Chapter 169

After Li Huan verified it, he was going to re-cover the coffin of 'Lin Yunshang'.

But Li Huan discovered that a poisonous needle had been pierced into the top of the skeleton's head!
She was poisoned to death.

The needle is still black after so many years, which shows that it is extremely poisonous.

Li Huan took off the poisonous needle with a piece of cloth, wrapped it up, and prepared to take it back for research.

Li Huan restored the cemetery and left directly.

It didn't come in vain this time.

Li Huan was finally sure that her grandfather and mother were not dead.

The phantom array of Jialan Tower is real.

But why no matter whether it is Yin Lihuan from the previous life or Lihuan from the original owner, they have no memory of this.

Li Huan returned to West Street full of doubts.

As soon as he arrived at Yunfu, he received a letter from Sulby.

Said that she was invited to attend the banquet in Yunlong Kingdom the day after tomorrow.

Li Huan didn't want to go at first, but Su Erbi sent people to come several times and insisted that Li Huan go with him.

He said that he was not familiar with the place where he was born, and he was afraid of being trafficked.

If Li Huan didn't accompany her.

She will be eaten by the big bad wolf!

Li Huan had no choice but to agree.

Others don't know about this Su Erbi, so Li Huan still doesn't know about it.

The cultivation base of the spirit is in Yunlong country, and basically anyone of the same age can walk sideways.

Also eaten by the big bad wolf.

Li Huanhui agreed to this clumsy excuse.

As soon as Li Huan came back, he couldn't wait to study the "Poison Classic" that he got from Jintong Ma.

I have used several recipes before, and there are still many that I haven't had time to learn.

Fortunately, space and time are different.

Li Huan studied it for 20 days before memorizing all the contents.

Although not very proficient, but Li Huan's pharmacology and medical knowledge are combined.

Li Huan can be regarded as a low-level poison master now!

Simple poisons can already be refined easily.

It is more than enough to deal with the people here in Yunlong Kingdom!

It has to be said that this golden boy horse was useful to Li Huan once in a while.

The things in the "Poison Classic" almost opened up another door for Li Huan to refine elixirs.

This medicine doesn't just save lives.

At critical moments, he can also kill people invisible, without any flaws.

Really good stuff!
Li Huan took out the poison needle from the graveyard of 'Lin Yunshang' and studied it carefully.

It is the poison of a piebald viper.

Seeing blood to death doesn't even take a single breath.

Someone must have inserted this needle while 'Lin Yunshang' was seriously ill.

It is said that 'Lin Yunshang' was not in good health after giving birth to Li Huan, and was bedridden all year round.

Li Huan thought for a while, no one should want her life more than Lin Mumu.

Although I don't know who you are, I will avenge this revenge for you!
Early in the morning of the third day, Li Huan received a strong urging from someone sent by Soerby.

Li Huan had no choice but to go to the appointment.

It wasn't until Li Huan came to the place where the banquet was held that she found out.

It turned out to be Prince Yunxiao's address outside the palace, the Prince's Mansion!

When Li Huan was about to go in, he ran into an old acquaintance.

Lin Mumu saw Li Huan standing at the gate of the Prince's Mansion.

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met: "Little bitch! Who allowed you to come! The Prince's Mansion is something that people like you can even want to enter!"

Li Huan: "What kind of person am I?"

Only after Li Huan came did he know that the banquet that Su Erbi was going to attend was at the Prince's Mansion.

Li Huan was about to leave, but he was in no hurry to leave because he could make things difficult for Lin Mumu right now.

Lin Mumu: "You and the prince have divorced, what are you doing here!
Don't try to win the prince's sympathy, let me tell you, even if you are a concubine, it won't be your turn! "

Li Huan: "Oh? Is Li Jiao going to marry the prince as a concubine?"

Lin Mumu exploded when he heard it: "Who told you!

We, Jiaojiao, are going to be princesses! "

"Where are the dogs barking here!
Butler Li, you don't care if a cat or a dog dares to bark in front of the prince's elder brother's house! "

Lan Zhizhi just heard Lin Mumu's words when she came, and she was immediately unhappy.

This is not a blatant robbing of the prince's brother from her!
It's abominable!
Li Huan stood aside silently.

She had already sensed Lan Zhizhi's arrival, so she deliberately provoked Lin Mumu just now.

Who made her stupid, seeing herself as if she had taken crazy drugs, slandering her as soon as she met her.

Don't punish who you are!
Butler Li hurried out of the mansion.

Originally, he was ordered to pick up someone, but who knew that he would encounter that scene just as he arrived at the door.

It's not easy for him to intervene in other people's housework, so he simply hid behind the door.

Lan Zhizhi is familiar with the Prince's Mansion, so she naturally knows about that old fox.

Butler Li came out of the door after being called by name, "Everyone is a distinguished guest, please sit inside."

Reaching out to not hit the smiling man, Lin Mumu couldn't say anything more, so she pulled Li Jiao and left.

Li Huan was about to go in.

But Lan Zhizhi stepped forward and said: "You are smart.

If you help me deal with your sister, I can ask my aunt to promise you a good family! "

Lan Zhizhi thinks she is throwing a very favorable olive branch, and wins over Li Huan.

But Li Huan was speechless.

Everyone in my relationship thought I couldn't get married, what's going on?

15-year-old spirit!
Second-rank pharmacist!
With such an identity here, do you still need someone to introduce someone?
In Lan Zhizhi's view, Li Huan's cultivation level is low, her marriage was divorced, and her family background is not good.

Such a good opportunity, if you don't seize it, you really have a brain problem.

Li Huan: "Do you have spirit stones? Give me a box of spirit stones and I will help you."

Lan Zhizhi's expression changed drastically: "Dream!
The lion speaks up!
I don't know what is good or bad!

snort! "

Li Huan was accused for no reason, is my request unreasonable?
The main reason is that every time Li Huan's spirit stone is either snatched or given by someone else.

Although Linlang Pavilion is expensive, it is not unaffordable.

From Li Huan's point of view, the request was normal, but Lan Zhizhi accused the lion of talking too loudly.

Li Huan was speechless for a while.

Li Huan didn't know how precious the spirit stone of Yunlong Kingdom was.

So, I don't know why Lanzhizhi is angry.

It was a bit late when Li Huan came in, the prince invited quite a few people today.

Many young masters and young ladies from the big clans came.

But when Li Huan saw Li Jiao and Lan Zhizhi's expressions were not very good.

It was only when I got to the innermost place that I realized that Sulbi was actually standing beside the prince, shouting one brother at a time.

There were only the two of them by the lake, and they seemed to be getting along very happily.

Su Erbi is wearing the royal clothes of the Sixiang Kingdom today, which is gorgeous and magnificent.

Among the Yingying and Yanyan in Yunlong Kingdom, there is something special about it.

Especially Sulbi's slender figure, exquisite facial features, and attractive agility.

Delicate and beautiful, it is really beautiful!
Li Huan understood in an instant that they all regarded Su Erbi as a rival in love.

But what the hell is Sulbi doing, she will fall in love with the prince, and Li Huan will not believe it!

Li Huan saw that they had a happy conversation, so he didn't bother.

Sulby is a little overlord, so he won't suffer, and he doesn't know what kind of idea he has in his stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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