Chapter 412 Guarantee
Li Huan looked at the people behind him, they were all transferred from Sifang City.

There are villagers behind them, one by one rushing forward to see Lihuan.

At this moment, Li Huan felt like becoming a national treasure.

Lin Yun stepped forward: "Finally, I have hoped for you to come back!"

Li Huan: "What's going on?"

Lin Yun: "We heard what Ye Mei said and thought you were arrested, so we are planning to discuss how to rescue you."

Li Huan: "Why did those kids run away when they saw me?"

Lin Yun: "We are afraid that you will come back. We are not here. The rest of the people don't know you, so they draw your portrait, and everyone remembers your appearance."

Ma Xiangxiang rushed forward: "Oh, I said big sister, go in and talk first, don't cry, there are many people here."

Ye Mei was reminded by Ma Xiangxiang, she nodded in embarrassment, and took Li Huan away.

until the end of the village.

Lin Yun: "This is a yard specially built for you. Do you like it?"

Li Huan: "Me? By the way, what's going on with this village? I thought I went to the wrong place."

Lin Yun: "It's all money from you!"

Li Huan: "I don't give much, do I?"

Ma Xiangxiang: "Miss Li! You gave too much! You don't know, I have never seen so much money in my life! I thought you said that the girls wanted to come and live, so I decided to renovate the whole village ,You do not mind right?"

Li Huan: "I don't mind, the renovation is great! In the future, Ye Mei and the others will have a home if they live here!"

Ma Xiangxiang was affirmed by Li Huan, and looked at Lin Yun proudly: "Look. I just said, yes!"

Ye Mei: "Brother Lin didn't agree before, and only let us build the place where we live. I discussed it with Sister Ma after I came. I saw that there are really no good houses in the village. I know that Miss doesn't care about money."

Li Huan nodded in satisfaction: "Well, smart!"

Ye Mei was very excited when she received Li Huan's compliment.

What Li Huan lacked most was money. These gold, silver and jewels were useful to them, but to Li Huan, they could neither be eaten nor cultivated. Putting them in space would take up space, so it is better to take them out and make the most of them.

Besides, Ye Mei and the others lived a good life, and Li Huan was also happy.

These are all innocent women who were killed by Ning Ning Tiankeng.

Since Li Huan saved them, he naturally hoped that they would live well.

Lin Yun told Li Huan about the financial situation, but Li Huan didn't care.

Li Huan: "If you give it to you, it's yours. As long as the village can accommodate these girls, the money is yours."

Ma Xiangxiang came over and pulled Li Huan and said that he wanted to tell Li Huan about these girls.

Li Huan thought they were here, and the rest of the villagers didn't get used to it, so...

Ma Xiangxiang: "I told them before, but they have to wait for you to come back to make the decision, so you see... I am doing this for their own good. Girls want to live a stable life, they have to be like ordinary people. If you don’t like it, I won’t force it.”

Li Huan: "What do you mean?"

Ma Xiangxiang dragged Li Huan to the corner and talked a lot.

Li Huan finally knew what was going on.

Li Huan sent Ma Xiangxiang and Lin Yun away.

Li Huan: "You know what Sister Ma said?"

Ye Mei nodded.

Li Huan: "What do you think?"

Ye Mei: "Miss, it's impossible for me in this life, I want to follow you all the time!"

Li Huan: "What about the rest?"

Ye Mei shook her head: "Miss, actually Sister Ma is right.

We still have many sisters who are not cultivated.

They are destined to live an ordinary life in the future.

If you able to start a family, you will have something to rely on in the future.

I know that it is impossible for Miss to help them all her life.

But this matter still has to listen to themselves. "

Li Huan called over a hundred people to his yard.

Li Huan: "This will be your new home from now on."

Ye Mei told them before, but this time she told them personally from Li Huan, many people still cried with joy!

After all, after going through those inhuman tortures, and the tense life in Sifang City before going up, this journey was full of wind, food and dew.

For them, a lot of it is exhausting.

Li Huan: "Sister Ma just told me.

She said that none of you spoke before and waited for me to come back.

I just want to ask yourselves, if you are willing to talk about marriage.

After that, here is the beginning of your new life.

If you don't want to, I will never let anyone force you to go. "

After Li Huan finished speaking, everyone said they would follow Li Huan.

They will go wherever Li Huan goes.

Li Huan smiled: "I know you are all sincere, but I hope you don't delay your life because of me.

I sincerely hope you are doing well, and I will give you three days to think about it. "

"Miss, don't you want us?"

Li Huan: "No, absolutely not! I just..."

What Li Huan was going to do was simply not suitable for taking so many people with her.

Li Huan has too many enemies, if they are discovered, it will be their death.


Li Huan: "If people know of your existence, then you are my weakness.

So, I want you to be able to live your life. "

After Li Huan finished speaking, many people fell silent.

Li Huan knew that they were reluctant to part with her.

But if they don't say that, then they probably still don't want to start over.

The degree of hardship in cultivating the Tao is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Since there is a chance to start over.

Li Huan naturally didn't want them to delay their lives because of him.

After all, Li Huan might also leave Tianyuan Continent in the future.

It's not for anything else, but grandfather Lin Yuxian once appeared in the battlefield of gods and ghosts, which can only be seen in the Wuji Continent.

Li Huan also wanted to visit the Gods and Underworld Battlefield.

Three days later, most of the girls were moved by Ye Mei and Ma Xiangxiang.

Ma Xiangxiang was so relieved by the girls that she could not close her mouth happily.

Soon began to talk about blind dates.

On this day, Shangpo Village held a rare large banquet.

The young men in the village are gearing up one by one.

Just to be able to perform in front of these girls, so that they can look up to themselves.

Li Huan dragged Ma Xiangxiang to a place.

Li Huan: "Sister Ma, do they know what happened to these girls before?"

Ma Xiangxiang: "I didn't say the specifics, I just said that he was a poor person who was trafficked.

You can rest assured, if anyone in the village dares to make a fuss about this in the future.

Lin Yun and I will break their legs! "

Li Huan nodded.

Li Huan knew the situation in Tianyuan Continent, although he relied on cultivation to speak, he respected martial arts.

However, thinking generally follows the Three Obediences and Four Virtues.

Therefore, Li Huan had to ask Ma Xiangxiang for a guarantee.

(End of this chapter)

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