Chapter 170
Li Huan randomly found a seat and sat down, hearing the discussion among the crowd.

"I heard that once the envoys from the Four Elephant Kingdoms came, the prince never left."

"Yes, could it be..."

"Yes! Let me tell you, the one who came this time is the first princess of Sixiang Kingdom!

After Lan Guifei heard the news, she hurriedly asked the prince to accompany her. "

"In that case, doesn't it mean that the princess is going to be replaced?"

"Whether to change or not to change, it has never been decided."

Lan Zhizhi's face turned blue with anger, everyone wanted to grab her!

Lin Mumu is also in a hurry to get angry right now, and she just popped out as the first princess of Sixiang Kingdom.

How can this be robbed!
Lin Mumu also knows that no matter how precious she is, she can still surpass the princess!
Obviously impossible, how good this is.

Li Jiao was really displeased to see Lin Mumu restless, and felt more and more that she was dragging herself down.

If her family background were any better, she wouldn't need to be so lucky!

But this is the Prince's Mansion, every word and deed is watched.

Li Jiao resisted her displeasure and said: "Mother, this crown prince is the heir apparent, he should receive the envoy, don't worry."

"Yes, yes, yes, yes."

Lin Mumu nodded quickly, looking comforted.

But the eyes still couldn't help it, and looked at the lake not far away from time to time.

It wasn't just Lin Mumu who was peeking at him, but everyone present who had thoughts about the prince couldn't bear it.

Not long after, Li Ge also came.

Kavanagh came with him.

Li Huan was surprised, this Kavana had seen it on the border of Sixiang Kingdom!

When Li Huan came out of the Jialan Tower, he was stopped by General Ka, so he missed the opportunity to leave the city.

Li Huan thought about it carefully, she was dressed differently at that time.

At that time, she was dressed in Sixiang Kingdom's dress, with half of the veil still on her face.

Now wearing the clothes of Yunlong Kingdom.

But Li Huan was worried, so he re-decorated his face.

Somewhat different, but still happy.

Li Huan did not expect that the minister in charge of receiving this time would be Li Ge.

What Li Huan didn't know was that this was specially prepared by Sulbit for her.

On the day Su Erbi came, he saw Li Huan being bullied.

The more he thought about it when he went back, the more angry he became, so he simply told Yun Xiao that Li Ge should receive him.

She wants to help Li Huan teach this wolf-hearted father a lesson!
This time the crown prince hosted a banquet, and Li Ge also came as the receptionist.

Li Ge was suddenly appointed to receive him, so he was very happy.

At that time, the truce has been discussed, and he will be rewarded for his merits.

Ever since Li Mansion was stolen, Li Ge's life has not been easy.

But he desperately wanted to save face, and kept silent.

But his own power is limited, and he can't make a large-scale investigation.

I can only suffer from this dumb loss.

Now, in order to make up for her previous mistakes, Lin Mumu has been shrinking her clothes and dieting, not to mention getting angry.

After being a pampered wife for so many years.

Suddenly everything has to be considered, it is not used to.

After Li Ge came in, he naturally also saw Li Huan.

After waiting for Kavana to leave, Li Ge came over: "Why are you here?"

Lin Mumu saw that her master was also coming, so she immediately gained confidence and hurried over.

Li Huan originally sat well in the viewing pavilion.

It's rare to have time to appreciate the beautiful men and beauties.

But was interrupted suddenly.

Li Huan: "What do you care?"

Li Ge is disgusted by Li Huan's attitude.

I didn't come back to my senses for a while.

Then he flew into a rage: "What kind of attitude is this! I am your father!"

Li Huan didn't bother to talk to him, and was about to leave here.

Lin Mumu arrived and saw that Li Ge was angry, so he naturally had to behave well: "Little hooves, now that you are no longer engaged to the prince, what are you doing here, you are really shameless!"


Li Huan slapped Lin Mumu's face without hesitation: "If you dare to scold me again, try it!"

After Li Huan came back from the cemetery, he already knew his life experience.

This Li Ge is his father at all, and Lin Mumu naturally has nothing to do with it.

Li Huan is really tired of this woman who doesn't know what to do.

Since you're looking for a fight yourself, don't blame me for being rude!

Lin Mumu covered her face, looking at Li Huan in disbelief.

She actually slapped her in the face in front of Li Ge and so many people!

"I am going to kill you!"

Lin Mumu stepped forward to catch Li Huan.

But her little Tier [-] martial artist was sent flying by Li Huan after only one encounter.

Lin Mumu was stunned, but quickly came to his senses, got up from the ground and stepped forward to attack.

It was still a face-to-face and flew out.

Lin Mumu panicked now, she couldn't beat Li Huan!

She simply lay on the ground and yelled, "Killed, killed!"

Li Ge was the most surprised one!
He didn't see clearly how Li Huan made his move!
Didn't you just start practicing?
how come!
Li Ge felt a little shaken in his heart, could it be...

No, when Li Huan just returned home, she really didn't have any cultivation!
When it was found out that it was abolished, Li Ge also took some thought to check it.

It is impossible for him to change from his genius daughter to a useless person.

At least, with Li Huan's popularity at that time, marrying into the royal family was a certainty.

But in the end, there was still no way to recover, so Li Ge gave up.

When Li Huan came back, Li Ge also found out.

Even when he drove her out of the house the day before yesterday, Li Huan felt that Li Huan's vitality did not fluctuate strongly.

How could it be so powerful in such a short period of time.

Must be blindfolded.

Lin Mumu's yelling attracted many people.

The crown prince holds a banquet, and all those who are qualified to come are naturally present.

And those who come are rich or expensive.

"How is this going?"

"Why is the mistress who is away from home sitting on the ground and messing around?"

"It looks like she was hit by someone. Do you think the redness on her face is a slap mark?"

Lin Mumu deliberately attracted so many people in order to tarnish Li Huan's reputation.

Lin Mumu cried miserably: "This unfilial daughter dares to kill her mother! It's unreasonable!"

"What? Was beaten by your own daughter?"

For a moment, everyone's eyes on Li Huan changed.

To beat his mother in front of so many people, his reputation might be ruined.

Who would dare to have such a daughter-in-law.

This girl who has reached the age of marriage cannot get married, but she will be laughed at for a lifetime.

Lin Mumu listened to the crowd's discussion with satisfaction, she did it on purpose.

She couldn't beat Li Huan, so she used public opinion to suppress her and tarnish her reputation.

But who is Li Huan, if she cares about these things, then her life will be in vain.

Li Huan stepped forward and walked in front of Lin Mumu: "If I hear what you just said a second time, heh! Who are you, don't you have any idea?"

Lin Mumu looked at Li Huan in front of her, her eyes made her feel as if she had fallen into hell, it was so cold and frightening.

Lin Mumu was frightened by Li Huan's aura, and didn't dare to move for a while.

Li Huan was about to leave, but was suddenly stopped by someone: "Stop, you hit someone, just leave like this! Shouldn't you apologize?"

(End of this chapter)

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