Chapter 416 Meeting Li Ge Again
After Li Huan was caught by Yin Yun and brought to the Hehuan Sect, he was kept locked in Yin Yun's courtyard.

Li Huan had been looking for a chance to escape, but was trapped in the fairy net and couldn't move.

As soon as Yin Yun came back, she was called away and never came back.

At this moment, Li Huan had already racked his brains to find a solution.

Be sure to escape before Yin Yun returns.

Li Huan shouldn't have sex with that bitch, double cultivation!

"Me! Me! Me!"


Li Huan suddenly heard someone talking, and was startled.

But no one was found.

Li Huan took a look and it turned out to be a little milk cat from the space!

Li Huan: "You can talk?"

Little milk cat: "Aww!"

Li Huan: "...It's really useless! After taking so many psychic pills, Yumu's head has also opened up!"


Li Huan: word!

Forget it, it finally worked.

When Li Huan was in Shangpo Village, he refined another batch of psychic pills and gave them to the little milk cat.

Li Huan thought that the cat couldn't talk anymore, but he didn't expect it to be able to.

It's just that the dosage is too much!
Isn't it all right?
But the little milk cat can only speak one word after eating so many.

Fortunately, Li Huan planted the psychic flower in the space before.

Otherwise, there is really no other way.

Li Huan: What are you?
Little milk cat: Aww!

Li Huan: Can you bite it off?
The little milk cat nodded.

Li Huan quickly released the little milk cat: I didn't hurt you for nothing!Well done!

As soon as the little milk cat came out, it started to chew on the fairy net.

The net of sleepy immortals is in the shape of a net, so if Li Huan wants to come out, a hole must be opened.

The little milk cat accelerated desperately.

But I don't know what material this sleepy fairy net is made of, and it is also very difficult for the little milk cat to bite.

But it's good to have a way to get out of here.

Now I just hope that Rhyme will not come back before the little milk cat lets her out.

The little milk cat also knew the situation and did not dare to delay the promotion, and the speed was very fast.

Just when Li Huan saw hope, someone came into the yard!
Not phonology.

is a woman.

The woman was dressed in revealing and coquettish clothes, and when she came in, she looked at Li Huan unkindly.

"You are the one captured by the young master?"

Li Huan didn't speak.

The woman got angry: "I'm talking to you! I'm deaf!"

Li Huan still didn't speak.

The woman looked at Li Huan's face, and was even more unconvinced: "You don't look very good, why!"

Li Huan still didn't speak, the woman thought that Li Huan was dumb and became even more angry.

Just speak for yourself.

"Young Master, I don't know where I have my eyes on you!"

"For so many years, I haven't seen anyone brought back by him!"

"Hmph! Little boy! Isn't it just relying on being a man! What's the big deal!"

"Obviously I'm fine too! Why didn't the young master choose me! If I were a man, you would have no chance!"

Looking at the person talking to himself, Li Huan didn't know what expression to make.

He simply looked at her without saying a word.

When the little milk cat came in, Li Huan hid it under her clothes.

So the little milk cat will start working under Li Huan's clothes.

In order not to be exposed, Li Huan kept his previous actions and remained motionless.

In order to hide the little milk cat, Li Huan sat on the stool with her legs slanted.

This posture looks elegant, but it is actually tiring.

The woman looked at Li Huan, and the more she thought about it, the angrier she became.

"Hu Meizi! Little boy!"

Li Huan: ...

What is the pot from the sky, this is it!
You like your young lord, you should go!

I wait to be set free!
It's a pity that Li Huan didn't dare to speak, he could only complain in his heart.

The woman chattered a lot in front of Li Huan, and left angrily.

Almost exposed.

Li Huan picked up the little milk cat and immediately left the yard.

The longer you stay, the more danger you will have.

However, after Li Huan came out, he realized that this Hehuan sect is so big that it makes people despair!
And the distribution is like a maze!
Li Huan accidentally walked into the wrong yards, and there were almost all kinds of lewd sounds inside.

There are still many things that cannot be described.

Even on the aisle, on the corners and edges!

Li Huan finally understood why everyone was in awe of the Hehuan Sect!

It is simply a cave of ecstasy!

Fight at any time, everywhere is a battlefield!
If you are not careful, you will meet the applause of love.

I can't see, can't see!

Saw the eye of a needle!

Li Huan simply covered her eyes with a gauze scarf, and directly used her spiritual consciousness.

After searching for a long time, Li Huan finally saw the exit.

This is what Li Huan paid special attention to when he came in.

But just when Li Huan was about to go out, Yin Yun came back!
Li Huan braked in time and hid in a corner, reducing his sense of existence.

Yin Yun: "How about the person I brought back?"

"Go back to the young master, in the courtyard."

Yin Yun: "Well, by the way, close the door, and don't go out during this time."


Therefore, Li Huan watched helplessly as the gate of the Hehuan Sect, which was more than ten meters away from him, was closed!
Li Huan refused in her heart!
After Yin Yun left, Li Huan came to the door again, but when Li Huan's hand touched the door, he was suddenly hit by an electric current.

Li Huan felt the pain and withdrew his hand.

There is a formation on this door!

It turned out to be electrified!

It's hard now!
Rhyme is back, and soon you will find that you are gone!


The Hehuan Sect soon became lively!

In Yinyun's courtyard, the woman who came to mock Li Huan before was also there, but now she is kneeling on the ground with a distressed expression on her face.

"Young master, it's not me! Young master, spare your life, I just came to see what he needs, and I'm here to deliver food!"

Yin Yun: "When did you leave?"

Woman: "Just now, a quarter of an hour ago."

Rhyme: "Are you sure?"

Woman: "Yes! I'm sure!"

Rhyme: "Come here! Souzong!"

Li Huan saw that many people started to search the courtyards, so he could only find a corner to hide.

However, the Hehuan Sect didn't know when they could go out, and Li Huan was not familiar with this place, so he didn't dare to wander around.

Soon someone came to Li Huanzang's courtyard.

But seeing that the people in the yard were still immersed in the applause of love, they took a casual look and left.

I let out a breath of farewell.

It was because of this that she chose this place before.

But the picture of this yard is really hot and eye-catching!
Can't see, can't see!
I can't see!

Li Huan did not dare to close her senses, fearing that she would not know if she was caught.

Yin Yun got the news, but couldn't find it, so she personally led a team to search it again.

This time Yin Yun came to the courtyard where Li Huan was hiding, and naturally saw the two before.

Yin Yun's face was gloomy, but unfortunately, the two of them seemed to have taken some kind of drug to boost their pleasure, and they were both in the stage of ecstasy, without noticing it at all.

With a flick of Yin Yun's hand, the two of them were directly knocked to the ground.

The two people were interrupted, but still did not stop, continued to look for each other, and then stuck together.

Rhyme: "Get out!"

Yin Yun's voice was filled with aura, and finally knocked the two of them to the ground.

Li Huan finally saw their faces clearly!

One of them turned out to be Li Ge! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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