Chapter 40
"Stop!" Seeing Li Huan running away, Rong Menglan hurried to catch up.

This Rong Menglan's strength is not very good, but her speed is not slow. It seems that the skills she practiced are not bad, and the two of them ran fast one after the other.

Impatiently being chased by her, Li Huan stopped suddenly, then turned around and punched Rong Menglan.


Rong Menglan didn't have time to brake, and was hit by Li Huan.

Combined with the strength of the fist and the force of the impact, Rong Menglan hit the wall again and passed out.

Poor Rong Menglan was very lucky when she was teleported here. She was in the stone room where Li Huan found the medicine cauldron, so she didn't encounter any formations and has lived safely until now.

But now, it seems that good luck is gone when Li Huan meets Li Huan.

She had already been knocked out twice by Li Huan, and the Qinglong medicine cauldron she discovered first also belonged to Li Huan.

Soon a group of people caught up and found Rong Menglan lying on the side of the road.

Li Huan took out the map, and quickly found a way to go back, so he speeded up.

Not long after, Li Huan came to the medicine garden again, and the previous people had already chased Li Huan away.

At this time, the medicine garden is empty, let the kitten go!

"Crack, click!"

Soon, a gap appeared at the front of the formation, and one person and one cat quickly dug the soil!

Li Huan was so busy that he dug the elixir into his space as fast as he could, and finally only the tree in the middle was left.

Li Huan didn't dare to act rashly, and was almost discovered before, forget it, the fruit has already been obtained, so let the tree stay here!

"Little milk cat, let's go!"

Li Huan picked up the little milk cat and made a formation, but!

Li Huan walked a few steps and found that he was being followed.

Li Huan turned around and found that the tree was following her!

"You! You! You become a spirit!"

Li Huan swears that she has lived for so many years, and this is the first time she sees a tree that she can move and walk!

The tree spirit shook the branch towards Li Huan.

"You come with me?"

Li Huan asked uncertainly.

The tree spirit pointed to the little milk cat, and made a gesture with a branch to look like a fruit.

"You want the fruit she took away?" Li Huan asked.

The little milk cat suddenly exploded when he heard it, and stared at the tree spirit, pretending to be fierce.

"You saw it too, it refuses, why don't you come with me, and I'll find something else to replenish you?"

The tree spirit didn't seem to be happy, but Li Huan suddenly heard the movement, turned around and ran away without caring much.

The tree spirit hurried to catch up, but it made too much noise.

Li Huan had no choice but to grab the tree trunk, put it into the space together with the little milk cat, and quickly slipped away.

"My lord, I still haven't found it."

"It's still here just now, it shouldn't be far away, look for it again!"

Soon Li Huan ran to a deserted place, she took out the map, looked carefully, and found that all the places marked on the map had been patronized by her.

A sword, a beast head, a medicine cauldron, and the medicine garden I just visited.

Li Huan found that besides these, there was another place that looked like a medicine bottle, presumably it was a medicine room.

Go see what potions are available.

Li Huan searched for the map and walked all the way.

I finally found the place marked on the map. Rows of medicine shelves are displayed on the left, and books shelves are on the right, Danfang!

Li Huan looked through it, and it turned out to be Dan Fang, which ranged from first-rank to ninth-rank Dan Fang, as well as pharmacology and a complete collection of herbs.

someone is coming!

Li Huan put the entire bookshelf into the space, but it was too late to put away the medicine shelf.

It was only then that Li Huan realized that there was a medicine cauldron behind the bookshelf.

Qinglong Medicine Cauldron!

No, the Qinglong Medicine Cauldron is in my space, okay, how can there be one exactly the same here!

"It's you?!"

Yao Qingfeng's voice sounded behind him.

Then a large group of people entered the stone chamber.

"Have you seen anyone else?"

Yao Qingfeng asked.

Li Huan surrendered with both hands: "I just came here, and I didn't move anything. I didn't see anyone else."

"Senior Sister, it was this little boy who knocked me out before!"

Rong Menglan's sharp voice sounded from behind the crowd.

"Have you ever been to a medicine garden before?"

Yao Qingfeng stepped forward, blocking Li Huan.

"What medicine garden? I've been here all the time."

Li Huan said innocently.

"Nonsense! Before I discovered a medicine cauldron, you knocked me out and took it away! Later, you knocked me out in the tunnel!"

Rong Menglan squeezed out from behind the crowd, her eyes fixed on Li Huan.

How dare a little boy beat her!

"You mean this?" Li Huan pointed behind him.

"Senior Sister! This is the medicine cauldron! I discovered it first!"

Rong Menglan said excitedly.

Lei Haotian and Nalanyan stepped forward to protect the medicine cauldron.

"What do you mean?"

Yao Qingfeng said unkindly.

"Brother Yao, I'm sorry, this medicine cauldron belongs to us!"

Nalanyan put on an apologetic look.

"Whoever sees it has a share, and those who can get it!"

Yao Qingfeng signaled the people behind him to put away the pill shelves.

Lei Haotian was dissatisfied: "Since seeing and having a share, then what do you mean by relying on the large number of people?"

"Oh! Brother Lei, it seems that your Leiyinmen don't want us to provide medicine pills from Yaowanggu. I will report to Master when I get back and cut off all contact with Leiyingu."

Yao Qingfeng was not afraid at all.

At this time, Li Huan was most likely to lower her own existence, taking advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention to her.

Move slowly, move slowly, we are almost at the door.

Li Huan had already looked at the medicine cauldron, although it was exquisite, but there was no ancient writing engraved on it, it was not hers.

This should be an imitation, this old man Yuanyang is really interesting, what are you doing here with a fake medicine tripod.

That's fine, Zhengchou can't get out of it.

"Don't go!"

Rong Menglan rushed to the door quickly, blocking Li Huan's way.

"Why! I don't want your things, so I'm not allowed to leave."

"How did you hide the medicine cauldron here, tell me quickly! Did His Royal Highness King Yun help you, you little boy who lives on his face!"

Rong Menglan questioned Li Huan.

At this time, everyone's eyes were all on Li Huan.

Nalanyan's poisonous eyes are especially obvious.

This kid is really lucky, she whispered in Lei Haotian's ear: "Senior Brother Lei, you promised me."

"This will not be easy to do, wait."

"Senior brother, did you go back on your word? Do you just have the heart to watch Yan'er sad?"

As Nalanyan said, she stretched out her hand and pulled Lei Haotian's clothes.

The youngest daughter's pitiful appearance was played by Nalanyan with ease.

Looking at Nalan Yan's appearance, Lei Haotian felt distressed: "Okay, as long as Yan'er is happy, senior brother is willing to go through fire and water for you."

Li Huan walked back helplessly.

At this moment, Lei Haotian suddenly made a move, jumped over the crowd, and hit Li Huan with his palm.


Li Huan fell on the wall, spit out a mouthful of blood, and slid to the ground.

"You are not afraid that Yun Ling will seek revenge on you!"

Li Huan looked at Lei Haotian in front of him coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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