Chapter 441
As time goes by, more and more monsters and monsters surround Li Huan.

Li Huan is like a grain of sand in the ocean, and monsters and monsters are the ocean surrounding the sand.

From a distance, the grain of sand is moving slowly.

Li Huan could no longer feel the movement of the outside world.

She is now completely immersed in the fight.

But after being under siege for too long, Li Huan was obviously unable to do what he wanted.

Even in a state of ecstasy, Li Huan still suffered a lot of injuries.

The pain of these wounds is real.

But Li Huan ignored it and just killed!

At the end of the fight, he couldn't even lift the Divine Phoenix Sword.

In the end, it was hit by the thunderstorm of a flaming lion.

Li Huan coughed up a big mouthful of blood.

After being seriously injured, those monsters became more and more fierce.

Li Huan finally failed to enter the sandcastle.

It was eaten by monsters 1000 meters away from the sandcastle!

After Li Huan's death, the spirit instantly withdrew from the Picture of the Six Gods of Mountains and Rivers.


Li Huan exclaimed.

The feeling of being dismembered by a monster is really lingering in my heart.

Looking at her intact body, Li Huan was filled with emotion.

"It's good to be alive!"

Li Huan adjusted his breath.

Ready to take a break and go in again.

Standing on the high sandy slope, Yu Wan saw Li Huan being gnawed to death by a monster, feeling very uncomfortable.

Although he knew that Li Huan was not dead.

But my heart is very upset!
Yuball: "Huh! Overthinking one's abilities!"

Yuball couldn't help complaining.

But in his heart he was thinking about when Li Huan would come back.

Although Li Huan has been in the desert for several days, but only one day has passed outside.

There are still nine days before the pharmacist's competition begins.

Li Huan wants to successfully break into the sandcastle before the pharmacist's written test.

So Li Huan adjusted his breath, and soon entered the picture of the Six Gods of Mountains and Rivers again.

Yuball would have liked to go back, it seemed to him.

Li Huan had just died for a while, so he definitely wouldn't come in so soon.

So he wants to know his own chassis.

As a result, just when he was about to leave.

A figure quickly walked towards this side.

It's Li Huan!
The fish balls were a surprise!

Li Huan: "Miss me?"

Yuball: "Who misses you! Bad woman! Aren't you dead? Why are you here again!"

Li Huan: "Of course I'm here to fight!"

Yu Wan: "I really don't understand you! You are coming to die so soon! Why don't you rest for a while? This consumes a lot of energy!"

Li Huan: "I know! But I still have to come!"

Li Huan has no way out, she can only keep moving forward and make herself stronger so that she can find her family as soon as possible.

Maybe grandpa and mother are trapped somewhere at this time, waiting for me to rescue them, otherwise, why haven't they come back to find me after so long!
Li Huanjue wouldn't believe how good his grandfather was to him. They left to abandon him.

Li Huan looked at the sandcastle in front of her, and there was a familiar feeling in it.

She must go in and see what it is!
What's more, this picture of the six gods of mountains and rivers was left by my grandfather!

Li Huan also wanted to find out.

As soon as Li Huan stepped into the desert plain, he was quickly discovered by the monsters and monsters that came out of the sandcastle.

After Li Huan withdrew, those monsters and monsters came out separately as usual.

Li Huan discovered that the boundary of the desert plain seemed to be a mechanism to trigger these monsters and monsters.

It's more like a formation here.

Li Huan set foot on the desert plain again.

This time, Li Huan accelerated her pace from the very beginning.

At the beginning, it seemed that it was really much faster than before, but in the end, it was still surrounded by monsters.

This time, Li Huan was eaten by a monster 900 meters away from the sandcastle!
After Li Huan withdrew, she was still in a cold sweat.

This feeling of watching myself being killed is really indescribable.

This time Li Huan did not rest.

Soon back to the desert plains again.

This time, Yu Wan didn't even talk to Li Huan.

Li Huan took a look at him, directly passed him, and started a new round of fighting.

Seeing Li Huan's persistent look, Yu Wan didn't know what to say.

Fish Ball: Abnormal!Even more perverted than those monsters of the Yaozu!
Yu Wan has also seen some members of the Yao clan in his own clan, torturing himself time and time again in order to practice transformation.

Yuball really couldn't understand why they did this.

When the monster race has cultivated to a certain level, it can transform into a human being.

However, in addition to the advanced cultivation base, the transformation also needs to endure the pain of thunder and calamity.

Many transformed monsters died directly on the Thunder Tribulation.

Even if he withstood the thunder tribulation, he still had to endure the pain of exchanging shares and molting his skin when he transformed into a form.

It's like breaking your own bones abruptly and reconnecting them.

Shed off her demon skin and grow skin.

Fish Ball has naturally seen many transformations.

It is because he has seen it before that he refuses to take form.

This time it was also because he had reached the age of transformation, and his father and mother began to prepare for him, so Yuball ran away!
He won't do such self-abuse!

He is not stupid!

Isn't it nice that fox fur is so beautiful?

Why do you want to replace it?

Yu Wan looked at Li Huan now, and it was the same.

Is it good to live well?
Is the desert ibex not tasty?
Or is the oasis spring water not good to drink?
I want to find abuse by myself.

But after all the talk, Yu Wan still looked at Li Huan nervously with those black fox eyes.

Li Huan still failed to enter the sandcastle this time.

And it was eaten at 850 meters.

Seeing Li Huan being eaten again and again, the fish ball felt uncomfortable.

But every time Li Huan went out, he immediately came in again!

Although Yu Wan didn't communicate with Li Huan, she has been paying attention to Li Huan.

Every time after Li Huan went out, Yu Wan kept looking around on the sandy slope.

When he saw Li Huan's figure appear, Yu Wan immediately turned his head again.

Pretend that you don't care about Li Huan at all.

Li Huan focused on the battle, only to realize that Yu Wan's mood seemed wrong this time.

But Li Huan didn't say anything.

When Li Huan came in again, the little milk cat was brought in by Li Huan.

Li Huan looked at Yu Wan: "This is your spiritual pet, the two of you can be companions from now on!"

Yu Wan glanced at the little milk cat with disgust: "Bold! How dare you compare this thing with me!"


When the little milk cat heard that the fish ball actually disliked it, he quit in an instant!Shout out to the fish balls.

Yuball: "Haha! You're a dumb!! Haha! I'm dying of laughter!"

"Aww! No! No!!"

The little milk cat immediately retorted.

Yuball: "Hahaha! Still stuttering! I'm dying of laughter!"

The little milk cat was upset by Yu Wan's laughter, and looked at Li Huan.

A pair of big round eyes, full of grievances.

Li Huan hugged the little milk cat, and gently comforted it: "Okay, he's wrong, he's not polite, we don't have the same knowledge as him, okay?"


The little milk cat immediately hugged Li Huan's neck, rubbing back and forth on Li Huan's face.

The way Li Huan interacted with the little milk cat, Yu Wan was very displeased.

(End of this chapter)

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