother when he was young, and was kicked out by his father because he had no talent.

At that time, Li Huan was really humble to the bone.

I haven't even been to my mother's grandfather's cemetery.

The reason why Li Huan came back today was to clarify one thing.

Back then, I was too young to understand anything, so I was sent away.

Now that he's back, Li Huan naturally wants to find out what happened back then.

Li Ge did not expect that Li Huan would suddenly ask this question.

But as a daughter, it is reasonable to want to worship her mother and grandfather.

Lin Mumu's expression suddenly changed.

But it was quickly hidden, but it was still perceived by Li Huan's divine sense.

Lin Mumu wanted to stop it, but it seemed too abrupt, how could she not let her daughter pay homage to her biological mother.

After so many years, she can't see anything.

Li Ge: "Thirty miles south of the outskirts of Beijing."

Li Huan was about to leave, but Li Ge suddenly said, "Since you are no longer a person who left home, the dowry shop that was given to you before will also be returned!"

Lin Mumu also suddenly became excited when he heard Li Ge's words: "Yes, since you are no longer a person who left home, then the dowry will naturally be returned!"

When Li Huan turned around and saw the faces of Li Ge and Lin Mumu, it was really disgusting.

So, this is tearing face, simply don't even want the last fig leaf?
Li Huan: "Then may I ask, who owns all the properties of this Li family? Isn't it my grandfather's?"

Lin Mumu was not happy when he heard this: "Lin Yuxian has been dead for so many years, and he can still control you!"

"To shut up!"

Li Ge interrupted Lin Mumu, he is really a teammate like a pig.

Why didn't he find out before that he married such a fool!

It was still Li Jiao who helped Lin Mumu round up: "Mother is also grandpa's goddaughter, so naturally she has the right to inherit.

Before my grandfather passed away, he left it to my mother to take care of the family property.

Mother, you are so confused that you even forgot about this. "

Only then did Lin Mumu react.

What I said before, didn't mean that they occupied Lin Yuxian's family property.

This Lin Yuxian's stuff is not Li Huan's.

Lin Yuxian has only one daughter, Lin Yunshang, and Lin Yunshang has only one daughter, Li Huan.

Doesn't that mean that these family properties are all from Lihuan.


Lin Mumu reacted after Li Jiao's reminder: "Yes.

When my godfather passed away, he had already handed over all his property to me.

Now you can go! "

Anyway, Lin Yuxian and Lin Yunshang have been dead for so many years, so it is still up to her to fabricate it.

Lin Mumu was extremely grateful for her decision to join Lin Yuxian.

In fact, Lin Mumu and Lin Yuxian were already separated by several levels of relatives, but Lin Yuxian couldn't help being kind.

But now that the rightful owner is dead, this home is hers.

If you want to blame, you can only blame their own short life!
Besides, it was Li Ge who married Lin Yunshang first.

Lin Yunshang died.

Then my master can naturally inherit it.

Thinking of this, Lin Mumu became more and more confident.

He said to Li Huan, "Why are you still here! Get out!"

Li Huan sneered, "Heaven's evil is still forgiven, but self-inflicted evil cannot live."

I want you to take the things with your own hands, begging me to accept them!
Li Huan left Li Mansion empty-handed, but this was just an appearance.

Apart from this house and two shopfronts on East Street, Li Huan already owns all of them.

But no one knows.

Li Huan went directly to the suburbs of Beijing.

But after arriving, I still couldn't find the cemetery.

Could it be that Li Ge tricked me?

No reason!

Li Huan wandered around and couldn't find her.

He simply sat under a tree and ate.

The little milk cat hasn't come out to play for a long time, and Li Huan also let it out for a walk.

The little milk cat has gained a lot of weight, I don't know if it is because of the Lingshi.

I used to eat with Li Huan, and it took a long time to grow a little.

Now I eat spirit stones every day, and I grow up a lot faster.

But still a little big.

I don't know what breed you are.

As soon as the little milk cat came out, it spread its legs and hopped around, going left and right, so happy.

Li Huan also felt happy looking at it.

The little milk cat suddenly disappeared while running, Li Huan felt strange, and searched around but couldn't find it.

But after a while, it appeared again.

Li Huan: "Where did you go just now?"


Li Huan raised his forehead: "I don't understand! You take me there!"

If Li Huan was right, the little milk cat must have entered a certain formation.

Kittens are immune to normal formations.

Li Huan checked all the places around here, and the only way to disappear out of thin air was to enter a certain formation.

Li Huan followed the little milk cat, sure enough, there is a hidden formation here!
After passing through a barrier, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

Li Huan saw two graves not far away.

It seems to be right here.

Li Huan wondered when did this formation exist.

Looking at Li Ge's appearance, it seems that he has never come to pay homage to his grandfather and mother.

Lin Mumu was even more impossible.

Li Huan looked at the two hills, and the stele was almost covered by weeds.

Li Huan stepped forward, ready to remove these weeds.

As a result, the hands were scratched by the sawtooth on the thatch.

A few drops of blood fell, just falling on the tombstone.

Li Huan only felt dizzy for a while, and then, the stele disappeared out of thin air.


There was a loud noise, and some of the broken places behind the Taiyi Palace in the space were automatically repaired!

this stone!
This is Moonstone!
But why is it nothing like it?

Li Huan became more and more sure that the things in the Jialan Tower illusion array were true.

Li Huan let go of his consciousness, sure enough, the tomb of Grandpa is empty!
Grandpa is not dead!
What about mother?

Li Huan found out about Lin Yunshang's tomb with his spiritual sense.

There is someone in there!

Li Huan felt it carefully.

No, absolutely impossible.

If the grandfather is not dead, then the mother must not be dead either!
Li Huan must figure out what's going on.

Although this is a bit outrageous, Li Huan wants to know the truth more.

Li Huan found tools, dug up Lin Yunshang's grave, and directly opened the coffin for an autopsy!
It might as well be daytime, otherwise Li Huan would feel a little flustered.

When the coffin was finally opened, Li Huan's body had rotted away, leaving only a pile of bones.

Li Huan dripped a few drops of blood on the bones.


This is not my mother!

Blood and bones are not compatible!

In this world, monks can use blood to test relatives, this is what Li Huan learned from Yu He.

This is not mother and grandfather, so mother and grandfather are not dead at all!
Where did they go?
Why throw yourself here alone.

It seems that the only way to find out is to find Mother Qin in Wuji Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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