Chapter 411 Uphill Village

Li Huan: "No need, Mr. Shen, my master is familiar with you.

Thanks to the Shen family's hospitality for the past few days, but if it's about marriage.

In this life, I will either not marry, or I will marry the one I love.

Treating each other as guests is right for you.

But not for me. "

Shen Huayan was speechless for a while, just thinking about Li Huan's words.

The life in this flower city is the same for thousands of years.

He and Shen Huaqing are the only direct descendants in the family, and he has never experienced intrigue.

Regarding his marriage, he always thought that as long as he respected each other as a guest for the rest of his life according to his parents' arrangement, it would be fine.

Before Shen Huaqing went to interfere with his marriage, he didn't care, it was either the Zhang family, the Li family, or the An family.

There are always only a few big families in Huacheng, and he thinks it's the same for anyone.

Now Li Huan told him that Fei would not marry the one he loved.

He never thought about it.

Li Huan: "Young Master Shen, life is very long.

With your cultivation base, you can actually go out and have a look.

Although the flower city is good, it is not trapped in it. "

Shen Huayan nodded, he had thought about it before, but his mother refused, saying that the Shen family had a great career, if something happened to him, what would happen to the Shen family.

Shen Huayan mentioned it a few times, and Shen's mother understood it with reason and emotion, and gradually Shen Huayan stopped mentioning it.

Over the years, he has gradually adapted to the comfortable life in Huacheng.

Li Huan's words made Shen Huayan fall into deep thought.

Li Huan: "I'll take my leave first, Mr. Shen doesn't need to see you off."

Li Huan dropped Shen Huayan and left alone.

When Shen Huaqing hurried over, she saw her elder brother standing by the stream alone in a daze.

Shen Huaqing searched everywhere, but did not see Li Huan.

Shen Huaqing: "Brother! Where is Li Huan! Did she seduce you!"

Shen Huayan looked at her younger sister, this Qing'er spoke in a very unbiased way: "She's gone."

Shen Huaqing: "Gone? What's going on? Didn't she ask you out?"

Shen Huayan: "No."

Shen Huaqing hurried over because she was afraid that Li Huan would become her sister-in-law.

Which lady in Huacheng dare to hate her!

This Li Huan is simply her nemesis!
She absolutely does not want Li Huan to be her sister-in-law!

She rushed over as soon as she heard the news, she was going to wreak havoc!

But when he came here, he didn't even see anyone.

Shen Huaqing was like a defeated rooster, she immediately became dejected.

Shen Huayan: "What's wrong?"

Shen Huaqing: "Brother! That Li Huan is my nemesis! I don't want her to marry in! She hates me before we get married! If I marry in, how can I live!"

Shen Huayan couldn't help but smile wryly at Shen Huaqing's words.

Shen Huayan: "She has no idea about your brother and me, don't worry!"



Shen Huaqing was still worried: "It must be playing hard to get!"

Shen Huayan: "No!"

Li Huan's expression when he spoke was not fake.

Although Shen Huayan is slow to emotional matters, he is smart.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have such a high level of cultivation at such a young age.

Therefore, he could tell whether what Li Huan said was true or not.

When Li Huan returned to Shen's house, he started a new practice.

Since Li Huan made it clear, Shen Huayan never came to see Li Huan.

Leaving joy to joy and tranquility.

However, too much time was wasted before, Li Huan must return to Wuji City as soon as possible.

The teleportation formation was finally repaired that day, and Li Huan immediately bid farewell to the Shen family.

Although this trip was thrilling, Ye Mei and the others were arranged well, and they got the psychic flower.

Although the little milk cat didn't know what went wrong and was still unable to speak, but Li Huan's trip was worthwhile.

There are many elixir seeds in Huacheng, and Li Huan also buried them, and bought a lot of flower seeds.

Li Huan planted the space again.

Soon you will be able to see the flowers and plants all over the mountains and plains.

However, the spiritual birds raised before are all gone, and this time I will go back to make a fresh start.

Pity for my roast.

When Li Huan came to Wuji City, he was not in a hurry to return to the Pharmacist Association.

Instead, he went directly to Lin Yun's village.

Just when Li Huan felt Lin Yun's village, something big happened to the Shen family in Huacheng!
That is!
The young master of the Shen family left a letter and left!
For a while, the people in Huacheng seemed to have exploded!
But the most serious thing is!

The young master of the Shen family just disappeared not long ago!

The lady of the Shen family is also gone!
Also leave a book and run away!

The Shen family was anxious like ants on a hot pan.

Hastily sent people to look for it.

Even the head of the Shen family didn't care.

The Shen family's mother: "Master! Everyone is worry-free! You are still in the mood to laugh!"

Patriarch Shen: "If you don't laugh, don't you cry! Your son has an elm-headed head! This time he finally got the hang of it!"

"What do you mean?"

Patriarch Shen: "It's not interesting."

"Don't tell me!"

The mistress of the Shen family grabbed the head of the Shen family by the ear.

"Ouch! I say, I say!"

Uphill Village of Wuji City.

When Li Huan came here this time, she walked several times, but she still couldn't find a place.

I clearly remember this place, but why is it wrong?

Li Huan searched for a long time, and finally met a passerby.

Li Huan: "Uncle, where is Shangpo Village?"

"Girl, are you looking for Shangpo Village?"


"That's right in front!"

Li Huan looked in the direction pointed by passers-by, and couldn't believe his eyes.


Li Huan walked over suspiciously. She passed by here before, but the changes were too great, so she thought she was in the wrong place.

Before Li Huanzuo, Shangpo Village was still a village. At that time, the houses were all made of wood, and some of them had mud walls.

Summer is hot and winter is cold, and rainy days will definitely leak.

What happened to the neat rows of blue bricks and red tiles?

Lin Yun got rich?
Lin Yun is the head of the village and manages the entire village, so the existence has changed so much, it should be Lin Yun who got rich.

Li Huan felt that this was not the ordinary way of getting rich, but the kind of sudden wealth.

When Li Huan entered the village, he didn't see any adults, only a few children playing.

Li Huan wanted to ask where Lin Yun's house was.

But when those children saw her, they ran away!
Then the smaller child, finds the older child.

Pointing to Li Huan and saying something, then the older child looked at Li Huan carefully.

And then ran away with people!
Li Huan didn't know what was going on.

Could it be that I am too ugly?
No, I specially changed into Yun Huan's clothes today.

It's not perfect, but it's not bad, right?

After waiting for a few breaths, Li Huan suddenly felt movement in front of him.

A large group of people ran towards her.

Ye Mei is at the front.

Seeing Li Huan instantly wept with joy.

Seeing Ye Mei, Li Huan finally felt relieved.

The place is right.

It is Linyun's village.

But it has changed so much!

Ye Mei rushed over and hugged Li Huan: "Miss! You scared us to death!"

Li Huan: "Alright, I'm not coming back!"

(End of this chapter)

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