Chapter 440 Sandcastle
Li Huan ignored him and concentrated on roasting her whole lamb.

There are no seasonings here, but the basic spices are still found.

So, the taste is not bad.

Yu Wan sarcastically satirizes Li Huan, as much as he can't see it.

Li Huan has been ignoring him.

After all the mutton is roasted, a smell of burnt aroma goes straight into the nose of the fish balls.

The sound of the fish ball complaining became smaller and smaller, and in the end, the eyeballs were almost glued to the mutton.

Li Huan looked at the funny gesture and tore off a piece.

Li Huan: "Let's eat! If you are full, you will have the strength to go on your way."

Yu Wan proudly turned her head away.

Li Huan: "Come on! Just have a taste!"

Yu Wan: "Reluctantly, I'm giving you face!"

Li Huan: "Yes, yes, yes! His Royal Highness Yu Wan!"

Along the way, Yu Wan repeatedly emphasized to Li Huan that he is the prince of the Yaozu.

Li Huan didn't believe it, she said that just to make fun of Yu Wan.

This spiritual pet is much more arrogant than a little milk cat!

Still the little milk cat is obedient!
Next time, I will bring the little milk cat here, and have a company with Yuball.

After the fish ball ate a piece of meat that Li Huan handed over.

At first it was disgusting!
But after the scorched taste diffused in the mouth, the fish ball was shocked!
Is this really desert ibex?
How is it completely different from what I ate before!
So simple, yet so delicious!

The fish balls devoured the rest in one bite.

Li Huan smiled: "Eat, eat! It's hard to lead the way, these are all yours!"

The spirit fruits and spirit beasts inside are all edible, but after the monster beasts and monsters die, they will directly turn into spirit energy.

It's amazing.

I want to be a little more reserved, but when I haven’t eaten it, I can comfort myself that it’s not delicious, but now that I’ve eaten it, if I try to deceive myself, I can’t do it!
However, Li Huan still looks like he is watching the show, waiting for himself to fall into the trap!

Really bad!
Li Huan: "Okay! Since you are my contracted beast, I will naturally take good care of you. Eat! Eat!"

Yu Wan: "That's what you said!"

Li Huan: "Yes, yes, yes! Your Highness Yu Wan!"

Only then did the fishball start to eat arrogantly, once it was eaten.

The speed of the fish balls has increased!
Li Huan only saw the desert ibex in front of him disappear at a speed visible to the naked eye!

This amount of food is comparable to that of a little milk cat!

It seems that the two should be able to live in peace!

Li Huan made up his mind to bring the kitten with him next time.

After eating the fish balls, his attitude towards Li Huan became a little better.

The fish ball has been hiding here for a long time. Although he doesn't need to eat, he can't resist such a delicious food!
Yuwan: "Your craftsmanship is not bad, I reluctantly agree that you will take care of me!"

Li Huan: "Then let's go! Can we go to the central area now?"

Although they were still on their way these days, Li Huan discovered that Yu Wan and Ben were not leading the way intentionally.

Although he exercises a lot, Li Huan really wants to visit the central area.

She wants to know how the desert works.

Yuball: "Are you really going?"

Li Huan: "Of course!"

Fishball: "I'm going to die?"

Li Huan: "It's okay, it's not the first time I died here!"

Fish Ball: "Alright then."

This time, Yu Wan didn't take a detour, and took Li Huan directly to the center of the desert.

Li Huan felt that he had spent all his time trying to please her, and this arrogant fish ball was not something he couldn't hold down!
Yu Wan concentrates on leading the way, and doesn't see Li Huan's triumphant smile.

He was tricked by Li Huan!
The closer to the center, the hotter the temperature becomes.

Li Huan had no choice but to take off his coat, put his head on it, and then hugged the fish ball in his arms.

The fish ball was hugged by Li Huan on his chest, and he felt two soft lumps behind him.

My whole body stiffened.

Men and women can't kiss each other!
It's a pity that Li Huan doesn't have fish balls at all!
Li Huan treats fish balls like he treats a kitten.

So she didn't know at all, the fish ball was in her chest, thinking about it wildly.

Usually, the little milk cat likes to be hugged like this by Li Huan.

Therefore, Li Huan thought that Yu Wan would also like this.

Li Huan climbed over a sand slope and finally saw a sandcastle on a desert plain in front of him.

Look at the distance is still very far.

Li Huan took a closer look, and from time to time, monsters or monsters came out of the sandcastle.

I think this is the place where the spiritual energy of those monsters and monsters gather after death.

In order to verify his opinion, Li Huan found a nearby monster and killed it.

It was exactly as she had guessed.

After the monster died, it turned into spiritual energy and directly gathered in the sandcastle.

This is the place Li Huan was looking for!

Li Huan: "Yu Wan, wait for me here. If I don't come back, I will die. I will come back to you in a few days! You can wait for me in the oasis before!"

Fish Ball: "Whispering!"

Li Huan put the fish balls on the sand dunes and walked to the sandcastle on the plain alone!

Yu Wan looked at Li Huan's leaving back: "This is the first time I've seen someone who abuses me!"

Yu Wan disagrees with Li Huan's approach.

After all, once you get in there, you can't get out!
To experience the fear of death is not something normal people do!
Li Huan didn't think so much, if she wanted to improve her strength, she had to go to a difficult place!

The more powerful the battle, the more quickly you can improve your actual combat experience.

This desert plain looked like it could be seen at a glance, but it took a long time for Li Huan to get there.

As soon as Li Huan stepped onto the desert plain, the monsters and monsters that came out of the sandcastle came towards Li Huan as if they had been induced.

Li Huan walked while beheading.

At first, Li Huan's combat power was tyrannical and he advanced quickly.

However, more and more monsters came out of the sandcastle.

Li Huan's killing speed couldn't keep up with the speed at which the monsters came out, Li Huan was soon surrounded!

Yu Wan looked at Li Huan: "Stupid woman! Go to die by yourself! You can't do it anymore!"

When the fish ball first came in, I also wanted to go in and have a look inside, but it almost died in front of the sand castle.

Later, he escaped cleverly. After escaping, Yu Wan found a good place to bask in the sun and sleep every day.

If Li Huan hadn't discovered him, he would have stayed at the oasis until he got tired of it.

There is obviously some powerful blessing in this sandcastle.

This power even made his heart palpitate.

That's why Yu Wan said that when Li Huan was coming.

But Li Huan was surrounded, and Yu Wan complained, but he was still a little worried about Li Huan.

Otherwise, she wouldn't look at Li Huan without blinking.

Yu Wan: "Sword skills are not bad! The reaction speed is barely strong, this body skills... still need to practice, oops! It's so good here..."

While watching, Yu Wan complained about Li Huan.

At this time, Li Huan devoted himself to the battle, and soon entered a state of ecstasy. Li Huan had already tried it once before, so now he can quickly concentrate his mental power and fight.

(End of this chapter)

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