Chapter 406
With the blessing of the spirit weapon, the battle advantage of the team led by the Shen family was clearly highlighted.

The Jade Blood Silkworm Python struggled a bit.

The majestic appearance before is no longer there.

There are many people in the Shen family to show off to the public, and even though the Jade Blood Silkworm Boa is strong, it is still a bit difficult to face the siege of so many people.

In addition, it has no martial arts, so it can only use its huge body to resist.

Just when everyone thought they could take down the Jade Blood Silkworm Python, the giant python suddenly twisted its body and quickly flew towards the psychic flower.

Shen Huayan exclaimed: "Not good!"

The Jade Blood Silkworm Python didn't care about its own injury or the attack behind it, and rushed forward desperately, it wanted to devour the psychic flower immediately!
Then level up in battle!

Shen Huayan guessed its intention, and led someone to grab its tail directly!
The Jade Blood Silkworm Boa was dragged and couldn't move forward, so it flicked its tail vigorously a few times.

But there are too many people on the Shen family side!
Shen Huayan led the person and pulled back.

The Jade Blood Silkworm Python moved forward, and the two sides were like a tug of war.

Finally, the Jade Blood Silkworm Python got angry!

Instead of moving forward, it turned around and directly attacked the group of people holding its tail!

The huge snake mouth rushed over and directly bit off the head of the person in front.

The man lost his head, and red blood spurted from his neck instantly.

Such an intuitive and bloody scene directly frightened the group of people who were dragging the tail of the blue blood silkworm python.

At this point everyone backed away quickly.

The Jade Blood Silkworm Python rushed over quickly and bit off the heads of several people.

For a moment, the aura in the air was instantly replaced by the smell of blood.

Shen Huayan quickly commanded people to besiege.

The two sides fought together again.

The battle has reached a fever pitch.

In half a quarter of an hour, the psychic flower will wither!

Therefore, the winner must be decided within half a quarter of an hour, otherwise, neither the members of the Shen family nor the Jade Blood Silkworm Boa will be able to get the psychic flower!
At this moment, a palm-sized kitten sneaked close to the star-like flower on the edge of the cliff, taking advantage of everyone's inattention.

According to Li Huan's instructions, the little milk cat immediately started digging the soil.

Li Huan hopes to try it in the space to see if he can grow this psychic flower.

If the psychic flower can survive in the space, then, as long as it waits patiently for a while, it will be able to get the seeds.

When new seeds are planted, Li Huan can get more psychic flowers.

The psychic flower is really too rare!

Not even Wuji City, Li Huan thought that this might be the only psychic flower on Tianyuan Continent!

If it can be grown, then this psychic flower must be worth a lot of money.

Li Huan told the little milk cat not to dig up the roots.

So when the little milk cat digs the soil, be very careful.

After finally digging out the entire psychic flower, the little milk cat quickly put it into the jade box given by Li Huan.

This jade box can preserve the freshness of the elixir and block the breath of the elixir.

So, after the little milk cat put away the psychic flower, it quickly slipped down the edge of the cliff!

Li Huan got the signal from the little milk cat and stepped back.

Now the two sides are fighting inextricably, as long as it takes a while, someone will find that the aura in the air is gone!
If discovered, the psychic flower would be gone.

The Jade Blood Silkworm Boa will definitely be furious.

Li Huan took the opportunity to slip away now.

Just when Li Huan stepped out of the battle circle, Jade Blood Silkworm Boa found out!

Where the psychic flower originally grew, now there is only a pothole left!
The Jade Blood Silkworm Python instantly became angry!

It stared at the group of people in front of it!
Shen Huayan naturally found out too!

The psychic flower is gone, only a pit!

How can it be!

Was here just now!
In such a short time, he must have no one close there!
The Jade Blood Silkworm Boa is the most angry one!
Its king's dream is shattered!


The Jade Blood Silkworm Python let out a beast roar!

Then it began to transform in front of everyone!
It wants to kill all these people!

Steal its elixir! ! !

The Jade Blood Silkworm Boa is now extremely angry.

Originally, it still needed a little elixir support to advance, but it couldn't take care of that much anymore.

It forcibly advances and kills these damn humans!

Shen Huayan realized that the psychic flower was gone, and the urgent task of the party now was to get the flower back first.

But now, this Jade Blood Silkworm Python is about to be promoted!

If they wait for it to become an eighth-order monster, then none of them will even want to live!
Shen Huayan: "Everyone go together! Can't let it be promoted! Otherwise everyone will die!"

The people of the Shen family naturally had nothing to say, they had always obeyed Shen Huayan's orders.

The great spiritual masters who were recruited didn't try their best at first.

But now, they had to use all their strength to attack the Jade Blood Silkworm Python together.

The snake skin of the Jade Blood Silkworm Python began to become transparent.

That's a sign of a snake's skin molting.

Jade Blood Silkworm Boa didn't shy away from these people's attacks at all.

It wants these people to die!

So even if those people attacked the Jade Blood Silkworm, it wouldn't look at it.

Shen Huayan became more and more frightened as she beat her.

The blue blood silkworm python is covered in blood, so don't care!
This shows that it has made up its mind to be promoted.

The snake skin of the Jade Blood Silkworm Python faded off quickly.

There was a lot of blood on it.

But what is even more terrible is that a meat crown appeared on its head!

The fleshy crown grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Shen Huayan: "Quick! Attack its head!"

After hearing the words, everyone started to attack the head of the Jade Blood Silkworm Boa.

The meat crown has just grown, but it is indeed incomplete.

This is the aftermath of its forced breakthrough.

At this time, the meat crown was attacked, and the growth rate slowed down.

The Jade Blood Silkworm Boa once again swiped the tail, directly knocking out the group of people in the front.

Shen Huayan saw it and was very anxious.

Li Huan was about to run away, but after all, she had taken the deposit from the Shen family.

Now he ran here because he stole something.

She felt a little sorry, after all, Shen Huayan had a good attitude when she met her in the World of Warcraft Forest.

So she decided to return the previous spirit stones to Shen Huayan.

Li Huan quickly carved a formation on the spirit stone.

There is not enough time now, so Li Huan only drew ten spirit stones.

For now, it can be delayed for a while.

Li Huan rushed forward: "Everyone get down!!!"

Li Huan's roar used his mental power, and all the monks fell down when they heard Li Huan's words.

Li Huan quickly threw out the spirit stone in his hand, and threw it towards the Jade Blood Silkworm Python.

The Jade Blood Silkworm Boa didn't know what Li Huan had thrown out, so he directly hit it with his head, trying to shake off the hidden weapon.

As a result, the moment its head touched the spirit stone.


The spirit stone exploded directly on the head of the Jade Blood Silkworm Boa!
The newly grown meat crown was suddenly exploded by this spirit stone!

Li Huan: "Run!"

Li Huan took the opportunity to throw all the spirit stones out.

(End of this chapter)

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