Chapter 38 The Divine Phoenix Sword

This sword is so sharp, it looks like a good sword, Li Huan secretly rejoiced, this trip was worth it!

The hill-like monster suddenly shrank and shrunk, and finally became the same size as Li Huan before stopping.

Only then did Li Huan see clearly that it was a monster similar to an ape-man.

"Thank you!"

The monster hands over to Li Huan.

"You! You can talk!"

Li Huan was taken aback.

"I was Titan, the young patriarch of the Giant Beast Clan, and the iron chain was blessed by formations.

Now that the chain is broken, my chained strength will also recover.

Thank you for saving me. This is my token. If you have difficulties in the future, you can take this to my clan to find me. "

The monster handed Li Huan a token: "With the token, you can freely enter and leave our territory."

"Giant Beast Race? Why have I never heard of it?"

Li Huan asked suspiciously.

"On the other side of the Demonic Beast Forest, there is a defense method of our family in this token. You only need to test it with a drop of blood before you can practice it."

Tai Tan told Li Huan that there is a kind of spiritual grass, psychic flower, which can open the mind of monsters.

You can find it and give it to the little milk cat, so that it can also talk.

It saw Li Huan holding the Divine Phoenix Sword with a complicated look on his face, but he didn't say anything in the end.

He took out a piece of jade and told Li Huan to weave this piece of jade into a sword tassel and tie it to the Shenhuang sword.

Can not be removed, and left.


With a loud noise, the Titan actually punched a big hole above the mountain wall.

Then he climbed all the way out of the cave, and when he reached the top of the mountain, he looked back at Li Huan again and left.

"Oops! Forgot to ask it what breed you are!"

Li Huan looked at the little milk cat and said regretfully.

What is the other side of the World of Warcraft forest like?

If there is a chance in the future, I will go and see it.

Li Huan put away the Divine Phoenix Sword, there was such a big commotion here, someone must be rushing over soon, so he had to leave here as soon as possible.

Li Huan looked at the map and found a place where a medicine tripod was painted.

I think it's the place where old man Yuanyang made medicine, so you can go and have a look here.

With the guidance of the map, Li Huan soon arrived at the sign of Yao Ding, but someone was already there.

Rong Menglan was worried at this time, she was teleported here, and found out that this medicine cauldron was used by old man Yuanyang to refine medicine, she was overjoyed.

But because the medicine cauldron was huge, how to carry it became her biggest problem.

Just when Rong Menglan was worried, she found Li Huan.

"It's you! That little boy! You're not dead?"

Rong Menglan looked at Li Huan in surprise.

Little white face?
Li Huan: You are the jerk, and your whole family is a jerk!
Li Huan didn't want to pay attention to her, looked around for a while, and found that there was nothing else, and the person who came first took it away.

This tripod is difficult for others to carry, but it is easy for Yu Lihuan.

The space has just been enlarged by the moonstone, and it will be empty, which is just right for holding this medicine cauldron.

The problem is how to get this annoying person away.

Seeing that Li Huan ignored her, Rong Menglan said: "I don't care what method His Highness King Yun uses to let you, a waste, be able to ignore the prohibition, but now I tell you, you have been expropriated by me, and all your previous income will be confiscated. Hand it over!"

Li Huan still ignored her.

That Rong Menglan didn't care about Li Huan's attitude and continued: "I don't know why the prince is interested in you.

In terms of appearance, I am much better-looking than you, but in terms of strength you are not as good as me. I really don't know what His Highness King Yun thinks.

How about this, you take me to tell His Highness, in the future you will be a small person and I will be a big one. "

Rong Menglan felt that her proposal was very right, and suddenly became excited: "Yes, that's it, I'm not greedy, just be a side concubine.

The concubine must belong to the senior sister, I won't rob her.

As for you, you are a man, so for the sake of the prince's reputation, naturally you cannot be exposed. "

She said excitedly at the side, in her eyes, Li Huan is a trash with no cultivation, who can only come in with the light of Yun Ling.

Although I saw Li Huan being tricked by Lei Haotian before.

But she thinks that His Royal Highness King Yun must have given Li Huan a magic weapon or spiritual weapon to save his life.

That's it!

Li Huan was looking at the words engraved on the medicine cauldron at this time, she found that she knew these words, but why did she know them.

Li Huan is very strange, she can be sure that she has never learned this kind of ancient characters in her previous life.

Just as Li Huan was watching seriously, a hand blocked her view.

At this time, Rong Menglan found that Li Huan had been staring at the medicine cauldron and ignored her, she was angry!

"Hey! I'm talking to you, do you hear me?"


Li Huan nodded.

"Now that you've heard it, let's do it."

Rong Menglan said proudly that she knew she was better than this trash.


Li Huan looked puzzled.

"I said so much just now, didn't you hear me? Hand over your things first!"

Rong Menglan yelled at Li Huan: "Is it hard to hear?"


Li Huan was annoyed by her reading, so she simply punched her.


That Rong Menglan was punched on the wall by Li Huan just like that, knocking her out.

Rong Menglan is also a Tier [-] warrior, and she was able to come this time only because of her family relationship.

But how could her fourth level be compared with Li Huan's fourth level?

At this moment, there was no longer Rong Menglan chattering aside.

Only then did Li Huan carefully read the words on the medicine cauldron. It turned out that this was an ancient medicine cauldron named Qinglong medicine cauldron.

It was forged by the masters of the ancient craft refining clan in ancient times.

If the level of the alchemist is high enough, he can use this medicine cauldron to refine the god-level elixir.

Therefore, this medicine cauldron should be a legendary thing for pharmacists.

According to the records of the Qinglong Medicine Cauldron, the first to ninth grade pills are only low-grade pills.

In the ancient times, above the ninth-grade elixir, the elixir was divided into mortal, mysterious, spiritual, imperial, holy, and godly.

Li Huan couldn't believe it. In this Tianyuan Continent, people were all legends about the ninth-grade pills, but what was recorded here turned out to be the end of the low-grade pills.

It seems that this should be the most precious thing of the old man Yuanyang.

Li Huan put the medicine cauldron into his space, looked at Rong Menglan who was lying on the ground, I will spare your life, I hope you can cherish it.

Li Huan quickly left the medicine cauldron room, and walked to the place where the herbs were drawn on the map.

"Lei Haotian, what do you mean, we came first!"

"It's not interesting, whoever has the bigger fist has the final say!"

"Offend Medicine King Valley, don't you want Leiyinmen's pills in the future?"

As soon as Li Huan approached, he heard the sound of arguing.

It was Lei Haotian who plotted against Li Huan earlier who clashed with the people from Yaowanggu.

Nalan Yan stood behind Lei Haotian, and Nalan Yan seemed to be intact.

She is still that lovely and pitiful fairy that I still feel pity for.

Li Huan found a hidden place not far from the medicine field to hide.

(End of this chapter)

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