Chapter 417 Betrayal
In other words, Li Huan just saw with his own eyes that his cheap father was with a man...

Before Li Huan could take back his surprise, Yin Yun discovered the commotion here.

Yin Yun walked towards the place where Li Huan was hiding.

Li Huan secretly regretted it, her guts were full of regrets!
The two people from before gradually came to their senses at this time.

When Li Huan was dragged out from the corner by Yin Yun, Li Ge happened to see Li Huan's face!

"Li Huan!!!"

Li Huan: ...The enemy's road is narrow!Ruined!
But when Li Ge saw Yin Yun holding Li Huan's hand, his expression changed instantly.

Li Ge hurriedly got up and pulled his clothes back a little.

Li Ge: "Huan'er, are you looking for a father?"

Li Huan: Looking for you big-headed ghost!Who is looking for you!
Rhyme: "Do you know each other?"

Li Ge: "Report to Young Sect Master, this person is my daughter."

"What? A woman?"

Li Huan breathed a sigh of relief, she had been looking for opportunities to explain clearly to Yin Yun before, but now she doesn't have to say it herself.

It's time to let me go!
Li Ge didn't know what was going on, but seeing Yin Yun like that, the old fox immediately began to fill his brains.

Li Ge: "Yes, young master, this is Li's daughter."

Yin Yun looked at Li Huan carefully: "I really didn't see it."

Li Huan: "Then, then you can let me go!"

Yin Yun: "Let's go? You've entered my yard, and there's still time to go?"

Li Huan: "What do you mean?"

Yin Yun: "I said, I'm looking for you, it doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman!"

Li Huan: ...

After Yin Yun finished speaking, she dragged Li Huan back to her yard.

Li Ge: "So, she is the one the young master has his eyes on!"

The man who was with Li Ge stepped forward and said softly, "Li Lang, let's continue!"

Li Ge: "Go away!

What to continue!
Lao Tzu is about to develop!

My daughter is going to be the Young Master's wife! "

Li Ge pushed away the man he had been with before, and chased in the direction where Yin Yun and Li Huan left.

After Li Ge came out from Yunlong Kingdom, he has been living in no fixed place.

Originally, he felt that his strength was extraordinary, so he came to Wuji City.

As a result, he was severely slapped in the face by reality.

Just when he couldn't make it through, he was spotted by members of the Hehuan Sect.

In order to survive, Li Ge followed that man.

After all, he is doing everything for profit.

Although Li Ge is a bit older, his appearance is not bad.

So in the Hehuan Sect, it can be regarded as a good food and clothing!
But because his cultivation was too low, he was only struggling at the bottom.

The relationship in the Hehuan Sect is chaotic, and Li Ge has long since lost his sense of shame.

For the sake of being superior, Li Ge dares to come to anyone.

After Li Huan was caught by Yin Yun, she was directly thrown on the bed.

Yin Yun took out a new trapping fairy net and trapped Li Huan.

Li Huan: "What do you want to do!"

Yin Yun: "Hmph! You still run away! Was that man your father just now?"

Li Huan: "No!"

Rhyme: "No?"

Li Ge came in a hurry and lingered outside the door all the time. This was his opportunity, and he didn't want to miss it.

Rhyme: "Come in!"

Just when Li Ge was hesitant to come in, Yin Yun spoke.

Li Ge was overjoyed and ran in quickly.

Li Ge saluted Yin Yun flatteringly: "Hello, young master."

Yin Yun: "Is she your daughter?"

Li Ge: "Yes!"

Li Huan: "No!"

Rhyme: "Is that right?"

Li Huan: "No!"

Li Ge: "Yes!"

Yin Yun: "It looks like it is, tell me!"

Li Ge was named by Yin Yun, and immediately put Li Huan behind him, and explained everything about Li Huan to Yin Yun from beginning to end.

However, what Li Ge knew was what Li Huan let him know, and Li Ge didn't know about the rest.

Yin Yun: "Well, it is indeed the person I fancy, not bad!"

Li Ge wanted to take this opportunity to curry favor with Yin Yun, so naturally he would not smear Li Huan anymore.

Li Huan looked at Li Ge and hated himself for not killing this person back then!
As a human being, you really can't be too soft-hearted!

There is a serious problem in front of you!
Yin Yun: "You don't seem to be in harmony?"

Li Ge: "It's because I was too confused before and was deceived by others.

Huaner, as a father, I would like to start over and treat you like I did when I was a child! "

Li Huan sneered in her heart, her mind was full of how to sell girls for glory at this time.

Also said so grandly.

Deliberately bringing up things from my childhood, it's not because I want Li Huan to soften her heart.

If Li Huan really climbed to the rhythm, then he will be able to rise to the top by then!

Sure enough, the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change!
Li Ge is Li Ge!

Profit is the picture!

Rhyme: "Get out!"

Li Ge: "Yes, yes, if you have anything to do, please tell the young master."

Yin Yun waved her hand, indicating that Li Ge can go.

Before Li Ge left, he still didn't forget to flatter Yin Yun: "Huan'er, young suzerain, a good-looking talent, with a high level of cultivation, it's your blessing to have a crush on you, and my father must support it!"

Li Huan: ... @##¥%% ...

Fortunately, it wasn't her own, otherwise, Li Huan might vomit blood!
But Li Ge's words successfully pleased Yin Yun.

Yin Yun: "Well said, go down and receive the reward!"

Li Ge was so excited that he left in a hurry.

Li Ge is extremely proud now.

The young suzerain, Yin Yun, is the only son of the suzerain of the Hehuan sect!
Now that he has taken a fancy to Lihuan, it means that he will soon become the in-law of the Suzerain of Hehuan Sect!

Even if Li Huan denies it, it doesn't matter!
Adoptive father is also father!
Yin Yun looked at Li Huan: "Your father has already sold you to me."

Li Huan: "He's not!"

Rhyme: "I said yes, it is!"

Li Huan: "What on earth do you want!"

Yin Yun took out a pill and fed it to Li Huan.

Li Huan: "What!"

Yin Yun: "Don't worry, it's just some pills that make people temporarily close their cultivation."

After Li Huan took the elixir, he soon found that his cultivation had been sealed.

This elixir should be secretly prepared by the Hehuan Sect, and Li Huan couldn't make an antidote for a while.

But what is closed is the aura, and the spiritual power is still there.

Li Huan: "You can let go of the rope now!"

Yin Yun: "So anxious? I'm not ready yet."

Li Huan: ...

Yin Yun looked at Li's cheery little face, and couldn't help pinching it.

Rhyme: "So soft!"

Li Huan felt a chill, he was sick!
Li Huan: "What exactly do you want?"

Yin Yun: "It's all here, and you still ask me this kind of question, are you really stupid or fake?"

Li Huan: "But I heard that you are still a baby, so there must be something wrong with you!"

Li Huan's words successfully angered Yin Yun.

Yin Yun: "Then I'll let you see what I'm capable of!"

Yin Yun untied Li Huan's trapped fairy net, and then pushed Li Huan onto the bed.

Li Huan deliberately pretended to be panicked, but when the sound came up, he instantly cast Soul Eater Art.

Yin Yun's eyes were briefly absent-minded.

(End of this chapter)

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