Chapter 41
"Hmph, it's just a plaything. If it dies, it will die. Maybe Yunling can fight against the entire Leiyinmen for you. It's better to be self-aware. It's better not to dream about things you shouldn't think about."

Lei Haotian said disdainfully, he really disdains to deal with such an ant-like character.

"Brother Lei, wait a minute."

Yao Qingfeng came forward and looked at Li Huan: "Think about it carefully, I'm chasing someone, if I can find any useful clues, I can save your life."

In the eyes of these people, Li Huan is a trash with no cultivation base, and it must be Yun Ling's credit that she can come in.

Therefore, everyone present didn't think that the person just now was Li Huan. From this point of view, this also helped Li Huan clear the suspicion in a disguised form.

Li Huan looked at Lei Haotian, then at Yao Qingfeng.

Although one wanted to kill her and the other wanted to save her, they all showed disdain in their eyes.

Without strength, it is really difficult to move an inch.

Li Huan secretly vowed that he must practice hard.

Today you look down on me, tomorrow I will make all of you look down on me!

Li Huan took a deep breath and said slowly: "There was a figure running here before, but I didn't see it clearly. He disappeared when he entered here. I just came, and you all arrived."

When Li Huan told a lie, it was also at the level of a movie queen.

Let you find it slowly, all the good things in this cave are in my space.

Hmph, look down on me, I'll let you all go home empty-handed!

Yao Qingfeng handed out a pill to Li Huan: "I can only keep you safe in this cave, King Yun is looking for you, you should try to find him as soon as possible, maybe you can leave safely."

"Yao Qingfeng, what do you mean?"

Lei Haotian said dissatisfied.

"I don't care what grievances you have, but here is my position in Yaowanggu. We have an agreement with Yunling. Before leaving the cave, I will not let you touch him. I need him to exchange what we need with Yunling."

Yao Qingfeng refused to give in at all.

Lei Haotian snorted coldly, and returned to Nalanyan's side: "Yan'er, now is not a good time to do something, wait a little longer."

Nalanyan looked dissatisfied, but she also knew that now was not the time to fight with Yaowanggu, and she would look for opportunities when she went out.

She didn't believe it couldn't be solved for a piece of trash.

Yunling is hers, and she will never allow anyone else who might threaten her to exist!
After hearing Li Huan's words, everyone thought that there was a mechanism in this stone room.

Yao Qingfeng even spread out all his subordinates to find any corner of the stone chamber.

Carefully, inch by inch.


There is no organ!

"It must be you. I met you in the medicine cauldron room before, and then you sneaked up on me, knocked me out and transported the medicine cauldron here, then went to the medicine garden to steal things, and then came back and secretly took everything away."

Rong Menglan walked to Li Huan's side, looked at her viciously and whispered: "Yes, it must be you, I just met you in the corridor leading to the medicine garden, there is no mechanism here, you are lying!"

"Say, what conspiracy do you have? You want to drive a wedge between us, and the good fisherman will benefit, right?"

"If you don't say anything, it's a default. It's you. You don't have fragrance on you. Tell me, where is Liuyunguo hidden?"

The more Rong Menglan talked, the more she felt that her guess was right.

With the appearance of wanting to swallow Li Huan alive, this little boy actually knocked her out twice in a row, what a heinous crime!

"You don't need to look for it, I'm sure this kid stole it!"

Rong Menglan uttered her conclusion out loud.

At this time, everyone searched for a long time but did not find any mechanism.

It just so happened that Rong Menglan said such a conclusion in an affirmative tone, and they all gathered around.

Li Huan looked at Rong Menglan with disgust, not wanting to pay attention to her.

But it is undeniable that Rong Menglan's guess is pretty close.

Li Huan is not stupid, it is impossible to admit it.

Admitting it is not courting death!

Seeing that Li Huan despised her, Rong Menglan was very angry!

"It's him, he stole the things, I'm sure!"

Rong Menglan said confidently.

"Where's the evidence?"

Yao Qingfeng obviously didn't believe it.

"That's right, what about the evidence?"

Others chimed in.

"Before he injured me, took away the medicine cauldron, and then stole the Liuyun fruit, and wanted to come back here to take the things away together, but we found out that he was the one I met in the tunnel! That's the medicine garden Way to come!"

Li Huan looked at Rong Menglan speechlessly, she didn't want to be killed by an idiot: "Miss, what cultivation level are you?"

"I'm naturally a warrior of the fourth rank!"

A 15-year-old Tier [-] warrior can be regarded as somewhat talented, Rong Menglan said proudly.

"Then let me ask you again, what is my cultivation?"

Li Huan said impatiently.

"You, you are a waste, where is your cultivation!"

"I don't have a cultivation level. You, a fourth-rank warrior, were knocked out by a punch from me, a person with no cultivation base, right?"

Li Huan asked sarcastically.

"That's right, this kid has no cultivation base."

"Miss Rong is a Tier [-] warrior, how could she be knocked out by him."

"I didn't expect to be beautiful, with such a poisonous mind, to learn to blame others at such a young age."

Rong Menglan was about to explode when she heard everyone's discussion.

He was obviously knocked out by him: "He lied, I was knocked out by him, I saw it with my own eyes!"

"Do you think everyone is a fool? Did you wrong me like this and did you benefit?"

Li Huan stood up from the ground, and said aggressively to Rong Menglan: "Could it be that you like His Highness King Yun, seeing that His Highness treats me well, so you want to frame me so that you can occupy His Highness?!"

"I do not have!"

Rong Menglan immediately refuted.

"Then how dare you say that you don't like His Highness King Yun?"

Li Huan looked at her with a sneer.


"Why, I can't tell, you are just jealous of me, that's why you want to blame me, so that you can take over Your Highness!"

Rong Menglan's face flushed red, and Li Huan forced her to step back.

Obviously he is a waste, why does he feel that his aura is stronger than his own.

At this time, Rong Menglan suddenly felt that she was being stared at by a cold gaze, it was Senior Sister!

Nalanyan heard the conversation between the two and stared at Rong Menglan with a terrified expression.

Rong Menglan broke out in a cold sweat instantly, no, that's not the case!
"You slandered me, I'm going to fight you!"

Rong Menglan finally used her strength as a Tier [-] warrior in front of Li Huan, and swung a palm towards Li Huan. Li Huan could dodge it, but she couldn't!

In order not to show his flaws, Li Huan forcefully forced himself to bear the palm.

Li Huan flew backwards from one side of the stone room to the other, and hit the wall hard.


Li Huan spit out a big mouthful of blood, it was uncomfortable and extremely painful!

But don't get dizzy, otherwise the palm will be for nothing!

(End of this chapter)

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