Chapter 457 Missed
Zuo Luo led people to search for Li Huan in Wuji Palace, but Li Huan lived in Zangshu Pavilion.

Lihuan is one month.

Li Huan: "This is the last one. If you can't find a way, you can only go back and refine the elixir for relief."

Fortunately, with this elixir, Li Huan's life is safe for the time being.

But the cultivation base has been unable to recover, it is really aggrieved.

Li Huan has enough points, so he can always live in Cangshu Pavilion.

Zuo Luo thought that Li Huan was a newcomer, so it was impossible to get points, so he could only use points to get in.

He didn't take anyone to places like Zangshu Pavilion and Juling Pagoda.

Later, someone reminded him whether he was on a mission. Although he is a newcomer, he may also be performing missions in order to obtain resources as soon as possible.

But Zuo Luo took people to the Mission Pavilion, but he couldn't find anyone.

Because he knows everyone who is performing the task!
In other words, Li Huan didn't go out to perform the mission either.

However, if he was not inside the palace gate, where did he go?
It took Li Huan a month to read all the books in Zangshu Pavilion.

The time in Lihuan Space is different from that outside, so every time I take some books, I just sleep here.

After reading it in the space, come out and change again.

The guards in Zangshu Pavilion felt strange, but they didn't bother to ask.

I just think that Li Huan is really too rich!

Actually spent points to sleep here.

So no one cares.

After reading the book, Li Huan found a record about a similar pill.

Li Huan intends to give it a try.

Li Huan directly refined it in the space according to the records on the pill recipe.

After becoming the elixir, Li Huan took the newly refined detoxification elixir.

However, although the poison has been removed, there is no way to restore the cultivation base!
Now I can only practice from a spiritual master to a spiritual emperor again.

Fortunately, I was promoted before.

Now it's just going through the previous path again, so it's faster to practice.

When Li Huan was in Zangshu Pavilion, he discovered the records about the origin of Wuji Palace.

This book was in a corner, and if Li Huan hadn't been anxious to detoxify and refused to let go of any possibility, he would never have thought that such a book on the corner of the table would have recorded such important things.

It turned out that the Promise Palace was really built on a spiritual mine.

The old man Wuji discovered the spiritual pulse here, so he set up a gathering spirit array here.

Gather all the spiritual energy in the spiritual veins in the Wuji Palace.

No wonder the aura here is stronger than other places.

Practicing here is indeed faster than other places.

Therefore, people in the Wuji Palace generally have higher cultivation levels than those in other places.

However, this kind of spirit gathering is constantly consumed, so in order to maintain the effect of the spirit gathering array, most of the spirit stones in the Promise Palace are used in the spirit gathering tower.

The Juling Pagoda is the center of the Juling Array.

The Juling Pagoda is what Donghua and the others said before, the place where they can speed up their cultivation.

Li Huan left Zangshu Pavilion and went directly to Juling Pagoda.

Juling Pagoda has four floors.

One point per day on the first floor, five points per day on the second floor, ten points per day on the third floor, and fifteen points per day on the fourth floor.

Li Huan first went to the first floor, where the aura was stronger than outside, and he could feel the difference in time.

Li Huan could see many people practicing on the first floor.

The first floor should have spatial elements, because it looks like an ordinary tower from the outside.

But after entering, the inside is extremely spacious.

Li Huan stayed on the first floor for a while, then went directly to the second floor.

The second layer of aura is double that of the first layer.

But apart from the richer aura, there is nothing special about it.

Li Huan went to the third floor.

There were not many people on the third floor.

Because the points are difficult, the third floor needs ten points a day.

Li Huan learned from Donghua and the others before that they can earn dozens of points throughout the year. If they are lucky, a hundred points is extremely lucky!

Li Huan stayed for a while, and found that the pressure here was different from the outside world.

The pressure here is much greater than before.

And there are plenty of pressure rooms.

You can enter different rooms to practice according to your own needs.

Li Huan is now a healer, so entering a pressure room with the corresponding level of a healer can speed up his cultivation.

Li Huan turned in the points and stayed on the third floor.

Because she inquired about it, the fourth floor is for battles.

You can choose to play against yourself, or you can choose to play against others.

Li Huan's top priority now is to improve her cultivation, so she won't go to the fourth floor for the time being.

Li Huan stayed in Juling Pagoda immediately.

Zuo Luo and his people have been searching in the Wuji Palace.

Places that I didn't pay attention to before, such as places like Zangshu Pavilion.

Zuo Luo also spent points to enter.

But no one was found!

Zuo Luo took people to the Juling Pagoda again, and searched the first and second floors.

Zuo Luo felt sorry for his points, but he still couldn't find anyone.

Zuo Luo did not go to the third floor.

If you go, you will get ten points!

He only had a few points to refine a pill.

Besides, how could Li Huan have accumulated so many points in such a short period of time after entering the Promise Palace.

Therefore, Zuo Luo led the people to ignore the third floor directly.

Li Huan lived in the Juling Pagoda until the points were used up.

But at this time, several months have passed outside.

Li Huan also successfully raised her cultivation to the level of a great spiritual master.

But the Great Spirit Master is still too weak.

Zuo Luo took people with him, but he couldn't find it after searching for several months, and he also lost his patience.

Zuo Luo: "Master, I really can't find it, as if it just disappeared!"

Elder Mo: "Is there such a thing?"

Zuo Luo: "Yes, I sent someone to guard his yard, and I never went back. I didn't see him coming when he was in class at the Medicine Pavilion."

Elder Mo: "Understood, you should go back and consolidate your medicine refining skills. As long as people are still in the Wuji Palace, there will always be a day when they appear, so watch the entrance closely."

Zuo Luo: "Yes! Disciple resigns."

After Zuo Luo came out, he arranged a few subordinates, and went back to the Medicine Pavilion to refine the elixir.

After Li Huan came out, the people sent by Zuo Luo stood guard at the entrance, and the guards on the side where Li Huan lived had already retreated.

When Li Huan came back, she found that her psychedelic array had been destroyed.

But there was no one in the house.

Li Huan waited for a few days and found no suspicious person.

I think Zuo Luo's people came here.

He went out for so long and didn't come back, so Zuo Luo thought he had already left.

Unexpectedly, unnecessary troubles were solved virtually.

However, Li Huan changed his appearance a bit.

After all, with this face, you will meet him sooner or later in the Promise Palace.

Before the cultivation base is restored, it is better to be careful.

(End of this chapter)

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