Chapter 415
Yin Yun put Li Huan down, and then showed the card: "Do you guys recognize this thing in my hand?"

Those thugs were about to attack, but when they suddenly saw the Zijin Card in Yin Yun's hand, they froze instantly.

Zijin Card!
Linlang Pavilion's super VIP!


"Miss Nanyan, this... I can't do anything about it."

Nan Yan: "What's going on?"

Nanyan is just a maid, not high enough.

So I never saw Zijin Card at all.

Even her master Qianqinyun might not have one.

But everyone in Linlang Pavilion must know each other.

When everyone enters Linlang Pavilion to do things, the first thing is to know all the VIP levels.

So the people in Linlang Pavilion saw the Zijin Card in Yin Yun's hand.

I dare not do it again.

Just kidding, this Nanyan is just a maid.

Although her master is Miss Qianjia.

However, this is not married, who can say for sure.

Besides, the young master went out for a long time in order to escape marriage.

Whether they can get married smoothly is still a question.

Now that the Zijin Card is in front of them, they don't dare to do it for unforeseen things.

To offend the super VIP of Linlang Pavilion.

Yin Yun looked at Li Huan, her eyes were full of curiosity: "Who are you?"

Li Huan: "Scared! Let me go!"

Rhyme: "Don't let go!"

Li Huan: "Get lost!"

Seeing that everyone in Linlang Pavilion stopped, Nanyan felt angry.

Seeing that Yin Yun and Li Huan are still 'flirtatious', they are really angry.

Nan Yan: "Shameless!"

Yin Yun became angry in an instant, a servant girl dared to mess with him!
Yin Yun put Li Huan down and shot instantly.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

Several slaps in a row directly slapped Nan Yan's face swollen.

Nan Yan covered her face and looked at Yin Yun in disbelief: "You! How dare you hit me! Our lady will not let you go!"

Yinyun: "What kind of thing is Qianqin Yun!
She herself has to respect me three points here, you lowly maidservant!
How dare you scold me! "

Nan Yan was frightened by Yin Yun's imposing manner, and didn't dare to say a word for a while.

"Master Yin Shao, beating a dog depends on the owner. What are you doing?"

Qian Qinyun came from behind the crowd.

Yin Yun: "That depends on who owns the dog. If you raise a mad dog, it's not waiting to be beaten."

Qian Qinyun glanced at Nanyan dissatisfied.

Nan Yan was so frightened that she was shaking all over.

Qian Qinyun: "Useless things, hurry up and go back!"

After delaying for so long, Yin Yun had no patience, he picked up Li Huan and prepared to leave.

Qian Qinyun glanced at Li Huan in Yinyun's arms.


Yin Yun: "Why is Miss Qian also interested in visiting our Hehuan Sect?"

Qian Qinyun: "Who is this person in your arms?"

Qian Qinyun had also been to the Realm of Eudemons before, but she didn't get what she wanted.

She investigated all the people who had been to the Realm of Eudemons, but there was one person missing.

Qian Qinyun felt that the few people were the ones who stole the Moon Stone in advance.

She had seen a portrait of the man.

So when I saw Li Huan, I felt familiar.

Yin Yun: "My young master's new love, why, do you want it too?"

Seeing the provocation in Yin Yun's eyes, Qian Qinyun felt disgusted.

She doesn't want to have anything to do with people from the Hehuan Sect.

Qian Qinyun: "No need."

Yinyun hugged Lihuan and went to Hehuanzong.

As soon as Yinyun left, another large group of people appeared on Qianqinyun's side.

Dongfang Rui: "What's going on?"

Qian Qinyun: "It's okay, I just met a few people from the Hehuan Sect, and they have left now."

Dongfang Rui didn't speak, and left with the people.

Qian Qinyun looked at Dongfang Rui's back, feeling helpless.

She has been here for a long time, and after returning automatically from Phantom Beast, she went directly to Dongfang's house.

Although the mistress of the Dongfang family was very polite to her, she did not mention marriage for a long time.

Qian Qinyun can only start from Dongfang Rui.

But she's been here for a few months.

Dongfang Rui didn't even have a sweetheart by his side, but he didn't even have a maid.

Before Dongfang Rui escaped from marriage, she thought Dongfang Rui already had someone she liked.

But the truth is no.

Therefore, Qian Qinyun felt that she had a great chance, after all, they also had a marriage contract.

In the past few months, Qian Qinyun has been by Dongfang Rui's side, trying to get close to him every day.

But Dongfang Rui is being polite to himself, but he has no love for men and women.

Qian Qinyun was also very helpless.

Dongfang Rui was in Linlang Pavilion before, and someone reported to him before.

Someone took a purple gold card and came to Linlang Pavilion in Wuji City. He was a teenager.

He came right away.

Teenage, Zijinka, that's Lihuan!
Li Huan is the only one in Linlang Pavilion's Zijin Card who is in his teens!
But Dongfang Rui has been waiting here for several months.

Let alone Li Huan, I haven't even seen anyone with the surname Li.

Dongfang Rui has been depressed, and Qian Qinyun has always wanted to ask him out to play.

Dongfang Rui was not interested at all.

He just came to see after hearing the report from the people below that Qian Qinyun had been beaten.

After all, she is a guest of her Dongfang family.

Before he went out, his mother also said.

Miss Qian's mother had saved her, so she couldn't neglect Miss Qian.

Dongfang Rui is obedient, but he only regards Qian Qinyun as an ordinary guest, not even a friend.

But Qianqin Yun didn't seem to notice.

Been here and never left.

The Dongfang family has plenty of money, so they can live in this courtyard in Wuji City.

So Dongfang Rui didn't drive her away either.

Dongfang Rui certainly didn't expect that this action of his would create such a hidden danger for him in the future.

Qian Qinyun lives in the other courtyard of Dongfang's family in Wuji City.

At the beginning, no one waited to see her.

But Qian Qinyun knows how to be a person. Her mother died early when she was a child, and she was used to things in the back house in Qian's house.

Therefore, Qian Qinyun handled it with ease, and quickly gained the right to speak in this other courtyard.

In addition, she was already engaged to Dongfang Rui.

Therefore, this other courtyard of the Dongfang family is now under Qian Qinyun's control.

Dongfang Rui didn't care about the stewardship of these things.

All he wants now is to find Li Huan.

But Dongfangrui's approach seems to be acquiescence to Qianqinyun's approach from the people's point of view.

Already acknowledged her status.

Qianqin Yun is more comfortable in managing it in this other courtyard.

So Nanyan was just a maid before, but she could easily mobilize people from Linlang Pavilion.

There is no lack of the method of Qianqin Yun.

Dongfang Rui sent many people to search in Wuji City.

"Master, who exactly are you looking for?
Miss Qianjia has been with you for several months.

If you are satisfied, then the marriage will be done.

It can be regarded as an explanation to other girls. "

It was the housekeeper who spoke.

His words seemed to be helping Dongfang Rui.

But in fact, it was to help Qianqinyun.

It can be seen from this that Qian Qinyun's methods have even turned towards her the housekeeper.

Dongfang Rui: "Let me tell you, what are you talking about about the young master! Your surname is Qian?"

"Don't dare."

(End of this chapter)

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