Chapter 446 Merging
For the remaining few days, Li Huan was practicing the medicine refining skills of a pharmacist.

In ten days, there were actually [-] days in the space. It took Li Huan [-] days to fight and practice in the desert, and finally to consolidate.

Finally succeeded in consolidating the primary realm of the Spirit Emperor and became the official Spirit Emperor realm.

For the remaining 20 days, Li Huan once again consolidated his medicine refining skills.

Li Huan believed that he could be promoted to a sixth-grade pharmacist very quickly.

Li Huan reviewed the prescriptions and other alchemy books collected earlier.

Then on the tenth day, I left my room.

As soon as Li Huan came out, Yu Xiaoling rushed to look for her.

Li Huan: "Why are you running in such a hurry?"

Yu Xiaoling: "Li Huan, let me tell you, Brother Yao has been promoted to rank five! A rank five pharmacist under the age of 20!"

"Yao Qingfeng?"

Yu Xiaoling: "Yes! Who else but him!"


Yu Xiaoling: "What's your reaction? Five ranks! Five ranks under 20 years old!"


Yu Xiaoling: "What's the matter with you! Don't you get excited? Brother Yao isn't your brother?"

Li Huan: "Yes! With his talent, wouldn't it be a matter of time before he reaches the fifth rank?"

Yu Xiaoling: "It seems to be the same."

Li Huan: "Let's go! Is today the day to compete with Wuji Palace?"

Yu Xiaoling: "By the way, you are retreating, so I didn't tell you that this competition has been cancelled!"

"Cancel! Why!"

Li Huan came here specially for this competition!
She must enter the Promise Palace!

How can it be canceled!

Yu Xiaoling: "Why are you so surprised, this is not the first time it has been canceled.

It will be canceled under special circumstances.

That kind of competition was originally for exchanging medicine refining skills. "

An indescribable sense of loss in Li Huan's heart.

The way to enter the Promise Palace with cultivation base no longer exists, and Li Huan is over 15 years old.

Now even the road of refining medicine is impossible.

The original joy of being promoted to the realm of Linghuang disappeared completely in an instant.

Seeing that Li Huan's mood was not right, Yu Xiaoling immediately asked, "What's wrong with you? Why don't you seem happy?"

Li Huan: "I'll be quiet first."

Yu Xiaoling wanted to say something, but the invigilator Zhang ran over quickly.

Seeing Li Huan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Proctor Zhang: "Why are you still here!"

Li Huan: "What's wrong?"

Proctor Zhang: "Didn't you say that in your assessment last time, there was a competition, and you went to participate!"

Li Huan: "Oh, now?"

Proctor Zhang: "Yes! Everyone is here, and you are the only one missing!"

When Yu Xiaoling saw proctor Zhang dragging Li Huan away, her eyes almost popped out!
Yu Xiaoling pointed at Li Huan: "You! You! It's you!"

At this time, countless people gathered in the square in front of the headquarters of the Pharmacist Association, waiting.

This is the biennial competition between the Medicine Pavilion and the Pharmacist Association.

Not the usual kind of sparring.

This time it was a competition between the Medicine Pavilion and the Alchemist Association, and all disciples above rank four participated.

It's not the usual low-level pharmacist's small fights.

Many family forces in Wuji City need pills to maintain their daily consumption.

So in order to be able to purchase better quality pills.

They spend a lot of money and resources every two years.

To support the Medicine Pavilion and the alchemists of the fourth rank and above in the Pharmacist Association to compete.

Let's take a look at the refining skills of each pharmacist.

Secondly, for the purchase of medicinal pills for the next two years, the order can also be signed directly after the competition is over.

In order to be able to sign the elixir of a better alchemist in the first place.

All major forces and families will send people to watch the battle on this day.

Therefore, this competition is not only related to the personal honor of the alchemist.

It is also related to the supply of elixir for the next two years by the major forces and families.

Therefore, people in Wuji City will pay special attention to it.

In this important competition, the winning party will get more orders for pills.

It is also a great financial support for alchemists.

Although alchemist is the most affluent occupation in the whole continent.

But it also depends on selling pills in exchange for more resources to improve one's refining skills.

Li Huan didn't know there would be such a big battle before, and after hearing Yu Xiaoling say that the competition was cancelled, she was still very depressed.

But after hearing Zhang's explanation on the road, Li Huan's mood immediately improved again.

Li Huan: "Proctor Zhang, will the people from Wuji Palace come?"

Invigilator Zhang looked at Li Huan: "Do you want to enter the Medicine Pavilion?"

Li Huan: "Yes."

Proctor Zhang: "As long as you can win, the elders of the Medicine Pavilion will come to you. After all, the Promise Palace is the highest-level school for alchemists, and the Pharmacists Association focuses more on business."

Li Huan: "Can I enter if I win?"

Proctor Zhang: "Yes."

Supervisor Zhang looked at Li Huan. Although he had seen Li Huan's abilities, he didn't know if Li Huan could win.

Although the Pharmacist Association is more focused on selling pills, but lost too many times, the elders at the Medicine Pavilion directly requested that the Pharmacist Association be merged into the Medicine Pavilion.

The Pharmacist Association has long been independent. Although it is close to the Medicine Pavilion, it is independent!

And the old man Wuji also said it before.

The Medicine Pavilion and the Pharmacist Association promote each other, and there is no mention of merging.

Now the medicine pavilion is dominated by one person, with only one elder.

This elder's ambition is obviously not small. Controlling the Medicine Pavilion is not enough, even the idea of ​​the Medicine Masters Association has been hit.

But the Pharmacist Association has indeed lost to the Medicine Pavilion in every competition these years.

Invigilator Zhang looked at Li Huan, but still told Li Huan the truth.

Proctor Zhang: "I have no objection if you want to enter the Medicine Pavilion.

But you are President Su's apprentice anyway, if you can help the Pharmacist Association solve this crisis.

It can be regarded as helping Chairman Su. "

Li Huan: "As long as we win against them, will we be able to dispel the attack of that elder in the Medicine Pavilion?"

Proctor Zhang: "The reason for her attack is that we are addicted to the world, which hinders the improvement of medicine refining skills.

However, the Pharmacist Association was originally established for the purpose of selling pills.

The reason why pharmacists are able to have their current status in Tianyuan Continent is because of us.

Our existence is to sell the elixirs refined by pharmacists to more people who need them more.

If all the pharmacists in the world want to improve their skills, regardless of the life and death of other people, it will be a matter of neglecting the basics.

The original intention of the old man Wuji is to help more people.

Otherwise, the Pharmacists Association would not have been established. "

Li Huan: "I know, I will definitely win this time!"

Supervisor Zhang: "Your senior brother has also been promoted to the fifth rank, so you can go find him later."

Li Huan: "Okay."

When Li Huan came over with Supervisor Zhang, there was already a sea of ​​people in front of the Pharmacist Association.

Li Huan followed the invigilator Zhang and managed to squeeze in.

(End of this chapter)

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