Chapter 455
It seems that Nalanyan's promotion speed is not slow.

Li Huan was originally in the realm of the Linghuang, but alas!
Back to before liberation overnight, probably talking about divorce.

Moreover, the toxin has not been completely eliminated, and it is still a question whether the realm of the spiritual master can be maintained.

Seeing that Li Huan didn't speak, Donghua and the others thought he was sad.

Donghua: "Li Huan, there are no fragrant grass anywhere in the world, it's okay!"

Li Huan: "I'm not."

Li Huan wanted to explain that she and Nalanyan were enemies, so why did Donghua and the others say something wrong?

Donghua: "Those who pursue Junior Sister Nalan in Wuji Palace can go to Wuji City from here. Although you are a pharmacist, you shouldn't think about it. It's better to stop this idea as soon as possible!"

Lin Qingxuan: "That's right, Junior Sister Nalan is the bright moon in the sky, people like us should not think about it."

Mo Linfen: "Yes! Brother Li Huan, you should still refine medicine with peace of mind, maybe you can become an existence like Old Man Wuji in the future! I am optimistic about you!"

Li Huan: "I'm really not!"

But the three of them had already made up their minds, and none of them would believe in Li Huan.

After all, in the Promise Palace, there are not many men who don't like Nalanyan.

More or less in love.

Li Huan didn't bother to explain.

Along the way, Li Huan also had a general understanding of the layout of the Promise Palace.

All the disciples live in different areas according to their level of cultivation and seniority.

The most aura is in the middle.

Among them, the positions of the elders are the best, and then the people from the Medicine Pavilion.

Then there are the direct disciples of the elders, and then there are the living quarters for the disciples of the inner sect and the outer sect.

The last thing is the water in the corner.

Li Huan was arranged to be at the edge of Weishui in the farthest corner.

This Weishui is actually the water source of the Wuji Palace. Donghua said that the Weishui flows out from the deepest part of the ground.

Li Huan lived beside the Weishui River, which was the end of the Wuji Palace.

Li Huan and the others finally reached the edge of the river.

But he didn't find the hut on Li Huan's key.

Donghua asked someone to ask.

"At the bottom, turn around and go around the hill over there. The thatched cottage by the water is the only one. It's easy to find."

So Li Huan and Dong Hua walked for another half an hour according to what the man said before they found where Li Huan lived.

Li Huan walked around the hill, and saw from a distance, at the foot of the hill, a dilapidated hut.

Shattering in the north wind!

Donghua immediately became angry!

Donghua: "Let's go! Find him to settle the score, how can people live in this kind of place!"

Lin Qingxuan: "It's fine to arrange it by the river! It's still this kind of broken house! It's too deceiving!"

Mo Linfen: "It must be Zuo Luo. I heard that that person is narrow-minded. He lost to you, so he has hatred in his heart! Villain!"

Li Huan took a look, it was deserted, and it took half an hour to walk to the nearest place where the Laughing Maid lived, Zuo Luo wanted to isolate Li Huan in the Wuji Palace, and leave it here to fend for itself.

Li Huan: "It's okay, I look fine, there is no one here, so I can make medicine with peace of mind."

Donghua: "Just talk to me, if it were me, I would call back directly!"

Li Huan: "It's fine to fix it up and live in it."

Lin Qingxuan: "Brother Li Huan, if you need anything, just tell us! By the way, there is a trading area between the outer gate and the inner gate. If you need anything, you can go there and use spirit stones, or Points can be exchanged."

Li Huan: "What are points?"

Donghua: "We will be rewarded with corresponding points for completing tasks. Points can be exchanged for treasures in the Mission Pavilion, and reading books in the Library Pavilion is also good. You just came here and have no points. You can only exchange them with spirit stones, ten spirit stones for one point."

Li Huan: "The points are quite expensive."

Lin Qingxuan: "That's right! That's why I sent out the mission."

Li Huan: "Then how many points do you have for this herb-gathering task?"

Lin Qingxuan: "Purple Illusory Misty Grass is a sixth-grade elixir, and it can be exchanged for six points."

"so much!"

"In a place like the Promise Palace, apart from the Psychedelic Forest, only Yaoling Mountain has elixir.

There are so many pharmacists and they consume a lot, so the elixir is hard to come by.

In addition, outer disciples cannot go out.

Therefore, this kind of work of collecting spirit medicine is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and inner disciples are unwilling to do it, so the reward will naturally be high. "

A sixth-grade elixir is exchanged for six points, and ten spirit stones are only one point.

Li Huan: "Then you usually use points, right? It's not worthwhile to use Lingshi."

Lin Qingxuan: "No, points can only be used for missions or rewards.

So, rare, if you want to go to Juling Pagoda to practice, you can only use points.

One day of practice in Juling Pagoda is comparable to five days of usual practice! "

Li Huan: "Oh? Why?"

Donghua: "We don't know the details, but I heard it's because the time is different."

Li Huan was very surprised, it seems that this Juling Pagoda must be visited.

Li Huan's space time is different because he got a space strain in Jialan Tower.

There may be some in this Juling Pagoda!
If this is the case, no matter what, you must get this space bead!

Donghua and the others helped Li Huan clean the dilapidated thatched cottage.

Li Huan took out some dried meat that he had prepared earlier and gave it to them.

Li Huan originally had more things, but he was afraid of exposing his own space, so he only took a little dried meat.

“This meat is delicious!”

"What meat is it?"

"It tastes so good, I haven't eaten such a delicious thing for a long time!"

Li Huan: "Do whatever you want, if you like it, you can take some back."

Lin Qingxuan: "Okay! I want it!"

Donghua: "Me too!"

Mo Linfen: "Me too!"

Li Huan: "Thank you all senior brothers today, go back and rest first, in a few days, I will arrange this house, please come and be our guests! At that time, delicious food and wine will be waiting for you!"

Hearing the delicious food, Lin Qingxuan agreed instantly!
There was no one around here, only Li Huan's solitary thatched hut, Li Huan first arranged a small psychedelic array outside, and then began to clean it.

Fortunately, although the place is dilapidated, it is spacious. Li Huan released the little milk cat and fish ball to help her clean the yard together.

Yu Wan: "My prince actually wants to live in this kind of place! I won't do it! I want to go back!"

Yu Wan is used to living in Li Huan's space, and refuses to leave.

Li Huan: "You can only go back after you finish your work!"

Fishball: "Exploitation!"

Li Huan flicked his forehead, and Yu Wan burst into tears instantly.

Li Huan set up some simple traps outside his yard.

If someone came, she would know immediately.

Entry registry.

He was embarrassing Li Huan before, but now he is nodding and bowing and talking to someone.

"Senior Brother Zuo, according to your instructions, I have placed Li Huan in the worst and most dilapidated servant's room by the river."

(End of this chapter)

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