Chapter 428

Qian Qinyun looked at Li Huan: "When did you meet?"

Li Huan looked at the two men who were pressing closer, and really didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, there is still a little space between them.

Li Huan directly used the Broken Cloud Step, using his fastest speed.

Disappeared like a gust of wind!

Huaying looked annoyed.

But Qian Qinyun was surprised again and again, she couldn't keep up with this speed!

This man can't stay!
When Huaying and Qianqinyun came in, they saw two Wuji city grasshoppers who had fascinated countless people on weekdays, but now they were beaten black and blue by each other.

Qianqinyun and Huaying managed to separate them.

Dongfang Rui: "Yinyun! I am at odds with you!"

Rhyme: "Who cares!"

Qian Qinyun looked at Dongfang Rui: "What's going on?"

Dongfang Rui saw Qian Qinyun come in, but Li Huan was gone!

Dongfang Rui's complexion instantly dropped!

Dongfang Rui was about to chase, but Qian Qinyun stopped him.

Qian Qinyun: "Young Master Dongfang, we have an engagement!"

Dongfang Rui: "What kind of marriage contract is not a marriage contract!
This young master doesn't want it!

This young master wants to marry the person he likes! "

Qian Qinyun didn't expect Dongfang Rui to say such a thing.

Qian Qinyun: "Then why do you still stay by my side? Isn't it because you want to marry me?"

Dongfang Rui looked puzzled: "Miss Qian, first of all, this is my other courtyard!

Again, I never said I would marry you! "

As soon as Dongfang Rui finished speaking, Qian Qinyun's face turned pale!
If it was before, Qianqin Yun could pretend that he didn't hear it.

But now there are two more people in this room!

Although she doesn't really love Dong Fanrui, but now she has to pretend to be deeply affectionate, and then she will be hit hard!

Qian Qinyun's tears flowed down instantly as if she didn't want money.

Qian Qinyun looked at Dongfang Rui disheartened: "You are so cruel, abandon me! I am not as good as her!"

Dongfang Rui couldn't understand Qianqin Yun's performance!
This person usually doesn't have much affection for himself, but now he puts on this appearance.

It's as vicious as if he dug her ancestral grave, I really don't understand it!

It's still good for Xiao Huanhuan.

Not pretentious, real and cute!

Dongfang Rui looked impatient: "Cry while crying! My little Huanhuan was scared away by you! Ugly!"

Qian Qinyun's originally sad expression was frozen on his face by Dongfang Rui's 'ugly'!
I can't pretend anymore!

Qian Qinyun was stunned!

Someone actually said she was ugly?
Qian Qinyun is the eldest lady of the Qian family!

Born with thousands of pets, although his mother passed away later, life was difficult.

But she is also the famous Miss Qianjia in Wuji City!

Yinyun saw Dongfang Rui running away and hurried to catch up, he didn't want Dongfang Rui to snatch Li Huan away!

When Yin Yun left, she didn't even look at Hua Ying, she couldn't wait to chase after her.

Hua Ying's face was deformed with anger!

Hua Ying: "Sister Qian, let's join hands!"

The two of them just made eye contact before, but now Huaying has spoken directly!
Eye contact, although they both understand each other's meaning, but in the end there is no alliance.

May repent at any time.

But when these words are made clear, it is different.

This is obviously to deal with Li Huan together!

Qian Qinyun's expression recovered in an instant!

Qian Qinyun: "Good!"

Li Huan didn't know that there were already two people who were preparing to kill her!

Dongfang Rui can sense Lihuan in a short distance because of the Divine Thought Bracelet and the Divine Thought Jade.

That's why Dongfang Rui was able to recognize Li Huan quickly when Li Huan went in before!

And Yin Yun has a connection with Li Huan because of the bone fire of Nine Phantoms.

Like Dongfang Rui, he can detect Li Huan's approximate location.

As long as the distance is close enough, they can sense Li Huan.

Therefore, even though Li Huan ran far away, he didn't shake them off!

Li Huan: "What exactly do you two want?"

"Go back with me!"

Dongfang Rui and Yin Yun spoke in unison.

Li Huan: "No! I'm not going anywhere! I have more important things to do!"

Dongfang Rui: "Then I will follow you!"

Yin Yun: "Wherever you go, I will go there!"

Dongfangrui and Yinyun hit the pole immediately!

Huan Huan!
I was pissed off!
Li Huan: "What I have to do is inconvenient to take people with me."

Dongfang Rui: "Xiao Huanhuan, what are you going to do?"

Li Huan: "I want to enter the Wuji Palace."

Dongfang Rui: "What are you doing there! How can such a place be full of people!"

Yin Yun: "Exactly! How can the Wuji Palace give us the freedom of the Acacia Sect!"

This time, the two had a rare consensus.

Li Huan: "I have a reason to go."

Dongfang Rui: "Then... can I see you?"

Yin Yun: "I want to see you too!"

Li Huan looked at the two of them, if he said no, he might not be able to leave tonight!
Li Huan: "Yes."

Dongfang Rui and Yinyun watched Li Huan leave with sullen faces.

After Li Huan left.

Dongfang Rui: "Let me tell you! Little Huanhuan is mine! If you dare to snatch it! See if I, Linlang Pavilion, tear up your Hehuan sect!"

Yin Yun: "Hmph! Who is afraid of whom! Our Hehuan Sect can still crush your Linlang Pavilion!"



The two broke up unhappy.

Next time you go out, you should be more prepared.

Otherwise, God knows if there will be Zhang San Li Si Wang Wu.

Li Huan sneaks into the Pharmacist Association.

As soon as I returned to my yard, I heard someone screaming in pain.

It was Yu Xiaoling's voice!
Li Huan will open the door of Xiaoling's room.

Yuan Jiangxue is also there, and there is another woman, who should be Zhang Lan!

Four people live in one courtyard, and Zhang Lan was not there before, so I have never seen Li Huan.

Zhang Lan: "Who are you?"

Yu Xiaoling and Yuan Jiangxue turned their heads and saw Li Huan coming in.

Yu Xiaoling: "Where did you go? Why did it take you so long to come back?"

Yuan Jiangxue was also a little surprised to see Li Huan.

Yuan Jiangxue: "Brother Yao is looking for you everywhere!"

Li Huan: "Some things were delayed on the road, what's the matter?"

Zhang Lan kept looking at Li Huan.

Yuan Jiangxue: "Xiao Lan, this is Li Huan, and Li Huan is Zhang Lan!"

Zhang Lan looked at Li Huan: "Are you brother Yao's junior sister?"

Li Huan: "Yes."

Zhang Lan: "It's good of you, you've been walking for so long! You've exhausted us!"

Zhang Lan's tone was obviously a little angry.

Yu Xiaoling: "Zhang Lan, this matter has nothing to do with Li Huan, it's because I'm not as skilled as others."

Although Zhang Lan was still a little dissatisfied, but Yu Xiaoling said, she stopped talking.

Li Huan: "What's going on?"

Zhang Lan: "It's you! Mu Anni troubles us everywhere, but you're not here, she bullies Yu Xiaoling all day long!"

Li Huan remembered that in Linlang Pavilion before, he seemed to have met Bingyu and Mu Anni.

Presumably because of her absence, Yu Xiaoling became their venting target.

(End of this chapter)

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