Chapter 434 Retreat
Proctor Zhang: "Since there is no opinion, I will announce it!"

"Okay! Zhang is the fairest invigilator!"

"That's right! Unlike some senior brothers!"

When Supervisor Zhang heard the person lying on the ground flattering him, he felt a little flustered: "Since you don't have any objections, then you who slander your fellow disciples, all of you will cancel this month's monthly service! Li Huan, it's none of your business here." ,you can go now!"

Li Huan: "Yes!"

Li Huan responded and prepared to leave.

Bingyu: "Stop!"

Li Huan: "What else?"

Bingyu: "Senior Brother Zhang said just now that you will be fined for one month's monthly reward! But the month's reward has already been issued the day before yesterday, so you pay first before leaving!"

Li Huan: "Me? Aren't you the ones who should hand over? Isn't it you who just said?"

Bingyu: "I'm obviously talking about you!"

Li Huan: "Who are you talking about?"

Proctor Zhang: "Bingyu, and the people you brought, hand over the moon!"

"What? Why us?"

Bingyu and the others were also puzzled.

Didn't you just say Li Huan?

Proctor Zhang: "It's you! Bingyu! And these people you brought!"


"Didn't you say Li Huan?"

"Senior Brother Zhang seemed to be talking about you just now! There is only one person in Li Huan!"

" mean, he's talking about us? Give our month up?"

"What's going on here? It's fine that senior brother Li was partial, but senior brother Zhang and senior brother Wang are also partial!"

A group of people chattered in an instant.

They followed Bingyue because they also valued her family background.

If someone is stronger than her, it's not like they can't be blown to pieces.

Proctor Wang: "You innocently wronged your classmates. If you don't punish your moon, you will be punished! Next time, it will not be as simple as punishing!"

Bingyu: "Senior Brother Wang! Li Huan was the one who beat them! How can you call the black ones white!"

Proctor Li: "Really? Let me ask again, did Li Huan beat you, or did you hurt yourself? If you are found out to be lying! Seriously, you will be expelled from the Pharmacist Association!"

As soon as proctor Li's words came out, the crowd who were still dissatisfied just now fell silent in an instant.

Proctor Li's tone was full of threats, no matter how stupid they were, they couldn't hear it.

This is determined to protect Li Huan!
Although they don't know why yet.


They don't want to be expelled from the Pharmacist Association because of this.

You know, the exorcised people have almost nowhere to go except the Dark Alchemist!

This is not tantamount to digging one's own grave!
"We fell down ourselves!"

"Yes yes yes! I said it wrong before!"

"Li Huan, it's our fault for blocking your way!"

"Yes, next time we walk, we must be careful."

Bingyu was even more angry when she heard that these people who were originally pursuing her were now fawning over Li Huan!
Li Huan left without saying anything.

Bingyu was so angry, but she couldn't figure it out, why all these invigilators favored Li Huan? !

Is there something she doesn't know?

Now is not the time to pursue.

Invigilator Zhang and the others received Yue Feng and left.

Just kidding, this Li Huan is a fifth-rank, fifth-rank pharmacist, there are only a few of them that can be counted!
Not favoring Li Huan, could it be that he still favors Bingyu, a duplicity fourth grade!
Bingyu wanted to leave too, but the people who followed her before stopped her!
Bingyu: "What are you doing?"

"Senior Sister Bingyu, our monthly payment has been turned in!"

"Yeah! How did you spend this month!"

"We were punished for you! You can't leave us alone!"

Bingyu was going to be pissed off by their words!

These wall grass!
He even had the nerve to ask her for a spirit stone!

It was obvious that they changed their words before and testified for Li Huan!

Now I am ashamed to ask myself to make up for it!
But facing so many people, Bingyu was also speechless in her heart!
If they go out and talk nonsense, her reputation will be ruined!

In the end, Bingyu could only give them a little compensation.

After those people left, Bingyu returned to the place where she lived angrily.

Li Huan left a long time ago, and she went to retreat in a while!

She has been, has been busy before!
This time, he passed the fifth-grade pharmacist exam, and the level of refining medicine can be regarded as catching up.

But the cultivation needs to go further!
Li Huan is going to participate in the competition ten days later, after passing the competition, he should be able to enter the Promise Palace smoothly.

In the Promise Palace, strength is also very important.

After Li Huan came back, he checked Yu Xiaoling's injuries.

It was found that it was almost good.

Yu Xiaoling: "Have you passed the exam?"

Li Huan: "Well, thanks to you, it's over!"

Yu Xiaoling: "That's really great!"

Li Huan: "I need to retreat for ten days. During this time, you don't go out, think about the medicine, and you should go further soon."

Yu Xiaoling: "Really?"

Li Huan left a book behind and left.

After closing the door, Li Huan began to enter the space to practice.

Li Huan doesn't know where Nanny Qin is in Wuji Palace.

Therefore, we can only improve our cultivation as much as possible.

Before Li Huan looked at "The Picture of the Six Gods of Mountains and Rivers", his cultivation level was too low, so he died inside as soon as he entered.

Later, his cultivation base increased, but he never had time to go into actual combat.

"Six Gods of Mountains and Rivers" is left by my grandfather.

When Li Huan left Li Mansion, he got it on the last floor of the Treasure Building.

There are a total of six paintings, each of which is different, with different terrain and environment, and the spirit beasts and monsters inside should also be different.

The first one is plain.

The second picture is the desert, the one that Li Huan entered before is the desert, and the most terrifying thing Li Huan remembers in this is the lizard.

The third one is the forest.

The fourth is the river valley and swamp.

The fifth picture is the cave and the dark river.

The sixth is the plateau snow-capped mountains.

Li Huan took a look and chose the desert that he had entered before.

After Li Huan came in this time, he also met the python-striped maned iguana that was as tall as a hill.

The python maned iguana came over as soon as it found Li Huan!
A fireball quickly hit Li Huan.

Li Huan dodged and avoided it directly.

Li Huan took out the Divine Phoenix Sword and stepped forward.

This maned iguana is a sixth-order monster.

A sixth-order monster is equivalent to the realm of a human monk's spirit master or spiritual master.

Li Huan came in when he was just promoted to Spiritualist, and was instantly killed in a single encounter.

This is an adult maned iguana, so it is equivalent to the realm of a spiritual master.

Although it is very powerful, it is no longer difficult for Li Huan now.

Li Huan quickly took care of the giant monster.

The moment the python-patterned iguana was beaten to death by Li Huan, it turned into a spirit energy and disappeared!
Li Huan watched in surprise as the aura went to the depths of the desert.

It seems that there is something in it to maintain the operation of the entire terrain.

(End of this chapter)

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