Chapter 437 Seven-tailed Flame Fox
The deeper you go, the stronger the feeling of uneasiness.

Li Huan didn't know if he was hallucinating, but this intuition helped Li Huan many times.

Li Huan took out the Divine Phoenix Sword and held the sword in his hand, so Li Huan could feel a little more at ease.

In front is a forest.

Li Huan finally saw the wild fruit!

For so many days, drink a small amount of water to maintain.

Although monks can use aura without eating.

But the feeling of being hungry is really uncomfortable.

Li Huan went forward to pick some fruits.

The fruit is sweet, probably because of the desert climate.

The fructose is particularly high, and it tastes extra delicious.

Li Huan temporarily filled his stomach with these wild fruits.

Before leaving, she tied up her clothes and packed them up to eat on the road later.

There seemed to be nothing special in this forest, but the feeling of uneasiness did not dissipate.

At this moment, Li Huan suddenly saw a high mountain appearing in front of him!
There are mountains here!

Why was it completely invisible outside before!
According to the height of this mountain, it can definitely be seen at a glance from the outside!
What is the origin of this rock!
Li Huan stepped forward, and suddenly countless stone vipers sprang out from the mountain!

Li Huan immediately used his sword technique to kill.

But there are too many vipers!
Soon, those vipers entangled Li Huan's feet!
Li Huan was startled, this viper is extremely poisonous, if it was bitten, the consequences would be disastrous.

Li Huan quickly used the Vajra body protection technique to protect her body.

The viper bit Li Huan's calf, but refused to go in.

Li Huan took the opportunity to kill quickly.

But the more he killed, the more excited the viper became. Countless vipers climbed down from the mountain densely.

Li Huan's killing speed was obviously beyond his reach, and soon, Li Huan's entire body was entangled by the viper.

Even the Divine Phoenix Sword is covered with countless stone-patterned vipers.

As he was submerged by the Stone Viper, Li Huan felt that his breathing became difficult.

The feeling of suffocation soon overwhelmed Li Huan!
Li Huan felt that his consciousness had become blurred.

Soul Eater: Wake up! ! !girl! !Wake up! ! !
Just when Li Huan felt that she couldn't breathe, she suddenly heard someone calling her.

Li Huan followed the sound, and finally saw the Soul-devouring Beast anxiously calling him in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Li Huan: What's going on?

Soul Eater: You keep pinching yourself with your own hands!Are you overwhelmed?
Li Huan: No, how is it possible!

When Li Huan woke up, he saw that he was exactly as the Soul-devouring Beast said.

The feeling of suffocation before was his own hand pinching his neck.

Where is the mountain before, there is a forest in front of me, nothing!

And those densely packed vipers that couldn't be killed all disappeared!
Li Huan: Did I just hallucinate?
Soul Eater: So, what did you see?

Li Huan: Nothing.

Soul-devouring Beast: It must have been miserably abused.

Li Huan: Can you speak?

Soul Eater: Tsk tsk tsk!
After Li Huan woke up, she finally knew what that feeling was like before!

It's the feeling of being watched!

who is it?

There can't be anyone else here, so there must be something special here.

After all, this is the only oasis that Li Huan has encountered so far!
It must have been occupied by something!

Li Huan searched the oasis quickly, but found nothing suspicious.

Did you guess wrong?

Must have!

Li Huan checked again carefully, and finally saw that there was something wrong with a stone at the water source.

This stone has never existed before!
Li Huan approached to check it out.

This stone really came later!
Because it's still wet.

Li Huan didn't find the mechanism, but her intuition told her that it was this stone that made her hallucinate just now!
Li Huan split the stone with the Divine Phoenix Sword.

It turned out to be a fox inside!
Li Huan looked at it, it looked at Li Huan.

not good!

Being targeted again!
In the middle of the move!
Li Huan found himself in the glacier land suddenly!

There's ice everywhere!
The rolling snow-capped mountains have no end in sight.

The cold wind was cold, in stark contrast to the desert heat just now.

But this time Li Huan already knew it was an illusion, relying on his strong mental power, he came out from the glacier land very quickly!
But because of being dazed, the fox inside the stone disappeared!
Li Huan quickly catch up!
This fox can actually make people hallucinate!
Come to think of it, this oasis is its territory!

Before Li Huan broke in, she was targeted by it!
After chasing Li Huan for a while, he finally saw the fox running ahead.

Li Huan counted and found that this fox has seven tails!
Seven-tailed Flame Fox!

Li Huan had only seen this kind of fox in ancient books!
The art of innate charm, one level at a time.

Nanao is also a seventh-order monster!
So its spiritual power is the realm of the Linghuang.

No wonder Li Huan accidentally got tricked!

If it grows another tail, Li Huan may not be able to escape, its illusion.

If it can evolve to Nine Tails, it will be the existence of a divine beast!
Li Huan had never heard of a divine beast appearing in the Tianyuan Continent!

The more Li Huan chased, the more excited she became.

Seeing that Li Huan was chasing after him, the seven Yanhu were also impatient.

This person was able to come out of its illusion so quickly!
With this trick, it has been occupying this oasis, and its life is not to mention how comfortable it is!
Now this man broke in and chased him!

Just abominable!
The Seven-tailed Flame Fox had almost no other attack power except illusion, so after the illusion failed, he had no choice but to run away!

But Li Huan will not let it go, such a spiritual monster, just caught it to explore the way!
So one person and one fox kept running in the desert.

After a while, the seven-tailed flame fox suddenly stopped.

"Don't chase me any more!"

Li Huan: "You can talk!"

Seven-tailed Flame Fox: "Could it be possible, I'm still dumb!"

Li Huan: "No, I mean, it's the first time I've seen a talking monster!"

Seven-tailed Flame Fox: "Rare is more strange! You keep chasing me, what are you doing?"

Li Huan: "I want you to help me lead the way, since you can talk, it's even better!"

Seven-tailed Flame Fox: "I don't do this kind of thing! Hmph!"

Li Huan: "Then it's up to you!"

In an instant, Li Huan used the Broken Cloud Step, and directly stepped forward to capture the Seven-tailed Flame Fox.

Li Huan: "I can't run away!"

Seven-tailed Flame Fox: "Let go of me! Ugly!"

Li Huan: "Say it again!"

Li Huan directly slapped the Seven-tailed Flame Fox.

The seven-tailed flame fox instantly became stiff!
If it wasn't covered by the snow-white hair, Li Huan would definitely be able to see that the body of the seven-tailed flame fox turned red like a boiled shrimp.

Seven-tailed Flame Fox: "Ugly! I won't give in!"

(End of this chapter)

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