Chapter 414

Yin Yun: "Where did you go? I haven't found you after searching for a long time."

Li Huan looked at the sissy in front of him, and thought that this young master of the Hehuan Sect was following him before he came.

Li Huan: "I'm not familiar with you, get out of the way!"

Yin Yun: "Why are you not familiar! We didn't fight side by side in Phantom Beast before!"

Li Huan: "That's called fighting side by side? Are you out of your mind?"

Yin Yun: "How can you be so rude to others! I don't obey!"

Li Huan: "I don't follow you, you big-headed ghost! I hate you so much! Get out of here!"

Yin Yun: "I don't! People will follow you!"

Li Huan had never seen such a disgusting person, her goosebumps were about to shatter.

Li Huan: "You still expect me to succeed in dual cultivation with you?

I am also a man!
You are also a man!
Are you disgusting? "

Before Li Huan came back, she changed into men's clothes, she is more used to men's clothes, this way will avoid a lot of trouble.

Yin Yun: "I'm looking for someone from you! It doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman!"

Li Huan: ... There are wonderful flowers every year, why are there so many this year!Even let me meet you!What a back!
The rhyme in front of me looks beautiful, but there is a feminine aura all over her body, which may be caused by some kind of skill she has cultivated. She is obviously a man, but she is more feminine than a woman. Li Huan really likes this style. Can't live.

Li Huan: "Go away!"

Instead of leaving, Yin Yun tried to come forward and hug Li Huan.

Li Huan dodges and prepares to slip away, but finds himself trapped.

Li Huan: "What did you do?"

Rhyme: "Catch you!"

Li Huan: ...

Li Huan was trapped by something like a net, but he couldn't see what it was.

Li Huan tried to get out of the predicament by running the spirit energy, but it didn't work. Li Huan tried Shiyuan Qi, but it didn't work either.

Yin Yun: "Don't bother! Our Hehuan Sect's Zongbao Immortal Net, you can't escape!"

Li Huan: "It's a crime!"

Yin Yun: "Little boy, be obedient and I'll treat you better. Do you know?"

Li Huan: "Can I say no?"

Rhyme: "No."

Yin Yun walked over, her long and delicate fingers were better maintained than women's. Li Huan looked at him, his skin was delicate and smooth, like creamy fat, his facial features were exquisite, and his makeup was light and elegant.

Yin Yun stretched out her hand and stroked Li Huan's face.

Yin Yun originally wanted to come over and hug Li Huan back, but when she saw Li Huan sighing, she couldn't help being curious.

Rhyme: "Why are you sighing?"

Li Huan: "You said you were a good man, but you turned out to be a shou. I think it's a pity, although you are beautiful."

Rhyme: "Beast? What kind of beast? I am not!"

Li Huan: "No? Is that a gong? But it doesn't look like it?"

Rhyme: "Bow? What kind of bow? This young master never uses a weapon! I can subdue people with my charm!"

Li Huan rolled her eyes with contempt.

Yin Yun: "You don't believe me? It doesn't matter, when you return to the Hehuan Sect, take my secret medicine, I guarantee you can't leave me!"

Li Huan: "Can I not go?"

Rhyme: "No way!"

Li Huan: "Hey, I can only tell you the truth now."

Yin Yun just wanted to ask what the truth was, when she heard a mocking voice from upstairs.

"Miss, it's really shameless for two men to hug each other on the street in broad daylight!"

Before Li Huan, in order to get rid of the followers, he walked on relatively remote roads. This happened to be an alley, and there were teahouses on both sides of the alley. The sound came from one of the teahouses.

Li Huan glanced upstairs, she just wanted to say that she is a woman, not suitable for Yin Yun, since Yin Yun is a men's clothing that Li Huan likes, she should like men.

But being interrupted by this, Li Huan didn't speak again.

Li Huan thought for a while: "Look! It's not that I don't like it. If I follow you, it will be like this in the eyes of others. I don't want to be looked down upon."

As soon as Yin Yun heard it, she was really angry: "Master, I will go up and vent your anger for you!"

Li Huan watched Yin Yun walk away happily, and thought to himself, it's best to start fighting soon, and then there will be no time to talk to me.

The top priority now is to escape!
When Yin Yun left, she still hadn't untied the trap, so Li Huan could only take this opportunity to run away.

Li Huan: Old guy, hurry up and take a look!

Soul Eater: No way!I can't solve it, this must be solved by myself.

Li Huan: Useless!
Soul-devouring beast: do what you want!

Li Huan: Hmph!

Li Huan soon heard the sound of fighting from upstairs, but she tried all kinds of methods but couldn't get rid of this trap.

Li Huan: God kill me!No matter, let's run away first.

Li Huan chose a path that was deserted, and bounced all the way to the Pharmacist Association.

The rhyme didn't come for a long time.

Li Huan secretly rejoiced, and went to the Pharmacist Association immediately, and then asked Yao Qingfeng for help.

But when Li Huan was about to arrive, Yin Yun appeared again.

Li Huan: The ghost lingers!
Yin Yun: "Why did you come here? You didn't tell me to wait for me downstairs!"

Li Huan: "Wait for you big-headed ghost! Quickly help me untie it!"

This fairy net is transparent, Li Huan can't see it at all, but he can truly feel its restraint on him.

Yin Yun: "I will untie it for you when you return to the Hehuan Sect. If you can't do it now, you will run away after you untie it!"

Li Huan: "You really understand me!"

Yin Yun: "That is, the person I have my eyes on!"

Yin Yun came forward and hugged Li Huan horizontally.

Li Huan wished he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

There were people coming and going on the street, she was wearing men's clothing, and was hugged by another man.

If it is seen by someone you know, you will not be able to wash it off by jumping into the Yellow River!

But it happened to be such a coincidence.

"That's him! Catch him!"

Li Huan took a look, and it turned out to be someone from Linlang Pavilion, and the person who spoke was the same voice who laughed at Li Huan and the others upstairs just now.

Yin Yun: "What? Unconvinced! If you have the ability, go to our Hehuan Sect to fight!"

"Bah! Who wants to go to that kind of place with you! You hurt our lady, you want to die!"

Li Huan: "Miss from the Dongfang family?"

Linlang Pavilion doesn't belong to the Dongfang family, isn't the Dongfang family the young master?

The woman was even more proud when she heard Li Huan's words: "Our young lady is the future young mistress of the Dongfang family! If you dare to bully her, you are against the Dongfang family!"

Rhyme: "The dog fights the power of the people!"

"What are you talking about! Someone, call me!"

The woman beckoned someone to come forward and wanted to teach Li Huan and Yin Yun a lesson.

Li Huan took a look, there were 50 people who came,

Li Huan took out a purple-gold token and handed it to Yin Yun: "Show them, they don't need to fight."

Yin Yun was about to gear up for a fight, but when she heard Li Huan's words, she instantly became curious.

He took the card from Li Huan and was stunned!

Rhyme: "Zijin Card!!!"

Li Huan: "Don't dawdle!"

Rhyme: "Oh!"

(End of this chapter)

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