Chapter 468

Hu Bing and Jiang Lin exclaimed at the same time.

"He dares!"

Hu Bing was furious, and his face was full of the anger of being teased.

In one sentence, Duan Muhong picked himself up cleanly.
At the same time, put the blame on Donghua.

Not to mention vicious.

Hu Bing and Jiang Lin didn't dare to fight against Duanmuhong, but Donghua!

Even the thirty people in the inner sect who couldn't get in dared to plot against them!
After Hu Bing and Jiang Lin took someone to say goodbye to Duan Muhong.

So they searched for Donghua and the others on Mount Mohu.

The four of Li Huan were in a mountain stream, and finally found a brass blue-eyed tiger.

The brass blue-eyed tiger is covered in gold and copper-like armor, and its defense is amazing.

Li Huan threw several blasting spirit stones in succession before breaking through its defense.

It took Donghua and the others two days to subdue the brass blue-eyed tiger.

Finally completed the task.

If there is no Li Huan's blasting spirit stone.

They still have to work hard.

Just when they were about to go back.

Hu Bing and Jiang Lin appeared!

These two also learned from Li Huan and they hid aside, waiting for ready-made ones!
Hu Bing: "Donghua! You are so courageous! How dare you steal our things!"

Jiang Lin: "Hand over the crystal nucleus of the golden-eyed beast, as well as the brass blue-eyed tiger, and it's ours too!"

Donghua: "What crystal nucleus!
I don't know what you guys are talking about, and this brass blue-eyed tiger is ours! "

Hu Bing: "Pretend!

The elder brother said that you gave him the golden eye beast! "

Donghua: "You mean the golden-eyed beast?

It was already there when we went.

We met Eldest Brother right after we arrived, and we haven't even touched that thing! "

Hu Bing: "What you said is true?"

Donghua: "Naturally, you don't even think about it.

What kind of cultivation you two are, what kind of cultivation I am.

Do you think I can steal such a big thing from you all by myself? "

Hu Bing: "You do have self-knowledge, but do you still see other people?"

Donghua: "No."

Jiang Lin: "Even if it's not you, but this brass blue-eyed tiger, we want it! You go!"

Donghua was overwhelmed, so Li Huan hurried forward to hold him back.

Li Huan: "A good man doesn't suffer from immediate losses, let's go!"

The two are naturally teamed up now.

There is no offline!

Before, he beat you to death for a golden-eyed beast.

How long has passed, it's like a person wearing a pair of pants!
Jiang Lin: "Who are you? Why are you so unfamiliar?"

Jiang Lin suddenly saw an extra person in Donghua's team.

Donghua has always been with Lin Qingxuan and Mo Linfen.

It is also because of the lack of manpower in their team.

Therefore, I have never been to Mohu Mountain.

Donghua hurriedly stepped forward to block Li Huan: "He is Yun Huan, a new recruit in our team."

Donghua was afraid that Li Huan would be exposed, so he took people away.

As soon as Donghua and the others left, Jiang Lin and Hu Bing met up!
There is only one brass blue-eyed tiger, but now they have two teams.

Hu Bing: "The crystal nucleus belongs to me! These two corpses belong to you!"

Jiang Lin: "I want the crystal nucleus!"

Hu Bing: "Don't toast and don't eat, eat fine wine!"

Jiang Lin: "Hu Bing, I'm afraid you haven't fought enough before!"

Hu Bing: "Then let's compare!"

After Donghua and the others left, Li Huan told them to hide.

Wait until Hu Bing and Jiang Lin have almost fought.

Li Huan repeated the old trick again.

This time, the crystal nucleus of the brass blue-eyed tiger was stolen together!

Hu Bing: "Stop hitting! That man has appeared!"

Jiang Lin also took a look, this time they deliberately left a loophole.

The purpose is to lure the previous person out!

That person dared to show up!

After Li Huan found out that he had been spotted, he immediately accelerated!
Li Huan returned to the team: "You go back first.

These are two crystal nuclei and some elixir.

You go to the mission pavilion and take over the collection missions of these elixir.

Add two nuclei.

The points are enough for you to practice in Juling Pagoda for a while.

I will lead them away, if I don't come, you better not leave Juling Pagoda! "

Donghua: "No, it's too dangerous, I'll be with you!"

Li Huan: "No, they can't catch up with my footwork.

Together, you can only give them more chances to catch us!

The most urgent thing to delay is to improve your cultivation base. This is the spirit liquid marrow, and you will use it up after you go back. "

"Spiritual marrow!"

The three exclaimed at the same time, this is something in legends!

"It's too expensive! We can't have it!"

"Yes! Such a valuable thing, you should keep it for yourself!"

Li Huan: "I've already used it.

The effect of using it again is not as good as it was before. You guys will improve your strength so that you can help me better. Accept it! "

Li Huan wanted to find someone in the Wuji Palace.

One person's strength is indeed not enough.

By helping Donghua and the others, she was also helping herself.

Donghua: "Well, after we are promoted, we don't have to be afraid of them!"

Lin Qingxuan: "When the time comes, I will hit whoever you want!"

Mo Linfen: "Yes! Wherever you point, we will fight!"

Li Huan: "Then it's done!

There is a Su Yaoyao in Juling Pagoda who is my friend.

If you meet, please help to take care of it. "

Su Yaoyao doesn't have much experience in the world, so it would be good if someone took care of her.

It can avoid the worries of Li Huan.

After all, Su Shi was anxious to take her back.

After Li Huan plans to have a clue about the matter here.

Then send Su Yaotiao to Yao Qingfeng.

Donghua: "Okay! We know! Be careful yourself."

As soon as Donghua and the others left, Li Huan saw Hu Bing and Jiang Lin chasing towards him with people.

Li Huan erased the marks they left on the brass blue-eyed tiger crystal core.

Donghua and the others left, so naturally they would not be discovered.

Li Huan immediately changed her attire, after all, they had met each other just now.

You can't show your flaws and bring back the suspicion that Donghua and the others have just cleared.

For the sake of it, Li Huan held them back and deliberately slowed down.

When Hu Bing and Jiang Lin caught up, they happened to see the back of the running ahead.

Hu Bing: "That's him! Chase!"

Seeing them coming, Li Huan started running.

Li Huan's speed was extremely fast, but if he wanted to buy time for Donghua and the others, he could only slow down his own speed.

While running, while hanging the people behind him.

Not too fast, not too slow.

Li Huan: "I didn't expect that the people from Wuji Palace are so slow!"

What Li Huan said, I deserve a beating!

Every time Hu Bing and Jiang Lin wanted to catch up with Li Huan, Li Huan would speed up.

Then when they couldn't catch up, they slowed down again.

At first they didn't see anything wrong.

But after a long time, someone finally found something was wrong!

Hu Bing: "Do you think this person is playing with us?"

Jiang Lin: "If you say that, it's true!"

Hu Bing: "Stinky boy, wait until I catch you! See if you will be skinned and cramped!"

Li Huan: "It's as fast as a tortoise! ​​I really can't watch it, if you have the ability to catch it, let's talk about it!"

"You! I'm so mad! Don't run!"

(End of this chapter)

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