Chapter 42 Leave
"You also said that I knocked you out, don't you yourself know the gap between ordinary people and fourth-order fighters?"

She suppressed the pain and looked at everyone mockingly.

"For one's own selfish desires, blaming others is really powerful!

How could His Royal Highness King Yun like someone like you, go home and look in the mirror more!Ugly! "

Li Huan angered Rong Menglan again!

"Obviously you knocked me out, His Royal Highness King Yun must have given you some kind of secret treasure, otherwise, tell me, how did you, a waste, survive in this place full of formations!"

Rong Menglan suddenly had a flash of inspiration: "Yes, that's it, I'm not lying, everyone believe me, this kid knocked me out before, he must have stolen the Liuyun fruit!"

Li Huan didn't say a word, even an idiot would be smart sometimes, but how could Li Huan let go of this opportunity.

Li Huan wants to confirm the fact that Rong Menglan wronged her!
"I have a way to save my life, and it was given to me by His Highness, so it is understandable to give a few treasures to your beloved.

However, as far as I know, all elixirs are protected by formations. As an ordinary person, how can I break the formation alone?

You are just jealous of me, you can't see His Highness treating me well.

Didn't you say before that you want me to tell His Highness that you will be the big one and I will be the small one?How dare you say it, but dare not admit it? "

Li Huan sneered and looked at Rong Menglan.

Then he glanced at Nalanyan indifferently.

I saw Nalan Yan's expression when she heard Li Huan's last words, as if she was about to eat Rong Menglan.

Rong Menglan was startled: "That's not the case, you're talking nonsense, I only talk about being a side concubine!"

"Oh~ I also said that you are not jealous of me, you have admitted it yourself, why are you sophistrying, what good is it for you to frame me like this?!

Could it be that you stole that Liuyun fruit, and when you found out that you couldn't escape, you pretended to faint, so that you could clear the suspicion! "

Driven by Li Huan, everyone looked at Rong Menglan with disdain!

"I am going to kill you!"

When Rong Menglan saw everyone looking at her, her eyes changed!
She is a majestic young lady of the Rong family, she has never been wronged like this, besides, she was beaten unconscious by him before, why does everyone not believe in herself to be honest.

Rong Menglan drew out her dagger and stabbed towards Li Huan, she was already driven out of her mind by Li Huan!
She wants to kill this nonsense who wronged her!

Li Huan is silent, she is gambling!

She bet that Yao Qingfeng would not believe what she did just now, and this is the only person who can save her life from Lei Haotian.

That Yao Qingfeng would not let him die, Li Huan was sure that he wanted something from others.

Before Yunling appeared, she still had value!
But Li Huan didn't wait.

Just when Rong Menglan's dagger was about to pierce Li Huan's heart.

Time suddenly seemed to be frozen, and Rong Menglan was motionless in front of Li Huan, unable to take half a step forward.

He stared helplessly at the dagger, which was an inch away from Li Huan's chest, and couldn't go any further!
Li Huan felt a sudden light in front of his eyes, and Rong Menglan flew upside down in front of him.

Then suddenly it went dark again, and fell into a big embrace.

The familiar scent of ambergris.

Yunling is here!

Li Huan only felt that he was tightly bound, hugged tightly, unable to move!

She wanted to move, but she was bound even tighter. She was not let go until Li Huan was so hugged that she couldn't breathe and coughed.

"I thought I was going to lose you. I've searched all over here. You smell everywhere, but I can't find the exact location. I'm going crazy!"

Yun Ling still hugged Li Huan in his arms, resting his chin on the top of her head, speaking in a tone of nervousness and surprise.

Li Huan looked up and saw a pair of star-like eyes, the shining eyes were full of worry and affection at the moment.

Her heart suddenly seemed to be brushed gently by a soft feather, and she couldn't tell what it felt like.

Li Huan didn't know how to answer for a while.

The delicate kiss fell down, and Li Huan also fell into this tenderness without checking for a while.

At this time, Nalanyan's face was full of ferociousness, and her face was so distorted that it was about to deform.

Those deep eyes were full of murderous intent, then he forcibly held back and left the stone room angrily.

Lei Haotian hurriedly chased after him, seeing such a scene, he was very happy in his heart.

When Rong Menglan saw Yun Ling, she was about to go crazy with fright, regardless of her pain, she hurriedly took this opportunity and ran away.

Only the people from Medicine King Valley are still here.

"Cough cough!"

Yao Qingfeng had waited too long and had to interrupt the two of them.

Yun Ling raised his head, Yao Qingfeng only felt the air suddenly become cold, but he still kept his head straight and said, "King Yun, we agreed before that we will give this little brother the seven-color Liuyun fruit, and you will give us all the proceeds."

"My lord, I was busy looking for someone, but I didn't get anything."

As Yun Ling spoke, he glared at the restless person in his arms.

"My lord misunderstood. We don't want the rest of the things. It's just that a nine-color cloud fruit was stolen from the medicine garden. The perpetrator was a monster. However, it should be ordered by someone. Please help me find it." Find."

Yao Qingfeng said sincerely.

This is their biggest task this trip. If they can't finish it, they may not be able to pay the job.

Seeing his embarrassed look, Li Huan sneaked into the space to check.

Where is there any Liuyun fruit, only the core is left after being eaten by the little milk cat, Li Huan shook his head, but there was nothing he could do.

I had to pick up the core and come out.

She also wanted to plant it, but at this moment the tree had already taken root in the space, and it seemed that the old god was there, and she didn't seem to be uncomfortable at all, so Li Huan gave up.

It will bear fruit in the future, if it wasn't for the seven-color Liuyun fruit of Yao Qingfeng, he would have died at this time.

Just pay him back.

Yun Ling suddenly felt that the little bun in his arms secretly held something XZ in his hand.

He lowered his head just in time to see Xiao Baozi's fluttering eyes, and there was something he didn't understand.

"I did see a little monster on the way here, but this is the only one left."

Yun Ling handed him the core of the Liuyun fruit.

Yao Qingfeng was disappointed and surprised at the same time, as long as the most important thing is still there, it is finally possible to make a deal!
Yao Qingfeng exchanged some pills for the fake Qinglong medicine cauldron with Yun Ling, and took it away.

When everyone came out again, they passed by the medicine garden.

When he found that the other half of the elixir in the medicine field was gone, he was very angry.

Li Huan naturally wanted to pin the blame on Leiyinmen and Shenglongcheng.

Fortunately, he could go back to work, and Yaowang Valley did not lack elixir, so Yao Qingfeng did not stay, and left directly.

Back in the carriage, Yun Ling checked Li Huan carefully before he was relieved that there was only a little internal injury.

But Yun Ling also talked about it for a long time, and Li Huan kept nodding like a woodpecker.

Soon fell asleep in Yunling's arms.

Yun Ling looked at Li Huan in his arms, full of satisfaction, God knows how flustered he was at that time.

If it wasn't for a loud noise, he entered the cave along the top of the mountain and detected Li Huan's breath, and he didn't know what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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