Chapter 426 Contact
Originally, Li Huan only needed to hide from Yin Yun alone.

Now almost the entire Hehuan Sect has been mobilized.

Of course, except for Li Ge.

Li Ge was still busy with Li Huan's Buddha jumping over the wall at this time, so he naturally missed such a big news.

If Li Ge knew that Li Huan had deliberately dismissed him just now, he wouldn't be mad at him!
Li Huan found that there were more and more people chasing her.

Can only change direction.

It was originally going west, but now, in order not to be discovered, it has deviated from the direction to escape.

Li Huan found that he was already running north.

However, the problem now is that finding a place to hide first is the key.

"This way! This way!"

Li Huan just escaped a person, and was discovered again.

Li Huan had to change direction again.

However, this time because he ran too fast, he actually walked into a dead end!

The people behind are coming soon.

Li Huan had no choice but to climb into the wall at the edge of the alley and into someone else's yard.

Yin Yun naturally saw many people come out.

But he didn't know that Hua Ying asked them to help track Li Huan besides her!

So Phonology didn't stop these guys.

Li Huan jumped into the yard and immediately hid.

The person who spotted her before soon caught up.

"I saw you running this way before!"

"Why not?"

"Could it be going in!"

"Then let's go in and have a look!"

When Li Huan heard that those people were coming in, he ran into the courtyard!

As soon as Li Huan came in, he was discovered!
Li Huan wanted to hide because she didn't know where it was, but the man stopped her!
"Little Huanhuan!"

Li Huan was about to run, but heard a familiar voice.

Before Li Huan could take a closer look, the man rushed up and hugged Li Huan!

Li Huan: "Rui is three years old! Come down!"

Dongfang Rui: "Little Huanhuan! You finally came to me! I'll wait for you, all the flowers I've been waiting for are gone!"

Li Huan: ...If you say no now, will you be kicked out?
Dongfang Rui: "How do you know that I live here? You are amazing! You are worthy of my little Huanhuan!"

Li Huan: "There is nothing in the world that I don't know about!"

"Well, I knew it! You are the best!"

Dongfang Rui looked at Li Huan with admiration.

At this time, Dongfang Rui suddenly heard someone knocking on the door.

Rhyme brings people here!
People from the Hehuan Sect reported the news, someone saw Li Huan coming here.

Yin Yun naturally wants to come in and search, but this is Wuji City.

A piece of head falling from Wuji City can hit a great spiritualist.

Therefore, if it is not necessary, the rhyme does not want to create additional details.

Yin Yun knocked on the door, but Dongfang Rui didn't go, he wanted to cling to Li Huan now.

It was Qianqinyun who took people there.

This other courtyard is now being managed by Qian Qinyun.

Dongfang Rui was a little curious, who would come so late.

Li Huan: "I'm tired."

After hearing Li Huan's words, Dongfang Rui immediately dispelled his curiosity.

Who cares who he is outside!

No one will come!
As soon as Dongfang Rui saw Li Huan, he clinged to her life and death.

Li Huan was a little speechless, but Dongfang Rui, this kind of 'three-year-old child' was easier to deal with than Yin Yun's pervert.

Soon Qianqinyun came.

Qian Qinyun: "Brother Rui, there are people who say that the Hehuan Sect has something to do."

Dongfang Rui: "No, no!"

Qian Qinyun heard Dongfang Rui's dissatisfied answer through the door, and left.

Qianqin Yun naturally bit the bullet and dismissed Yin Yun.

She didn't want to offend Hehuanzong, so she came to ask.

But Dongfang Rui didn't see her, so she naturally focused on Dongfang Rui, she wouldn't provoke him.

After all, no matter how powerful the Hehuan Sect is, it is not as rich as the Dongfang family.

Besides, she was going to marry Dongfang Rui.

Qian Qinyun: "I'm sorry, Young Master Yin, I also live here by borrowing."

Yinyun took a look at Qianqinyun, but didn't see anything wrong.

Naturally, there was nothing wrong with Qian Qinyun, she didn't even know that Li Huan was in Dongfang Rui's yard.

Rhyme: "That's bothering you!"

Yin Yun took people away.

Qian Qinyun: "I don't know who they are arresting?"

When Huaying came, she heard Qianqinyun's words.

Hua Ying: "Miss Qian, she is the medicine slave of our Albizia Sect."

Qian Qinyun's complexion changed, she smiled awkwardly, and ordered the door to be closed.

The drug slaves of the Hehuan Sect are far from those of the pharmacists.

The medicine slave of the pharmacist is to test the medicine.

And the medicine slaves of the Hehuan Sect are used for practicing the technique of harvesting yin and nourishing yang.

Therefore, ordinary drug slaves are ridden by thousands of people and straddled by ten thousand people!
I heard that people in the Hehuan Sect and drug slaves can give gifts to each other!

Qian Qinyun, a young lady who has never left the court, naturally felt a little disgusted after hearing such an answer.

Huaying did it on purpose.

If you can't catch Li Huan, you'll ruin her reputation first!
At that time, even if you are lucky enough to be caught alive, it will be different!

After all, how many people in the Hehuan Sect are rushing to get the medicine slave used by the young suzerain!
Huaying's thoughts were not vicious.

Yinyun came to the alley that the person said before.

Yin Yun: "Are you sure you saw her coming here?"

"Yes, I'm sure. It's just missing here!"

Yin Yun: "Go back first! Don't chase after me!"


Rhyme drives everyone away.

Then climbed over the wall and went in alone!
Hua Ying originally hoped that these people could help her kill Li Huan, but now Yin Yun has called them all away.

Hua Ying originally wanted to go with Yin Yun, but she saw Yin Yun go in!

Hua Ying: "Hu Meizi! Brother Yun actually climbed over the wall for you!"

Yin Yun loves beauty very much, and never does such things that damage the image.

Now, in order to catch Li Huan, she overcame the wall!
Huaying is going crazy with jealousy!

What's so good about that vixen!

Huaying turned around and walked towards the gate of Dongfang's other courtyard.

Qian Qinyun had just returned to her yard when she heard another servant coming to report, and another person came!
Qian Qinyun originally wanted to be angry, but a servant took out a bag.

"It was given to me by the lady who asked to see me, let me pass it on to the lady."

Qian Qinyun took the bag and found that it was Zhuyan Pill inside!

This Zhuyan Dan is worth a lot of spirit stones.

Qian Qinyun accepted the pill: "Let's go!"

As soon as Yin Yun came in, he found traces of Li Huan.

He didn't know why, since Li Huan came out of the forbidden area, he felt an inexplicable familiarity with Li Huan.

It's a wonderful feeling.

Yin Yun has been practicing with the Nine Phantom Bone Fire, and her body is full of the aura of the Nine Phantom Bone Fire.

And Nine Phantoms has already made a contract with Li Huan.

Li Huan naturally also had the aura of the Nine Phantoms.

Besides, Li Huan's body was the original kindling.

Rhyme is now cultivated to differentiate, a new kindling.

Yin Yun is now inextricably linked with Li Huan through the Nine Phantom Bone Fire.

As long as the distance is close enough, Yin Yun can even feel Li Huan's position.

(End of this chapter)

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