Chapter 410
Naturally, the mistress of the Shen family had heard the news a long time ago.

There is nothing she doesn't know about the big and small matters of the Shen family. For so many years, the housework of the Shen family has been taken care of by the mistress of the Shen family in an orderly manner.

After hearing what her husband said, the mistress of the Shen family became interested for a while.

Hearing that he is the apprentice of President Gu Su, the King of Medicine, he became even more curious.

She also heard about President Su's acceptance of a female apprentice before, but she didn't expect that this person is now at her home, it's really fate.

The Shen family's mother: "Go and call the young master!"

Li Huan was assigned to the courtyard next to Shen Huayan, but it was not known if it was on purpose.

Li Huan only found out after living there for several days.

Shen Huayan naturally got a hint from her mother.

He was not very happy at first.

It's awkward to insist on meeting with strangers if you haven't met before.

But I couldn't stand my mother nagging.

So he picked a good weather and asked Li Huan to go out.

As soon as Shen Huaqing heard that her brother had an appointment with Li Huan, she was going out.

Hastily caught up.

Shen Huayan is the only son of the Shen family.

The relationship between the head of the Shen family and the mother of the Shen family is very good. For so many years, there is only one original spouse in the house.

The mistress of the Shen family only gave birth to a son and a daughter.

In the huge Shen family, there is only one young master, Shen Huayan.

So in this flower city, Shen Huayan is indeed the best husband-in-law candidate in the hearts of all the girls.

However, because Shen Huaqing didn't like her brother being snatched away.

So, once Shen Huaqing found out about those who came to the door to say goodbye, she would bring someone to call the door.

Shen Huayan, who was originally very popular.

Because of his sister's interference, he has not been married for so many years.

He didn't even touch a girl's hand.

It belongs to the kind of mother-fetal single.

But Shen Huayan didn't care.

Every time Shen Huaqing interfered with his marriage, his mother would punish him.

He secretly helped his sister, and he didn't look unhappy at all.

So this Shen Huaqing seemed to be the Miss Shen family who was spoiled since she was a child.

However, Shen Huayan's age is actually only in his twenties, which is not very old.

But for Tianyuan Continent.

Men usually get engaged at the age of eighteen or nineteen.

So Shen Huayan said that he will be young next year.

But the mistress of the Shen family was very anxious.

The reason why Huacheng is called Huacheng is indeed worthy of the name.

Almost every household here is planted with flowers and plants.

Walking on the street at will, you can see all kinds of beautiful flowers.

It is spring now, and it is a good day for flowers to bloom.

Shen Huayan took Li Huan to the countryside for an outing.

Meeting many people along the way, Li Huan saw those women secretly looking at him.

Looking at Shen Huayan again, probably these women thought they had something to do with him.

However, Li Huan will leave after the teleportation array is repaired.

So she doesn't care about what these people say.

When Shen Huayan saw Li Huan for the first time, she only felt that she looked familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen her.

Apart from Li Huan, Shen Huayan didn't know that Li Huan was that unremarkable man who was in his team before.

Shen Huayan was thinking all the way, but he just couldn't remember where he met him. He always felt that Li Huan looked familiar, but it was obviously the first time they met.

When Li Huan went to pick psychic flowers with her, she disguised herself as a man and modified her appearance a bit.

Shen Huayan: "Miss Li Huan, have you been to Huacheng before?"

Li Huan: "No, it's the first time."

Shen Huayan: "Really? It looks familiar, maybe I'm wrong."

Li Huan: "You read it wrong."

Shen Huayan nodded.

When Li Huan came to the suburbs, the green tender grass was dotted with red, white, blue and purple wild flowers, the mountains in the distance were misty, and there was a small stream in front of the mountains.

Li Huan took a deep breath: "It's really good!"

Shen Huayan: "Of course, although our Flower City is close to the north, it is like spring all the year round."

Li Huan: "Beautiful!"

Looking at the scenery in front of him, Li Huan couldn't help feeling refreshed physically and mentally. It's been a long time since he took a quiet walk like today, wandering around to enjoy the flowers and the scenery.

For Li Huan, such days, no matter in previous life or in this life, are very few.

Shen Huayan looked at Li Huan: "Our Huacheng is a place that is easy to miss."

Li Huan nodded: "That's right."

But she won't stay.

Although the scenery is beautiful, it is not appreciated by the loved ones, how can it be remembered.

But of course Li Huan would not say this.

Originally, Li Huan had inherited the friendship of the head of the Shen family, and was a guest at the Shen family by the way.

It is impossible to have any intersection with Shen Huayan.

But Shen Huayan seemed to be asked for something by her mother.

Li Huan will naturally make it clear.

Li Huan: "Thank you for accompanying me to the spring. After the teleportation array is repaired, I will leave and won't disturb you for too long."

Shen Huayan obviously didn't expect Li Huan to say such a thing, did she already know?
Shen Huayan: "Don't you like this place?"

Li Huan: "I like it."

Shen Huayan: "Then why?"

Why disagree?

Li Huan: "I have more important things to do."

Shen Huayan: "I see that you are also smart, and you must know what my mother means."

Li Huan did know that the mistress of the Shen family had been chatting in Li Huan's yard these days.

He boasted vigorously how his son was doing, how he was doing.

No matter how Li Huan knew what she meant.

The reason why Li Huan agreed to Shen Huayan's invitation today was to make it clear to him.

Li Huan: "We are not suitable."

Shen Huayan: "Where is it inappropriate?
I am the eldest son of Shen, and you are Su Shi's apprentice. In terms of status, you are in the same family.

My great spiritual master has advanced cultivation bases, and you are also a great spiritual master, and our cultivation bases are also comparable.

In terms of age, although I am a few years older, I am still quite handsome.

As for this appearance, Miss Li, I didn't say that, I think we are quite a match. "

Shen Huayan's words successfully made Li Huan laugh.

Li Huan: "A good match doesn't mean getting married!"

Shen Huayan: "Then do you think I'm not suitable?"

Li Huan asked him back: "Do you like me?"

Shen Huayan was speechless for a moment, he was speechless for a long time, and only said one sentence: "Marriage is a major matter, the order of parents."

Li Huan: "But my life is my own decision, and I don't need any orders from my parents or words from a matchmaker."

Shen Huayan probably didn't expect that Li Huan, as a woman, would say such a thing.

For a moment, I was stunned and didn't know how to answer.

His father and mother were arranged by the family, and they respected each other as guests all their lives.

He felt that it was right for his parents to make decisions about marriage.

Shen Huayan: "However, I think we are still very suitable."

Li Huan: "You and I met for the first time, do you know what kind of person I am?

You know what I like and what I don't like?
Do you know my personality and temperament? "

Shen Huayan: "This... If Miss Li is willing, we can get along and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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