Chapter 433 Justice
Naturally, it is better than Li Huan, the new third rank!
Li Huan asked the invigilator to keep it secret for her because it was a consecutive exam.

So now everyone thought that even if Li Huan passed the exam, he was only promoted from the second rank to the third rank.

Bingyu: "Who doesn't know that Guan Biao has entered the Wuji Palace. He is now an outer disciple, and he cannot come out without permission. If you say you want him to confront you, why are you so relieved! You are just quibbling!"

Li Huan: "Is Guan Biao not here? No wonder you are so confident, but I don't have time."

Li Huan was about to leave, but Bingyu led someone to stop her.

Li Huan immediately made a move!

After a while, all those who blocked her were beaten to the ground by Li Huan!
Bingyu: "You! How dare you injure your fellow disciple! You are doomed!"

Bingyu immediately went to find someone to punish Li Huan.

Bingyu also saw Li Huan make a move just now, although she really didn't want to admit it, but she really didn't see it clearly!
This shows that Li Huan's strength has far surpassed her!


It happened that Bingyu found Li invigilator!
Invigilator Li had just watched Li Huan's medicine refining function, and it's too late for this fifth-rank genius to flatter her!
But proctor Li couldn't blatantly show favoritism, otherwise it would be bad for him and Li Huan if people saw it.

Proctor Li: "What's going on?"

Bingyu: "Senior Brother Li, this man blatantly beat up his fellow disciples!"

Proctor Li looked at Li Huan: "Really? You hit me?"

Li Huan: "No! They bumped into me and fell down by themselves!"

Bingyu: "Li Huan, your words are too unreasonable!
How could it be that he fell it by himself!
Obviously you did it!
Brother Li asked someone to arrest her and torture her, so she would naturally recruit! "

Proctor Li: "Did you fall by yourself?"

Li Huan: "Yes, I fell it myself!"

Bingyu: "Hmph! Deceiving yourself and others!"

But the proctor Li's words made the smug Bingyu's jaw drop in shock!

Even the people lying on the ground were directly vomited blood!
Proctor Li: "It looks like I fell it myself!
It's a shame that such a big person can't walk well!

Everyone will be fined to copy the Pharmacopoeia a hundred times! "

As soon as the invigilator Li's voice fell, the entire examination hall became completely silent in an instant.

Everyone thought they heard it wrong, but one person got it wrong, but!

It's impossible for everyone to get it wrong!
This this……

Bingyu: "Proctor Li, Li Huan was the one who beat me up, how can you favor Li Huan!"

As soon as Bingyu said this, the people lying on the ground all agreed!

This is not obvious favoritism!

They are not satisfied!

Proctor Li: I am obviously biased?no?
Although he thought so in his heart, he would never admit it!
Proctor Li: "If you continue to cause trouble, this month's monthly service will be cancelled!"

Bing Yuqi's face was deformed!
The people lying on the ground all looked at Bingyu, after all they were beaten for Bingyu.

Bingyu is also vomiting blood in her heart, but now she can only find a way to solve it.

So Bingyu left quickly and found another invigilator!
This is the place where the Pharmacists Association will be assessed, so besides those who participated in the assessment, the only people here are the invigilators!
Bingyu found another one.

The previous invigilator Li was partial, but it is impossible for everyone to be partial.

When Bingyu was looking for the invigilator, there was someone beside him, so Bingyu also invited him.

Li Huan saw that the person Bingyu invited was not the same person who invigilated her just now!
Now all three are here!
Bingyu recounted the matter on the way with more details!
What Li Huan said was heinous and arrogant.

Proctor Zhang: "There are still such arrogant people! You must teach me a lesson!"

Invigilator Wang: "Exactly! We must curb this kind of trend, and we must not allow people to tarnish the reputation of our Pharmacist Association! One rat droppings ruined a pot of porridge!"

Proctor Zhang: "That's right! Go and have a look! I want to see who it is!"

Bingyu thought that the two of them didn't know Li Huan, so she didn't mention Li Huan at all when she said it before.

Before proctor Zhang and proctor Wang came, they didn't even know who Bingyu was talking about!
I only know that this person is extremely arrogant in Bingyu's description!
Bingyu brought the two of them over, sneering in her heart!
You can't escape this time!
Seeing Bingyu, invigilator Li actually called invigilator Wang and invigilator Zhang.

If you think about it with your toes, you can tell that this is the little girl playing tricks!
So invigilator Li picked Li Huan out before invigilator Wang spoke to invigilator Zhang!

Proctor Li: "What Li Huan said was that they fell on their own!"

Invigilator Zhang and Invigilator Wang looked at each other, and they both understood what was going on!
The feeling is that the talented little girl they just assessed was targeted!

There is also jealousy among fellow students, and normal jealousy can stimulate everyone's motivation to move forward.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, everyone keeps one eye open and one eye closed.

But now that the upper body has used means to set the blame, it will not work!

Bingyu pointed at Li Huan: "Senior brothers, it's her! She maliciously hurt her fellow disciple! She must be severely punished!"

Proctor Zhang: "You hurt them?"

Li Huan's face remained unchanged: "No, they bumped into and fell down by themselves!"

"No! She did it!"

"Yes! We were all hurt by her on purpose!"

"Senior brother! She hit it! Arrest this disruptor!"

When everyone saw the two new invigilators, they thought they had seen hope. Now, Li Huan can definitely be arrested!

Proctor Wang: "Stop arguing!"

Proctor Li: "Obviously you fell it yourself!"

Bingyu: "Senior brother Li, you deliberately cover up Li Huan, are you taking advantage of her! You can't be so indiscriminate between right and wrong!"

Bingyu had a heartbroken look on her face, she did it deliberately for proctor Zhang and proctor Wang to see.

Sure enough, the invigilator Zhang said: "Indeed, as pharmacists, we must distinguish between black and white, and be fair and just. Otherwise, how can we set an example for other industries!"

When Bingyu heard it, she felt that Li Huan must have run away this time!
Bingyu: "Yes! Brother Zhang is right!"

Proctor Zhang: "You also think I'm right?"

Bingyu: "Yes! Senior Brother Zhang is still fair. I don't want some senior brothers to be bought by a little profit!"

Li Huan hadn't said a word, but proctor Li had been winking at her, so Li Huan naturally understood.

He told Li Huan not to panic, and Li Huan didn't know why they favored him so much.

However, since they are willing to help, Li Huan is not a person who does not know what to do.

Nodding, signaling that he is not panicking.

How could Li Huan panic, these people, all added up, were not enough for her to beat.

When Li Huan returned to the Pharmacist Association, he had already hidden his cultivation.

Therefore, she still looks like a spiritual master on the surface.

Bingyu only saw that when Li Huan made a move, he was stronger than herself, but Bingyu didn't know exactly how strong it was.

(End of this chapter)

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