Chapter 407 Heihe
"Boom bang bang!!!"

A series of explosions exploded on the cliff!
The moment Li Huan exploded, he rushed there.

A burst of blood filled the air.

After everyone saw it clearly, half of the Jade Blood Silkworm Snake's body had been blasted to a bloody mess.

Shen Huayan looked at Li Huan in surprise, this person seemed inconspicuous before, but he didn't expect to come up with such a powerful thing!

Simply amazing!

Before, many people thought that this kid didn't fit in with others and no one interacted with him, but what Li Huan showed now shocked everyone's jaws!


The Jade Blood Silkworm Python is not dead!

Its eyes have turned from jet black to red!
It was red with its own blood!
It looked at Li Huan and locked on to her!

Li Huan was taken aback!
This green blood silkworm python is staring at him!

Li Huan: "Come on!"

When Li Huan shouted, everyone reacted and stepped forward to attack.

Moreover, the spirit stone before Li Huan had already blown half of its head off.

Now the group of monks are all attacking its wounds!

The breath of the Jade Blood Silkworm Python suddenly changed!

After it was bombed by Li Huan, it was still promoted!
But now the realm is unstable.

Moreover, he was seriously injured!
After the Jade Blood Silkworm Boa locked onto Li Huan, he fled to one place at his fastest speed!

It's going to run!
Oops!If it runs away!
Li Huan has created a big enemy for himself!
An eighth-order monster!
When it recovers, Li Huan will have to wait to die!
Seeing that the Jade Blood Silkworm Boa escaped, many people breathed a sigh of relief.

Shen Huayan: "Chase! If it runs away, when it recovers, everyone who came here today will not be able to escape! The eighth-level monster can track your aura!"

After Shen Huayan finished speaking, she glanced at Li Huan.

Li Huan glanced at him gratefully.

Shen Huayan led people to catch up!

Li Huan naturally also went up.

Her Broken Cloud Walk was extremely fast, and she quickly surpassed everyone and ran to the front.

Like a gust of wind.

Seeing Li Huan's speed and back, Shen Huayan suddenly remembered the person she met in the World of Warcraft Forest!

It's him!

Shen Huayan suddenly realized that he underestimated this person!
But the most urgent task now is to kill the Jade Blood Silkworm Python first.

Li Huan took out the Divine Phoenix Sword, and after catching up to the Jade Blood Silkworm Boa, they immediately started fighting.

Li Huan's cultivation was at its peak.

One person was indistinguishable from that Jade Blood Silkworm Python.

Li Huan didn't want to procrastinate any longer, and used his fastest speed to get rid of the lingering Crimson Silkworm Boa.

Wait until the rest of the people catch up.

Li Huan had already killed the Jade Blood Silkworm Python.

Li Huan took the snake gall and disappeared before the rest of the monks arrived!

When Li Huan left, he still used the Broken Cloud Walk.

But when he was going down the mountain, he met Shen Huaqing who rushed over.

Shen Huaqing was originally waiting at the camp, but she heard an explosion on the cliff.

I thought something happened to Shen Huayan.

So he hurried over and met Li Huan on the way.

Li Huan took the snake gall and rushed to join the little milk cat, but unexpectedly met Shen Huaqing who was coming.

When Shen Huaqing saw Li Huan coming down, she directly stopped her.

Shen Huaqing: "Why did you come down? What happened up there?"

Li Huan didn't want to talk to her, and walked around to prepare to leave.

But the path on this mountain is too narrow.

When Li Huan passed by her, Shen Huaqing grabbed Li Huan's hand.

Li Huan: "Let go!"

Shen Huaqing: "Why did you come down alone! What about the rest of the people? Make it clear!"

Li Huan: "It's up there, it's not dead!"

Shen Huaqing: "No, you can't go! Come up with me!"

Shen Huaqing didn't know the situation above, she instinctively suspected that there was something wrong with Li Huan, so she held on to Li Huan.

Li Huan really didn't want to stay here any longer.

The little milk cat is still waiting for her in front.

Li Huan shot directly and knocked Shen Huaqing unconscious.

The guards behind Shen Huaqing were also knocked unconscious by Li Huan before they could make a move.

The guard's reaction was too slow in Li Huan's opinion.

Therefore, it is too easy to knock Shen Huaqing unconscious, and then knock them unconscious.

Li Huan leaned her against the side of the road and left.

According to Li Huan's plan, the little milk cat was waiting for her at the edge of the camp.

Li Huan put away the jade box, picked up the little milk cat and left here.

Li Huan found a place and changed her clothes into women's clothes this time.

When Li Huan returned to Huacheng, he was about to leave directly, but he didn't expect that Huacheng's teleportation array suddenly needed maintenance.

Li Huan can only temporarily live in the city.

When Shen Huayan led the people to the place where the Jade Blood Silkworm's body was, they found that the giant python was dead.

Just died!

It was that man who killed it!
It seems that his cultivation is not weaker than his own.

But why did you leave in such a hurry?
Shen Huayan thought about it carefully, and answered back to the previous place again.

The psychic flower was poached by someone!
It looks like it wasn't made by humans!
Spirit beast?

Shen Huayan thought about it carefully, and now the most suspicious person is the previous person!

Shen Huayan didn't get the psychic flower this time, so he had to take someone back first.

I met Shen Huaqing on the road. Fortunately, Shen Huaqing was just knocked out.

The guards who followed her also fainted on the side of the road.

After Shen Huayan woke up Shen Huaqing, Shen Huaqing told her brother what happened before.

Shen Huayan became more and more sure that the psychic flower was taken away by that person!

Before the loss, he was grateful to that person!
Unexpectedly, the one I helped was the white-eyed wolf.

Li Huan had injured the Jade Blood Silkworm Python earlier.

The Jade Blood Silkworm Boa actually only targeted Li Huan.

But Shen Huayan felt that since Li Huan had helped him, he naturally couldn't make people worry about it.

So he said that on purpose, and asked the rest of the people to help deal with the Jade Blood Silkworm Python.

Although he didn't help in the end, he was indeed grateful to Li Huan.

After Shen Huayan brought people back to the city, she also knew that the teleportation array had never been opened.

So the first thing he arranged was to order someone to draw a portrait of Li Huan and search the city.

Outside of Huacheng, it is not easy to go out.

One of the two previous passages was blown up.

It was the place where Li Huan and Ning Ning Tian fought before.

It collapsed there and became a tiankeng, blocking the way in.

To go out now, one must pass through Heihe in the Warcraft Forest.

That black river can swallow everything.

It's impossible for anyone to get by.

Therefore, if you want to leave here, you can only rely on the teleportation array of the Shen family.

Shen Huayan was sure that the man was still in the city.

Li Huan changed back to women's clothing this time, so Shen Huayan has been wanted for several days, but he has not caught anyone!
Shen Huayan believed in her own judgment, but she couldn't catch anyone for a long time.

After Shen Huaqing was knocked out by Li Huan, she had always held a grudge in her heart. This time, she was more attentive than anyone else in the arrest.

He personally led people to search outside.

But still no gains.

Shen Huaqing: "A good living person, why did he just disappear!
My brother said that the person is in the city, and he is in the city. How can I find him? "

(End of this chapter)

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