Chapter 432 Key Points
Li Huan: "Well, you seem to be very reasonable!"

Proctor Zhang: "Little baby! You don't even have any sense of awe!

That's right, you are far away from that realm now, and you will know how rare it is in the future! "

Li Huan nodded, agreeing.

But there is not much feeling in my heart.

She knew it when she was in Jialan Tower.

Ninth Grade is the existence of Yaotong in the Promise Continent!

If he didn't know, Li Huan might still have a little yearning for her.

But knowing that this medicine boy is the ninth grade, Li Huan really can't envy her at all!

However, it seems that almost no one in Tianyuan Continent is aware of the existence of Wuji Continent.

This feeling of being the only one who knows the secret is amazing!

Li Huan: "Then can I start the fifth-rank exam now?"

Invigilator Zhang was questioned by Li Huan, and he came back to his senses: "It's alright, now you can refine the fourth-grade elixir required on this list."

Proctor Zhang gave the list to Li Huan and left.

The pills that need to be refined in this kind of assessment are all random, and the elixirs are also brought together according to the list. The people who are assessed come in empty-handed, and then they are assessed in the separate refining room prepared by the Pharmacist Association.

So there is no chance of cheating at all.

This is also the reason why invigilator Zhang can safely put Li Huan here alone for the refining assessment.

Invigilator Zhang left in a hurry.

Li Huan picked up the elixir and started refining it.

When invigilator Zhang came back, he brought two people with him.

Li Huan gave him the fourth-grade elixir.

Invigilator Zhang: "Above Grade Five requires three invigilators. These are Invigilator Li and Invigilator Wang."

Li Huan saluted them one by one.

Then invigilator Zhang gave Li Huan the examination paper for the fifth grade.

Li Huan took the test paper, in order not to make herself too outstanding, this time Li Huan did not do the questions as fast as before.

Seeing that Li Huan was also thinking about the exam, supervisor Zhang felt that it should be done. After all, if the assessment of the fifth grade was the same as before, then this person simply cannot be described as extraordinary talent!

After all, this is only 16 years old!

They are only rank five!

But it is the age of forty!

Although Li Huan slowed down the speed of doing the questions, compared to others, he was still fast.

The other two were also very satisfied after reading Li Huan's test paper.

Invigilator Wang: "No wonder you were so excited before. This pharmacology answer is indeed good, and the speed of doing the questions is also very fast."

Proctor Li: "Well, half an hour is considered fast, not bad!"

Invigilator Zhang had been asked by Li Huan before, so he didn't say anything.

But his heart is already biased towards Li Huan!

After all, he had seen a test paper finished in a few breaths before.

Invigilator Zhang: "Right now when refining fifth-grade elixir, one side of the assessment is all about refining fifth-grade elixir, so you can choose one."

Invigilator Zhang took out three prescriptions.

Li Huan took one casually.

It is a pill to help the spirit recover.

Li Huan selected the necessary elixir from the elixir, and then refined it in front of the three of them.

Li Huan's refining technique was taught by Yu He, so once he got started, the other three were stunned!

This method!
It turned out to be so superb!

Invigilator Zhang hadn't watched Li Huan refine the elixir carefully before.

After all, there is no possibility of cheating.

Although Li Huan cheated on the magic weapon and its own space, she didn't need this kind of simple assessment at all.

Li Huan also made it by himself before.

Inspector Zhang saw that his skills were indeed exquisite, and even the handling of the elixir was not bad at all!

Proctor Li: "Mr. Zhang, what is the origin of this little girl?"

Proctor Wang: "That's right! To be so proficient at such a young age, I can't help myself!"

Invigilator Zhang: "President Su's new apprentice!"

"It turned out to be her! What a miracle!"

Proctor Li: "Then this competition, do you think we have a chance to win?"

Proctor Zhang: "You can also see it! That's what I mean, so I let you take a look for yourself. If there is no problem, I will recommend it!"

Proctor Wang: "I think it's okay!"

Proctor Li: "I think so too!"

So without Li Huan's knowledge, she was sold out by these three invigilators!

Li Huan quickly refined the fifth-grade elixir.

Li Huan didn't know how much he had refined the fifth-grade elixir.

Naturally, he was very familiar with the refining this time.

After seeing Li Huan's elixir, the three invigilators thought it was okay.

Afterwards, under the witness of the other three people, invigilator Zhang issued Li Huan the token of a fifth-grade pharmacist and registered it in the register.

Supervisor Zhang: "By the way, there will be a competition in ten days. When that time comes, you will go to participate in the competition of the fifth-grade pharmacists."

Li Huan: "Okay."

Invigilator Zhang told Li Huan the precautions, and then left.

Invigilator Zhang is very satisfied with Li Huan.

Although the other two invigilators hadn't seen Li Huan's previous assessment, they were indeed amazed by the refining of the fifth-grade elixir.

Invigilator Wang said some words of encouragement to Invigilator Li, saying that he is optimistic about Li Huan and will definitely get the first prize.

Li Huan didn't know what they were talking about, they probably wished her a prize in a competition or something.

Li Huan nodded.

When Li Huan came out, he happened to meet Bingyu.

Although Bingyu's pharmacology has some problems in the test paper, he just passed it!
Bingyu was bitter about this, but fortunately, she passed the examination of a fourth-rank pharmacist.

Bingyu saw it; Li Huan came out: "Have you passed the exam?"

Li Huan nodded, she really had nothing to say to Bingyu.

Bingyu: "That's a coincidence, I passed it too! But I passed the fourth grade!"

Li Huan: "Yeah!"

Bingyu: "You are jealous of me!"

Li Huan was puzzled by Bingyu's question, jealous of her?
"Jealous for what?"

Bingyu: "I am now a fourth-rank pharmacist! And you are only a third-rank!"

Bingyu said that Li Huan was only a third grade.

But in fact, an hour ago, she was not a third-rank. Now that she has obtained a fourth-rank through cheating, she can't wait to start looking down on what she thought was a third-rank.

Li Huan: "Oh? That's really congratulations!"

After Li Huan finished speaking, she was ready to leave.

But Bingyu finally met the opportunity to hit Lihuan, so she was naturally unwilling to let it go.

Bingyu winked, and the people around her immediately agreed and stopped Li Huan.

Li Huan: "What?"

Bingyu: "Hmph! Back in Yaowang Valley, you relied on Brother Yao and humiliated me in every possible way. What do you think I want to do now?"

Li Huan: "I bullied you? Bingyu, won't your conscience hurt when you say this? Do you remember Guan Biao? Let me find out and confront him?"

When Bingyu heard Li Huan mentioned Guan Biao, her expression changed instantly, but she managed to calm down.

Guan Biao is not here, no one will confront her what she says!

It's not what she said, it's what!Who made her a fourth-rank existence now!
At the third rank, she naturally didn't dare to be so arrogant, but the fourth rank is different.

The fourth grade can step into the existence of key training objects!

(End of this chapter)

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