Chapter 447
Li Huan saw that Yao Qingfeng was already there.

Li Huan was about to walk over.

The result was stopped by Bingyu.

Bingyu: "What are you doing here! This is not a place for you!"

Invigilator Zhang has already been called away, and Li Huan is still some distance away from Yaoqing Peak.

This time the competition is between the fourth and fifth ranks.

Therefore, the position of the fourth-rank competition is at the front, and the fifth-rank is at the back.

There are a total of twenty fourth-rank pharmacists.

And there are only five fifth-rank ones, and there are many fifth-rank ones in the Medicine Pavilion.

But the fifth-grade pharmacists of the Pharmacist Association can barely get enough people.

Li Huan saw that the proctor Li and proctor Wang were both there, it seems that they are also the fifth grade.

Li Huan left in a hurry and didn't want to pay attention to Bingyu, but Bingyu rarely encountered such a good opportunity, and wanted to taunt Li Huan in front of everyone.

Seeing that Li Huan did not speak, Bingyu was even more proud: "Li Huan!
No matter how much you think about it, it won't work. If you can't refine medicine skills, you just can't.

Even with the help of Brother Yao, if you don't have enough level, you won't be able to participate! "

Bingyu's words not only suppressed Li Huan, but also trampled on her.

She thought that Li Huan came to ask Yao Qingfeng to help her participate in the competition.

After all, it is such a good opportunity to show your face.

She saw Li Huan with her own eyes and went to participate in the third-rank assessment!
Although she herself was admitted to the fourth rank by virtue of her relationship, but!

How could she let Li Huan get what she wanted.

Bingyu deliberately did not lower her voice, so everyone around could hear it.

"This person turned out to rely on relationships."

"Then her medicine refining skills are definitely not good."

"It's fine, don't you hear, I'm here to find a relationship to participate in the competition. It's really inappropriate to come to participate in such an important occasion!"

"Yes! I heard that if the Pharmacist Association loses again this time, it will merge with the Medicine Pavilion, and the Medicine Pavilion will be directly in charge!"

"Really? Is the news reliable?"

"Really! I have a friend who is in the Medicine Pavilion. He said that in the future, all the resources of the Pharmacist Association will belong to the Medicine Pavilion, and he is about to get rich!"

"Then I'll go to the Medicine Pavilion to take a seat!"

"What are you taking the seat for?"

"You are stupid! Of course it is when you are cheering, so you look familiar!"

"That's right, I'm going too!"

Li Huan looked at Bingyu, this person didn't know what was going on, and kept grabbing him every time.

Li Huan had also listened to the words of proctor Zhang before, and knew that this competition was of great significance.

After all, Bingyu is also a contestant on the side of the Pharmacist Association, so Li Huan doesn't want to conflict with her at this time.

But Li Huan doesn't want to, doesn't mean Bingyu doesn't want to.

Bingyu has always held a grudge against Li Huan, she had no chance before, so naturally she won't let Li Huan go now.

Bingyu: "Li Huan, please stop pestering Brother Yao, okay! Even if you make trouble for no reason, but at this time, can you see the situation clearly!"

Bingyu almost roared out these words.

Therefore, people farther away also heard it, and everyone looked at Li Huan for a moment.

In addition to what Bingyu said before,

Everyone looked at Li Huan with unkind eyes.

For some good things, point to Li Huan directly.

Li Huan originally wanted to save Bingyu some face, after all, the competition was about to start, if she was hit at this time and affected the competition, it would be the Pharmacist Association who would suffer.

But Li Huan had nothing to think about this Bingyu's death.

Li Huan: "You said I came here to find a relationship?"

Bingyu: "Isn't it? You are a third-grade pharmacist, how can you be qualified to participate in the competition at this time!"

Li Huan: "Then take a look at what this is?"

Li Huan took out his pharmacist token, it was the symbol of a fifth-rank pharmacist!

Bingyu couldn't believe her eyes, but!

That token is real!

But Bingyu didn't believe it!
Bingyu: "Where did you steal the token! Ten days ago I clearly saw you participating in the third-rank assessment!"

Li Huan: "Yes, it was ten days ago!"

Bingyu sneered: "Hmph! You were only at the third rank ten days ago, how could you be promoted from the third rank to the fifth rank in just ten days! You even said you didn't steal it! Someone! Arrest her! Stealing the pharmacist's token will kill her!" undoubtedly!"

Li Huan: "Hmph, I really don't give up until I reach the Yellow River!"

Li Huan saw that the invigilator Zhang who had been called away came back.

Li Huan: "Proctor Zhang, some people suspect that my token was stolen, please explain it!"

Invigilator Zhang just came over and didn't know what happened before, so Li Huan asked him to say that he would naturally help Li Huan.

Li Huan's token was issued by him himself, how could it be stolen!
Could it be that he stole the token and gave it to Li Huan? How is it possible!

Their invigilators are all upright and selfless.

Proctor Zhang: "I personally issued this token, how could it be stolen! Who is spreading rumors here!"

When Bingyu heard Zhang's invigilator's words, her heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition spread in her heart.

But it has come to this point, she spoke too loudly before, and now everyone around her is looking at her!
If the matter of Li Huan can't be resolved, wouldn't it be that she has wronged a good person!

Bingyu: "Proctor Zhang, ten days ago, I was also taking the fourth grade exam, and I happened to meet Li Huan!"

What Bingyu meant was that she met Li Huan, and she knew about Li Huan's third grade exam!

Therefore, it is useless for you to hide it!

But proctor Zhang looked calm, as if he was not threatened in any way.

Proctor Zhang: "Yes, Li Huan took the test ten days ago, and I invigilate it!"

Bingyu: "Proctor Zhang, Li Huan was a third grade ten days ago!"

Bingyu does not give up, and wants proctor Zhang and Li Huan to admit that she cheated.

But what Proctor Zhang said next, directly smashed Bingyu into the valley.

Proctor Zhang glanced at Li Huan, who nodded.

So he said: "Before, I responded to Li Huan's request and didn't make it public.

But now, with Li Huan's consent, I will announce it.

Lest some people think they are right and spread rumors here!

Ten days ago, Li Huan came to the Pharmacist Association to participate in the third-rank assessment.

However, after that, she continued to pass the fifth grade in the exam.

Ten days before I left Huan, I took the third-level exam in a row, and I went all the way to the fifth-rank pharmacist! "

"Hiss! Lian Kao!"

"Three consecutive exams!"

"Did I hear it wrong?"

"You are not alone!"

After proctor Zhang finished speaking, the whole square became silent.

The people who were far away didn't know what happened, so they also called.

Hearing that someone passed the third-level exam and became a fifth-grade pharmacist, for a while, everyone's focus was on Li Huan.

Bingyu's face instantly turned pale, no!not like this!
How can it be!

Three consecutive exams!
Fifth Grade Alchemist!
Bingyu came back to her senses: "Proctor Zhang, you are covering Li Huan! Five-rank pharmacists need three people to take the exam!"

(End of this chapter)

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