Chapter 39

Medicine King Valley has the advantage in numbers.

However, Lei Haotian's cultivation level was higher than that, so he couldn't stand for a while.

Not far away, two forces are confronting each other. There are some bloodstains on their bodies. They look very embarrassed, and the number of them is much smaller.

Li Huan wondered if there was any danger in this medicine garden, it didn't look like anything special.

What Li Huan didn't know was that there were formations everywhere in this cave, and if he was not careful, he would be injured and die without a whole body.

The formation that Li Huan fell into was the path of ten deaths and no life.

Before Yunling felt that the aura in the formation was too powerful and terrifying, he chose the white formation, but Li Huan was suddenly tricked.

The red formation was sent to the Titan's prison, and anyone who faced the giant beasts would be dead.

But it couldn't be easier for Li Huan.

Whoever tells her to hang up too much, the little milk cat can have sex with the giant.

That divine phoenix's guardian formation can also be eaten by a kitten, it's such a good tooth.

Moreover, even the soul attack can be resolved.

But when the bead between the eyebrows appeared, Li Huan was already in a coma, and she didn't know it existed.

Besides, she still had an open map in her hand, so she followed the route on the map, and Li Huan didn't see a single formation.

Therefore, after Li Huan entered this cave, before anything threatened her, she had already taken away the most precious treasures of old man Yuanyang.

The two sides fought soon, and Lei Haotian seemed to be injured, so he could only fight to a draw with the people from Yaowang Valley.

The two sides fought back and forth for several rounds, and no one could do anything to the other.

Taking advantage of this time, Li Huan made a detour to the back of the medicine field, and there was indeed a formation.

Li Huan unhurriedly released the little milk cat.

The little milk cat got Li Huan's order, sat aside and began to gnaw, and quickly gnawed a large gap.

Li Huan took the opportunity to pick up the little milk cat and go in from this corner.

A burst of strong spiritual energy came to his nostrils.

The medicine garden is huge and colorful, like an ocean of aura.

Feeling the nourishment of the spiritual energy, Li Huan felt smooth all over, and the pores all over his body stretched out, making him extremely comfortable.

Before, there was a barrier outside, so I couldn't perceive the situation inside.

But now when Li Huan came in, he could feel the magic of this medicine garden.

Sure enough, it is the place where the first Ninth-Rank Alchemist lived in the legend. There are so many elixir, so pick them!

Now that the space is big enough, Li Huan directed the little milk cats, one person and one beast, to dig out the elixir continuously.

Even with the roots and whiskers, the little milk cat kept digging the soil with its paws, dug out a few plants and brought them to Li Huan with its mouth.

Li Huan immediately moved into the space.

After returning home, plant them slowly, so that there will be no worries about the lack of materials for refining medicine in the future.

Get rich!
In such a large medicine garden, after so many years, many elixir rotted in the soil, and the seeds germinated again, grew again, blossomed and bear fruit.

Year after year, the aura of this medicine garden has become so rich that it is about to liquefy.

Li Huan took a deep breath while digging the medicine.

Don't waste it, want it all!
Soon all the elixir at the back of the medicine garden entered Lihuan's space, and the remaining ones could no longer be moved.

If someone finds out, Li Huan can't beat him. I didn't expect such a fast cultivation speed, and I'm still a scum when I come out.

Alas, I am too difficult!

Half of the elixir in the entire medicine garden went into Li Huan's pocket.

However, there is a half-meter-high tree in the middle of the medicine garden, and there is a colorful fruit on the top of the tree.

At this time, the fruit is about to ripen, emitting five colors of light, and the glow is dense and beautiful.

"smell good!"

There are bursts of fragrant fragrance, which was not there when it first came, how could it be, is it just ripe?
If it is hidden well, there should still be a chance. Li Huan is thinking about the possibility of digging up this tree.

The medicine garden is a small circular hillside, and Li Huan is standing on the backside of the hillside.

People from Yaowang Valley and Lei Haotian stood in front of the medicine garden, and the middle tree was at the top of the hillside, which could be seen from every angle.

Just when Li Huan was hesitating, a tremor suddenly spread from the center of the medicine garden to all around.

"not good!"

Li Huan found that the little milk cat had reached the middle at some point.

The little paws are picking the fruit in the middle, and the trembling is from the fruit.

"Someone! There is someone inside!"

"It's a cat! Quick! Catch it!"

"Liuyunguo! The Liuyunguo requested by Master has been stolen!"

The little milk cat swallowed the fruit in one gulp in a hurry, and then quickly ran towards Li Huan.

Li Huan, picked up the kitten as quickly as possible, threw it into the space, and escaped from the place where the formation was broken.

Soon, the previous group of people arrived at the place where Li Huan had just entered.

But a defect that was gnawed off by the little milk cat has been restored.

"how so!"

"It's over! Brother, what should we do? What should we do?"

"Master will definitely not spare us lightly."

At this time, the people in Yaowang Valley looked terrified, they came here for this Liuyun fruit.

The reason why Yao Qingfeng agreed to Yun Ling in exchange for the seven-color Liuyun fruit was because it was recorded in the ancient books of the Yaowang Valley that the old man of Yuanyang had a Liuyun fruit tree.

The thousand-year-old Liuyun fruit tree is very likely to bear nine-color Liuyun fruit!

Yao Qingfeng knew that his own strength was not enough, if he wanted to get the Nine Colors Flowing Cloud Fruit, he had to find another way.

Just when Yunling came to find him, Yao Qingfeng put forward such a condition. He hoped that Yunling could get it and hand it over to him.

Seven-color Liuyun fruit is rare, but it is not at the same level as nine-color Liuyun fruit.

The 500-year-old tree of the seven-color cloud fruit can bear fruit, and it can still be cultivated with the background of Yaowang Valley.

But the Nine Colors Flowing Cloud Fruit must be a thousand years old.

One must obtain a nine-color cloud fruit in order to grow new tree species from the seeds!

Now this Liuyun fruit has been stolen by a monster, so what are they going to take back for business!
Yao Qingfeng's face was pale: "Chase!"

Lei Haotian and Nalanyan looked at each other, it was very difficult for the two of them to break through this formation together.

Just now, the conflict with the people from Yaowang Valley happened because of discussing the distribution after breaking the formation.

The two also quickly caught up.

Li Huan ran wildly all the way, panicked, but fortunately there were many forks in this cave, and it would take a while to find him.


Met old acquaintances from the welcome face!
After being knocked out by Li Huan, Rong Menglan found that the medicine cauldron was missing!
Such a big medicine cauldron, only that little boy was there at that time!
The first time Rong Menglan woke up was to look for Li Huan, but she got lost.

However, at this time in the corridor, the four eyes met.

Time froze for a moment.

"It's you! Where's the medicine cauldron? Tell me quickly, where did you get the medicine cauldron?!"

Rong Menglan said excitedly.

Li Huan ran away in a hurry, ignored her, passed by Rong Menglan, and ran away quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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