Chapter 448

At this time, invigilator Li and invigilator Wang, who were standing in the distance, came together with Yao Qingfeng.

Invigilator Li and invigilator Wang came out to testify at the same time.

Bingyu's heart went completely cold.

Invigilator Zhang: "Yes, I will take the exam with Invigilator Li and Invigilator Wang! Do you have any questions?"

At this time, Bingyu's mind is full of Li Huan's continuous examination for the third level to become a fifth-rank pharmacist.

No matter what they say.

Yao Qingfeng pulled Li Huan and left.

Yao Qingfeng had seen clearly what Bingyu was when he was in Yaowanggu.

Here, Yao Qingfeng always pretended that Bingyu didn't exist.

Yao Qingfeng: "Little Junior Sister, I didn't expect you to be faster than me!"

Li Huan: "It should!"

Seeing Li Huan's arrogant face, Yao Qingfeng shook his head helplessly.

He had known for a long time that Li Huan was extremely talented, and he was already working hard to catch up.

But he was still overtaken by Li Huan!

Yao Qingfeng: "Yes, no one can compare to Junior Sister!"

Yao Qingfeng: "This time, five of us will participate."

Li Huan took a look, in addition to proctor Li and proctor Wang, proctor Zhang also joined in.

Invigilator Zhang: "It was originally Junior Brother Lu who came here.

But just received the news that he will not come back in time, I don't know what the situation is, it was agreed before. "

Before the invigilator Zhang was called away temporarily, it was for this matter.

Therefore, he could only take the place of invigilator Lu.

She is familiar with all the people in this pharmacist association competition, and Li Huanjue is not bad.

Li Huan checked the medicine cauldron.

Invigilator Zhang: "We prepared all of them ourselves, so there shouldn't be any problem."

Li Huan was used to being cautious, so she checked and felt more at ease.

After all, if something goes wrong with the medicine cauldron, it will be injured when refining the elixir.

There is no way, wherever Li Huan goes, there are people who want to make things difficult for him.

Over time, Li Huan's cautious temperament was honed.

Li Huan: "Who prepared this medicine cauldron?"

Invigilator Zhang: "It was prepared by invigilator Lu, what's the matter?"

Li Huan took out a fragment.

"what is this?"

Yao Qingfeng took it over and looked at it, his face changed greatly: "This is ice iron!

If the temperature is too high when refining the elixir, the medicine cauldron will explode directly! "

The faces of the other three people also changed instantly!
Li Huan: "Look quickly! Are there any problems with the other four medicine cauldrons?"

So Yao Qingfeng and the others also checked their own medicine cauldron.

But only in Li Huan's medicine cauldron.

Li Huan: "It might be aimed at me!"

Yao Qingfeng: "Not necessarily, we are so close, if something goes wrong.

We will also have something to do, and it is not certain that our association will be completely wiped out.

The fourth rank is definitely not able to win! "

Li Huan glanced at Yao Qingfeng.

Yao Qingfeng explained: "The number of fourth-tier members in the Medicine Pavilion is twice as many as ours.

But there are only a few more people in the fifth rank.

Therefore, the fourth rank will definitely select the group of people with the highest priority.

And the fifth grade can only barely.

If we play well, we won't necessarily lose to them. "

Li Huan put the fragments away: "Why can't proctor Lu come back?"

Proctor Zhang knew Li Huan's meaning as soon as he heard it.

Although I really don't want to believe it, after all, the invigilators are selected through layers of selection.

But the facts are here, it's too coincidental that I can't come suddenly because of something at this time!

Proctor Zhang: "Afterwards, I will deal with it, or change the medicine!"

Li Huan: "Change them all!"

Proctor Zhang: "It may be too late to change them all!"

Li Huan: "Come in time! Brother Yao, come with me!"

Yao Qingfeng didn't know how Li Huan would deal with it, but he followed Li Huan anyway.

Li Huan approached the Pharmacist Association, found an empty room, and took out five medicine cauldrons from the space.

Yao Qingfeng: "Junior Junior Sister, you! You!"

Yao Qingfeng was very surprised when he saw that Li Huan had conjured up the medicine cauldron with his bare hands.

Li Huan: "Interspatial bag! Don't let others know about this!"

Yao Qingfeng: "What a hero!

Junior sister, I feel like I just met you today!

You have such legendary things as space bags!
Brother is envious! "

Li Huan: "Stop talking nonsense, move out quickly!"

Knowing the urgency of the situation, Yao Qingfeng hurriedly followed Li Huan to move the Yaoding out.

After replacing the medicine cauldron, it didn't take long before the competition began!

Li Huan and his fifth-rank pharmacist competitions are all at the highest place, so people who come to watch like this.

I can see them refining medicine more clearly!

The pharmacists of the fourth rank compete first.

After the fourth-rank competition is over, it will be fifth-rank.

After the result came out, the fourth grade really lost to the Medicine Pavilion.

However, the fifth-rank competition is the key.

After all, the value of the medicinal pill of the fifth rank is ten times that of the fourth rank.

The fifth-rank competition is divided into two rounds, and the first round is to refine medicine alone.

The second round is the same, whichever team refines the most pills wins.

Refining alone, Li Huan and the others are no problem.

But when refining together.

Li Huan asked everyone to refine the fifth-grade Xisui Pill with her.

Proctor Zhang: "Li Huan, the yield rate of this marrow washing pill is not high, why don't you change it to something else!"

Li Huan: "You listen to me, you will definitely be no less than them."

Yao Qingfeng knew about Li Huan, since Li Huan said yes, it was fine.

Although Junior Sister is usually arrogant, she will not act recklessly at such a critical time.

Yao Qingfeng: "Listen to her!"

Invigilator Zhang and Invigilator Li listened to Li Huan when they saw Yao Qingfeng, so they didn't say much.

They also knew that Li Huan was skilled in refining techniques.

It's just why they are all made the same.

They still can't figure it out.

Li Huan: "You three don't need to doubt, you will know when the pill comes out.

But put all the pills together, don't let it slip! "

Invigilator Zhang and the others didn't know what Li Huan said, but they did it anyway.

The people at the Medicine Pavilion looked at the Medicine Masters Association. They had been hinted by Elder Mo before that they would definitely win this time.

So they all refined it casually, and didn't pay attention to the people from the Pharmacist Association.

After all, the Pharmacist Association loses to them every time.

The people at the Medicine Pavilion were all complacent.

On the other hand, invigilator Zhang and the others looked solemn and took everything seriously.

At the end of the second round, Li Huan put all the pills on his side together.

Invigilator Zhang, invigilator Wang, and invigilator Li were shocked!
Yao Qingfeng produced three pills.

Invigilator Zhang found three pills.

Supervisor Li and Supervisor Wang each gave out two pills.

As for Li Huan, ten of them came out!

This was when Li Huan had suppressed his medicine refining skills!
When Yao Qingfeng and the others saw the pill that Li Huan took out, they were surprised and didn't know what to say!
Xisui Pill is one of the most difficult pills to refine.

They were not happy before because they were afraid of losing.

After all, the competition in the second round is about quantity.

But now, Li Huan has released ten pills!
Add up, they have twenty!

Twenty fifth-grade marrow washing pills!

(End of this chapter)

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