Chapter 436 The Essence of Sword Art
The desert flame wolf is extremely fast, Li Huan can only run!

Most of this group of desert flame wolves are adults.

Therefore, they are all from the fifth to the sixth level, and the strongest one is the seventh level!

The seventh-order one is obviously their leader.

Command the wolves to chase Li Huan.

The water that Li Huan drank just now turned into sweat because of the accelerated running!
It can't go on like this!

You must take the initiative!

If you are so luo, running down is not an option!

"Divine Phoenix!"

Li Huan shouted, and the Divine Phoenix Sword was sensed.

In an instant, it flew in from the space and landed in Li Huan's hand.

Fortunately, Li Huan's Wen Jian psychic practiced to control the sword.

As soon as Shenhuang arrived, Li Huan regained confidence in an instant.

He turned his direction directly and took the initiative to attack the Desert Flame Wolf.

"The scorching sun is burning!"

"Burn all the wilderness!"

With the help of the natural advantages in the desert, Li Huan directly used the Four Seasons Sword Art Summer Sword Power.

The sword's momentum was blessed by the heat, and it became even more imposing.

Li Huan danced up and rustled the wind.

A batch will be resolved soon.

Seeing that something was wrong, the wolf leader immediately let out a wolf howl and recalled the desert flame wolf.

When the desert flame wolf heard the signal from the wolf leader, it retreated completely in an instant.

Li Huan didn't chase after him, but returned to the previous place, drank some water, and put on his clothes.

This incident also reminded Li Huan.

Don't be too arrogant!
If I had been a little more vigilant just now, I wouldn't be luo, I've been running for so long!

After drinking enough water, Li Huan memorized the terrain of this area.

If you go deep and can't find the water source, you still have to come back to this place.

Besides, after such a long fight, Li Huan is hungry!
But wherever the eye can see, it's all sand.

Crazy sand all over the sky, the temperature is extremely high!

In the vast desert, Li Huan walked alone.

Li Huan didn't know how far ahead, so he could only walk in the direction where the wolves retreated from memory.

Sure enough, Li Huan found the gathering place of the wolves.

The wolves did not expect that Li Huan would be able to keep up.


In this piece of desert grass, in an instant, the sky-shattering howl of wolves resounded.

Li Huan took a look, there were at least a thousand of them!

so much!
However, Li Huan didn't back down this time, this litter of desert flame wolves could just be used to hone her sword skills!
Li Huan instantly killed the wolves.

"The earth rejuvenates!"

"The scorching sun is burning!"

"One Leaf Knows Autumn!"

"Aoxue Lingshuang!"

These are the four strokes of the first form of the Four Seasons swordsmanship.

Four Seasons Sword Art has a total of three moves, each with four moves, a total of twelve moves.

Every four strokes is a reincarnation, and the four seasons cycle, endlessly.

Li Huan only learned six tricks now.

But after Li Huan was promoted to a great spiritual master, he found out.

The Four Seasons swordsmanship that I used before did not maximize the momentum of this swordsmanship.

This sword technique is incomparably exquisite, Li Huanyue practiced it more and more.

The more you can appreciate the sublimeness of swordsmanship!

This Su Xiaodie doesn't know who it is.

To be able to create such a powerful swordsmanship.

Li Huan is now re-practicing the first form to a more advanced level.

"Ling Shuang Aoxue! The Earth Rejuvenates!"

While beheading the desert flame wolf, Li Huan was thinking about how to increase the power of his sword.

Li Huan is in this desert grass, full of fragrance and phoenix dancing, full of gestures.

Sometimes it is like spring rain melting ice, and sometimes it is like autumn wind.

Forget about me.

At this moment, Li Huan has entered a state of selflessness.

This is a manifestation of high concentration of mental power, and it is the state that monks most yearn for.

In this state, the cultivator's cultivation base will be improved with half the effort!

Li Huan was immersed in the evolution of swordsmanship!
Even the fact that all the wolves had been killed did not affect her in the slightest.

In the desert at dusk, the sky was dyed red by the setting sun.

A woman with a graceful figure is practicing swordsmanship selflessly in the boundless yellow sand.

The desert is windy and dusty, the sun is dim, and the rouge is stuffed with purple at night.

From dawn to dusk, I completely forget myself.

Finally, when the first ray of morning light in the desert rose from the horizon.

Li Huan stopped.

This day, this place, this wind, this dust.

Li Huan could clearly feel their movements.

Although there are not many scenery in the desert.

But there is also him, a self-contained law of operation.

Live endlessly!

Li Huan finally understood that one of the essence of the Four Seasons swordsmanship, reincarnation!
At this time, Li Huan performed it again, the first form of the Four Seasons Sword Art.


Added the mood of reincarnation.

This sword technique is no longer that sword technique!
The first form of the current Four Seasons swordsmanship.

This is the real Four Seasons swordsmanship.

It was the Four Seasons Sword Technique that Su Xiaodie used before.

It was not Li Huankong's previous swordsmanship that had a shape but no heart.

The morning light hit Li Huan's face.

The fine sweat on the face is like the morning dew.

It hangs crystal clear on Li Huan's forehead, shining brightly.

Li Huan seems to have gone through the baptism of reincarnation.

A divine radiance emanated from his whole body.

Li Huan's gaze was fixed on the front.

Let's go again!

The desert is boundless, but there will always be a day to finish!
Moreover, even death here is an illusion.

This gave Li Huan more opportunities to try.

Between life and death, one can comprehend the profound meaning of martial arts and techniques faster.

Those desert flame wolves that had been beheaded before had already turned into spiritual energy and gathered in the depths of the desert.

It didn't take long for Li Huan to speed up.

Met a group of beautiful ornate fan lizards.

But when they saw Li Huan, they dispersed instantly.

Li Huan ignored it and moved forward again.

Finally met a herd of camels on the third day!

This is an oasis!

This is the first time that Li Huan saw an oasis here.

But this time Li Huan became more cautious than before.

It was too embarrassing before.

As a result, he was chased by the desert flame wolf that suddenly appeared, and he was in a panic.

Li Huan let go of his consciousness, and found that his consciousness was actually blocked by something inside!
I can't even see what's going on inside!
Li Huan became more careful!

Her spiritual consciousness is already comparable to the realm of the Linghuang!

Even this oasis can't be seen clearly!

Although this oasis is larger than the previous one, it is only about a dozen acres.

For the spiritual consciousness of a monk, it is not very big.

However, it was such a place, but Li Huan couldn't find out what was going on inside.

Li Huan slowly approached the oasis.

First, he hid beside the camel for a while.

If no danger is found, go inside again.

This oasis should have water.

Li Huan followed the distribution of aquatic plants and went to places with water sources.

Except for the grass in front, the inside of the oasis is full of tall trees.

If you want to come to this oasis, it should have existed for a long time.

Otherwise, there would be no such tall trees.

After Li Huan entered, she always felt that she was being followed by something.

But her consciousness didn't notice it.

This place gives Li Huan a very bad feeling.

It's good to leave after drinking water.

There might be some powerful existence hidden in this kind of place.

(End of this chapter)

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