Chapter 456 Points
Zuo Luo: "Okay, you take this! Where's her registration information?"

"It's all here!"

Zuo Luo took Li Huan's registration information, and tore it up directly: "You know what to do?"

That person didn't expect Zuo Luo to tear up Li Huan's registration information directly, and he was terrified.

Without the information, it means that even if this person died inside, no one would know about it!
This is going to kill people!

Zuo Luo glanced at the person who registered, and then handed out another medicine bottle.

The man took the medicine bottle from Zuo Luo, looked at it, and was overjoyed.

This is a sixth-grade elixir, if he can take this elixir, his bottleneck will be broken!
The man finally gave in.

"Yes! This person has not been registered, and has never been here! But..."

Zuo Luo: "But what?"

"She didn't come here alone before. It seems that there are three disciples from the inner sect who are carrying out the mission. If she suddenly disappeared, will it be?"

Zuo Luo: "Which ones are they?"

"I don't know either, but I'll recognize it when I see it."

Zuo Luo took out another bottle of elixir: "When you find someone, tell me right away!"


After Zuo Luo left, the man impatiently began to retreat.

Let's talk about the promotion first, finding someone is not as important as your own cultivation!
As a result, those who registered before left the registration office directly.

After Li Huan cleaned the house, he added some furniture in the space.

After working for a long time, I can finally live normally.

Yu Wan quarreled several times before Li Huan finally took it back with the little milk cat.

Li Huan himself also arrived in the space.

I was too hasty before, but now I have time, I can study the poison in my body carefully.

Li Huan took another pill.

This elixir is left over from previous refining.

can be temporarily relieved.

Promise City.

Seeing that Li Huan escaped from his grasp, Kun Luo had no choice but to go back unwillingly.

Qian Qinyun: "Not dead! How could it be!"

Kun Luo: "I met people from Wuji Palace, there are too many of them!"

Kun Luo could clearly feel the change in his lady's aura.

He had never seen the lady so angry.

Hua Ying: "I gave you the medicine, did you use it?"

Kun Luo: "Use it."

Huaying: "Are you sure?"

Kun Luo: "Sure, I scratched my arm."

Huaying: "Sister Qian, don't worry, she won't survive!"

Qian Qinyun: "What is that?"

Hua Ying: "I stole it from my adoptive father.

It is said that it can make people lose all their cultivation, and their whole body will fester and die.

And the whole process takes ten days. I have seen my adoptive father use it once.

That person turned into a puddle of blood in the end, heh, there is no antidote for this kind of poison. "

Qian Qinyun: "That's good!

If you die in the Promise Palace, then it has nothing to do with us! "

Hua Ying: "Sister Qian, it's a happy cooperation. You can come to me at any time if you need it in the future."

Qian Qinyun: "I heard that there are many secret medicines in the Hehuan Sect?"

Hua Ying glanced at Qian Qinyun: "Oh? Sister Qian, who is from such a famous family, would be interested in this kind of thing?"

Qian Qinyun: "Of course, as long as I can successfully join the Dongfang family, I will be more helpful to you in the future, right?"

Hua Ying: "It seems that sister Qian is a cheerful person, let's go, go to our Acacia Sect for a stroll?"

"it is good!"

Seeing that her young lady was going to a place like the Hehuan Sect, Nanyan was very anxious.

Nan Yan: "Miss, if someone sees you, or..."

Qian Qinyun: "Father's people, have you come to remind me several times?"

Nan Yan: "Yes. But..."

Qian Qinyun: "Nan Yan. You also grew up with me, and you also have the heart to watch me being sold by that woman at will?"

Nan Yan: "No, Miss must not marry that kind of person!"

Qian Qinyun: "Then let's go?"


Hua Ying glanced at Qian Qinyun with a half-smile: "Sister Qian, our Hehuan Sect is very good at matters of love between men and women. As long as you go, you will be satisfied!"

Huaying took Qianqin Yun to Hehuanzong.

From Li Huan's side, she has never found the prescription she needs.

Is this poison really unsolvable?

At dawn, Li Huan decided to go to Zangshu Pavilion to have a look.

I heard that there are books left by old man Wuji in it.

But Li Huan didn't have any points, so he couldn't get in.

Li Huan can only go to the Mission Pavilion.

Li Huan took all the elixir missions at once.

The person in the Task Pavilion: "If you can't complete it, you will be punished! Don't make trouble!"

Li Huan: "Don't worry, I'm definitely not making trouble. My ancestors were refining medicine. I'm very familiar with elixir! Finding medicine is very fast!"

Although the man was worried, he finally sent the task to Li Huan.

Li Huan's waist card was made before, and Yao Qingfeng gave it to him.

Therefore, even if the registration information was torn up by Zuo Luo, Li Huan's badge can still be used.

Li Huan accepted the task and found a secluded place.

Then collect all these elixir in the space.

In order to avoid being suspected, Li Huan waited until the next day to hand in the task.

The people in the mission pavilion were surprised to see Li Huan come back so soon.

Collecting herbs is a time-consuming job on weekdays. There are not many people who pick them up, and it takes a lot of time. I have never seen someone come back so soon.

"You boy, you said you can't take so many, you can't finish it now, you can't return it!"

Li Huan: "I'm not quitting, I'm here to hand in the task!"

"You! Don't make trouble!"

Li Huan directly put a big bag on it.

As a result, the person tapped lightly, and it was really those tasks that Li Huan took yesterday!
"how did you do it!"

Li Huan: "Didn't I say that, I have elixir tracking skills!"

The man was dubious, but he still gave the points to Li Huan.

Li Huan got three points at once!

This is the sum of Donghua Lin Qingxuan and Mo Linfen's points for several years!
But Li Huan didn't know it!
The person who transferred the points was also surprised, he was here to help.

There are only five points in a month, and this person can get so many points in one day!
After Li Huan left, there was a message from the Task Pavilion!
And this news spread throughout the Wuji Palace at the fastest speed.

"Have you heard?"

"Someone got three hundred points a day!"

"I heard it's a stranger!"

"Yes! Who is this kind of hero!"

"I really want to get to know you! Hug your thigh!"

Lin Qingxuan and the others naturally heard about it too.

But they would never think about Li Huan.

Donghua: "Who is this man!"

"do not know!"

Li Huan was currently looking for books in the Library Pavilion.

The collection of books in the Promise Palace is indeed rich.

After paying all the points, Li Huan stayed here directly.

Anyway, there is food and drink in the space.

So, when Zuo Luo took people to Li Huan's hut, he didn't find anyone!
Zuo Luo: "Look! We must find this person!"

(End of this chapter)

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