Chapter 427 Fighting
This connection facilitates the rhyme.

But Li Huan is miserable, and the person involved doesn't know it at all.

Li Huan: "When are you coming down?"

Dongfang Rui: "No! Xiao Huanhuan, I miss you so much! Today I want to sleep with you no matter what! Hold me!"

Li Huan: ...Why do you feel like you just got out of the wolf's den and then fell into the tiger's den?

Looking at the koala on his body, Li Huan almost vomited blood.

Li Huan: "Come down! If you don't come down again, I'll yell!"

Dongfang Rui: "Call it! It's useless to break your throat! No one here allows me to enter!"

Just as Dongfang Rui finished speaking, the door was pushed open!
Yinyun looked at the two people in front of her.

Li Huan looked at Yin Yun, and his face instantly fell down!
Li Huan: "Doesn't it mean that no one can come in?"

Dongfang Rui suddenly saw someone barging in, and he was stunned!

He looks like this now, he was actually seen by someone!
Lost face!
Dongfang Rui quickly got off Li Huan.

Dong Fanrui looked at Yinyun: "How did you get in?"

Yin Yun: "Why are you here?"

Dongfang Rui: "Yinyun! This is my home! My room!"

Yin Yun: "The person who holds me in your arms! Why do you say I am here?"

Dongfang Rui obviously didn't expect Yin Yun's answer.

Dongfang Rui looked at Li Huan and was very angry: "Say!

What's the matter with him!

Little Huanhuan!
What have you been doing during my absence? "

While questioning Li Huan, Dongfang Rui pulled Li Huan's left shoulder, because he happened to be standing on Li Huan's left side at this time.

And Yin Yun stands on the right.

Rhyme: "Xiao Huanhuan!! You guys!!!"

Seeing Dongfang Rui pulling Li Huan in front of him, Yin Yun stepped forward and grabbed Li Huan's right side.

Like fighting spirit, the two of them pulled Li Huan towards them with all their might.

Li Huan: ... What crime did I do!
Dongfang Rui looked at Li Huan with an aggrieved face: "No wonder you haven't come to me for so long, so you kept a dog behind my back!

You actually raised a dog outside behind my back!
I am so sad! "

Li Huan: "Don't cry! It's not what you think! I have nothing to do with him!"

Seeing Dongfang Rui crying like a child, Li Huan quickly explained.

After all, Dongfang Rui also helped her a lot, and Li Huan still owed him a favor.

As soon as Dongfang Rui heard it, his originally dejected expression disappeared instantly.

Dongfang Rui: "Really? It's his wishful thinking that haunts you, isn't it!"

Listening to the rhyme, it's not bad!

Hastily pulled Li Huan to this side: "Say it!
What is the relationship between you two!
Why did he call you Xiao Huanhuan! "

Dongfang Rui pulled Li Huan back.

Dongfang Rui: "Yin Yun, you pervert!
Don't touch my little Huanhuan!

She is my daughter-in-law! "

Yin Yun: "Your wife?

Dongfang Rui, you have to be ashamed!
When I knocked on the door just now, Qian Qinyun opened the door for me!

Don't tell me, you're okay! "

Dongfang Rui panicked instantly!

He didn't expect this!

Yinyun looked at Dongfang Rui: "I have nothing to say now!
Little Huanhuan!Come back with me!

Don't associate with this kind of person, eat what's in the bowl and look at what's in the pot!
I am the most suitable for you! "

Yin Yun pulls Li Huan to leave.

Dongfang Rui hurried forward: "No!
Xiao Huanhuan, the ancestral item of our Dongfang family, has been accepted!

She is the daughter-in-law of my Dongfang family, and it is impossible to change this!
It's you!
You Hehuan Sect, who doesn't know that there is a child bride!
Your father has raised you since childhood! "

Dongfang Rui was talking about Huaying, of course!
Everyone grew up in Wuji City, so it is clear that there are only a few forces that can be obtained.

So Dongfangrui and Yinyun didn't give in to anyone, and they quarreled like hell.

Li Huan's ears were going to be deafened by the sounds from both sides!

Yin Yun: "That was raised by my father, what does it have to do with me!
Our Hehuan Sect is also a treasure passed down from our ancestors! "

What Yin Yun is talking about is naturally the bone fire of the Nine Phantoms he cultivated!
But Yin Yun sensed it, and found that Li Huan actually had the same aura as him!

Yin Yun was pleasantly surprised in an instant: "Xiao Huanhuan!

Didn't the nine ghosts repel you? "

Li Huan thought that he had been found out that he had subdued the Nine Phantom Bone Fire, and was thinking of denying it.

As a result, it was interrupted by phonology.

Yin Yun: "I knew it, the person I'm looking at can't be wrong!
The reason why my father married my mother was also because she was accepted by Nine Ghosts!
Now you can too, I must marry you! "

Yinyun is completely attracted by Dongfang Ruiqi now, and he never thought about other possibilities at all.

He thought that if Li Huan went in and came out alive, it was just like his mother that he was recognized by the bone fire of Jiuyouling.

After all, except for their Yin family, the rest of the people are not eligible to receive the help of the Nine Ghosts Bone Fire!
Dongfang Rui: "You have to be ashamed!

Xiao Huanhuan first met me!
I've made a decision! "

Rhyme: "You come first, first served!
Who is stronger!Whose is it! "

Dongfang Rui: "It seems that you are not convinced!
come!This young master is not afraid of you! "

"Come on!"

So, Li Huan looked at the two people in front of him and started fighting in front of him!

It's still the kind of combination of fists and kicks!
Neither of them used their aura, because the strength of the two of them was almost the same.

If there is a real fight, the yard will be destroyed.

Qianqinyun and Huaying have already arrived!

The two of them naturally heard the dispute inside.

Qian Qinyun and Hua Ying looked at each other, and they both saw the murderous look in each other's eyes at the same time!
The two women formed a tacit understanding at this moment!
The enemy of the enemy is the friend!
Although there is no contact between them!
But now, they have teamed up!

Because of Li Huan!


Huaying is full of unwillingness!

Even she didn't know what Yin Yun said.

It seems that she also wants to sneak in to see if the nine ghosts will recognize her!

If I knew it earlier, I would have killed it directly!
Now leave yourself such a big disaster!
The intestines are all regretful!

Qian Qinyun never knew about Li Huan before, but now, this is the person she wants to kill!
Qian Qinyun actually met Li Huan when she was in Phantom Beast!

It's just that Qian Qinyun didn't know at the time that Li Huan was the one who took away the Moon Stone!
But now, what she wants to kill is the person she tried to find out before!

Li Huan watched the two of them fight together, and was about to take this opportunity to slip away.

As a result, as soon as they arrived at the door, they met two people!

Qian Qinyun and Hua Ying looked at Li Huan with unfriendly expressions.

Li Huan could clearly see the killing intent in their eyes.

Li Huan was also speechless!
She didn't do anything at all!
It's really a person sitting at home, and the disaster comes from the sky!
Baby Li Huan is in pain!
Lihuan baby has nowhere to say!
Li Huan: "Let's just pass by!"

Li Huan opened his mouth, but neither of them moved!

Hua Ying: "It's not a small skill. The richest and most powerful people in Wuji City are all fighting for you. I really can't see it!"

(End of this chapter)

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